5 Healthy Tips for Your Heart to Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of early death in adult men and women. This is a cause for concern. Below are tips to help you look after your heart.

Be Smoke- Free

This is the most controllable risk factor for heart disease. If you are a smoker, quitting smoking will reduce the risk of dying of heart disease by half in 12 months compared to the continuing smoker. For the non- smoker, you must protect yourself against second- hand smoke. It is smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, and the smoke breathed out by smokers. Only 5 minutes of it and your aorta is stiffened.

Be Physically Active

You need to raise your heart rate and get your lungs pumping. Any physical activity is good for exercising your heart. It must be moderate and regular for your heart to benefit. At least walking 30 minutes a day will reduce the risk of a heart attack by one third. Sit less during the day and take breaks from sitting. You can choose to move to the music, as aerobics exercises are useful. Dancing will also help you burn 200 more calories in an hour.

Play More between Your Sheets

Having responsible sex will not only give you pleasure but is right for your heart. It will help you to lower high blood pressure and heart disease. Cardiovascular disease is highly associated with low sexual activity frequency. So make love more often, but do not forget to use gedarel, if you are not looking to get pregnant.

Watch Your Middle

Excess belly fat is linked to high blood pressure and unhealthy levels of lipids in the body. It is essential to know your body mass index and waist measurements. They will inform you whether you are overweight or underweight and adjust accordingly. If it means you need to cut down on your weight. Do it the healthy way by choosing a long term plan and your heart will get healthy too.

Check Your Mental Health and Stress Management

A good outlook at life is right for your mood and heart too. Learn how to manage the daily pressures of life. You are at significant risk of heart disease and stroke if you show signs of is chronic stress, anger issues, and anxiety. Find your happy place and maintain a positive outlook on life. And having an excellent social life with family and friends will help keep you mentally well. If you feel depressed, do not hesitate to contact a trusted friend, family member or doctor. If you experience feelings of sadness and low moods for more than two weeks, it is a reason for concern.

There is a lot you can do to lower the risk of heart disease. The tips include activities that can be incorporated into your daily life. Such as walking 30 minutes a day, more frequent sex and keep at bay with the second-hand smoke. But, will getting on the sheets do not forget to take gederal. Say no to oops moments! It is not suitable for your heart. 

