The Over 50’s Guide To Getting Fit And Healthy

It’s frustrating to lose weight no matter what age you are. But it is undeniably more discouraging if you’re older and wondering if it is even possible to lose weight after 50. Rest assured, it is possible. Even though it may be harder than it was at 20 years old, your rewards will be just as great – if not even greater.

The things you did in your 20s will no longer be possible – nor should they be. But the key to maintaining your independence as you age is to exercise.

Exercising can rebuild the muscle mass that you lose as you age. You also burn more calories when you are resting, as muscle burns more calories than fat. In addition to preventing or delaying serious ailments like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease, and arthritis, regular physical activity helps prevent, delay, and sometimes improve these conditions. It also keeps your mind sharp.

Cycling Is A Low Impact Way To Stay In Shape

Aerobic exercise, like riding bikes, are some of the best endurance exercises. As a result, your heart rate increases and your breathing improves. Maintaining your health and having more staying power will enable you to accomplish your everyday tasks.

The low-impact nature of cycling makes it a great fitness activity. It is common to experience severe discomfort and pain when jogging or running. Each time your feet hit the ground you can feel the impact through your legs, hips and back. Cycling is the perfect exercise for those with painful joints or those who find it hard to motivate themselves to exercise.

Cycling may seem hard at first, but as you continue, it will become easier and more enjoyable. Plus it is a great way to get out and enjoy nature with family and friends.

Exercise Should Be Part of Your Daily Routine

It is imperative to move every day. You can find other ways to be in motion if you are too busy to exercise regularly. Research shows that taking extra steps throughout the day is very beneficial for your health. To get yourself moving, here are some suggestions:

  • Consider adopting a dog and taking him on walks.
  • Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. In fact, try to use stairs on every occasion you can, even in your own home or office.
  • Walk around instead of sending emails to coworkers. Take the time to step away from your workstation at least once an hour and take a walk to get some water, use the facilities, just get steps any way you can.
  • Be sure to walk briskly at every opportunity. Your main mode of transportation should be your feet, so always wear comfortable footwear.
  • Take up a sport, a game, or an activity that interests you. When you enjoy what you do, you’ll stay committed to exercising.

Try Something Different For Mental And Physical Health

You don’t need to hit the weights in the gym every day or run like you are preparing for a marathon in your latter years. High impact exercises become far more likely to cause injuries and further pain, so explore alternative activities that you can do with your friends and improve your mental and physical health. You can try:

Pilates: Pilates is an excellent workout for your core body and improves posture, as well as easing pain in your back and joints. Over the past few years, it has become increasingly popular among the over 50s. 

Tai Chi: It has many health benefits, both physical and mental, and is a wonderfully relaxing exercise. It can help with mobility and flexibility and is easy on the muscles. This is why many women over 50 enjoy this low-impact activity. 

Yoga: The health benefits of yoga include increased flexibility, balance, and strength. This exercise can lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, and alleviate aches and pains, according to research. Furthermore, it’s a stress-buster, which makes it perfect for unwinding after a long day.

Whatever exercise you choose, just ensure you create a routine and stick to it. Any movement is better than no movement and your body (and mind) will thank you.
