Monthly Archives: December 2018

4 Tips To Playing Basketball For The First Time

Basketball is a great sport that is loved by people of all ages and abilities. This sport can be played all year round as a competitive game or casually at a local court. Basketball is great for your health and it’s a perfect workout since it involves your entire body. The jumping and running aspect of the game will help you stay fit, shed a few extra kilos and boost mental development.

Playing basketball for the first time can be both challenging and exciting. As a beginner, where do you start? How do you prepare?

Here are 4 tips to playing basketball for the first time.


4 Tips to Getting Legal Help for an Accident

Some accidents are caused by unavoidable circumstances. This still causes trauma to the victims especially if they are kids. Professional help with everything you need to know about trauma and addiction is available online. Remember, accidents can lead to trauma that affects victims for the rest of their lives. You should seek both medical and legal help to ensure that justice for the victims prevails. For fatal accidents, medical aid is offered by passersby or the police. After medical attention, you should seek legal help especially if you were not at fault. Compensation may help you deal with hospital bills and car repairs. Such traumatic experiences may also affect one’s life negatively. Legal professionals may help you to understand the measures that you should take to ensure that you are compensated appropriately.


4 Tips to Buying CBD Online

Buying CBD, or cannabidiol online may seem very intimidating for both first-time shoppers and seasoned buyers alike. CBD products are part of the latest popular craze for achieving overall wellness and natural healing. This popularity has led to the establishment of multiple sources for these products that it has started to feel as if you have to walk through a huge maze to get the most trustable and best online CBD shop. Since there are plenty of new sellers, producers, and sites popping up on the internet every day, you must do some research before making any purchase decision. Here are a few practical tips to buying CBD online:


The Top 5 Things You Should Know Before Using an Estrogen Blocker

Modern medicine has helped a lot of people with their health and lifestyle. Estrogen blockers are part of the new modern revolution.

People who are transitioning genders, as well as those who have high estrogen levels, can use estrogen blockers to help with the problems they incur.

Estrogen blockers are becoming more popular everywhere in the world… but what is estrogen though? What should you expect when you use the estrogen blockers?

Here are a few facts about estrogen blockers that you should keep in mind before you decide to start using them;


Two Do-Anywhere Workouts

It’s the holiday season. You could be traveling, stuck in airports, hotels, or maybe your bedroom from fifteen years ago. Either way, you might not be in your normal setup and routine. Or, even if you aren’t traveling for the holidays, other things may interrupt your routine. For example, your usual gym could be closed for a few days over the holidays. But have no fear–Hungry & Fit are here! Fit recently had to travel for work and didn’t have a gym handy so she had to get creative in her hotel room with no equipment

Please enjoy the two workouts below. I try to keep them as simple as possible and under 30 minutes so that they can fit in your busy schedule during the holidays. 


How to Stay in Shape with Yoga

Staying in shape can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. There are some days you’re just not feeling it and would rather stay at home in your sweatpants than sweat at the gym. Consistency is the most important factor in staying in shape and the key to working out regularly is finding something you enjoy. For many people, running on the treadmill or lifting weights just isn’t enjoyable enough to keep workouts consistent. So what can you do to keep yourself accountable? Give yoga a try.

Yoga can be a great way to start your fitness journey or to supplement what you’re already doing. There are so many different types of yoga practices that it’s perfect for anyone who’s wondering how to stay in shape or how to feel more relaxed. Let’s take a look at how yoga can help with overall fitness and the mind-body connection.


5 Tips to Dating in 2019

Dating is not as easy as most people think and in order to find the ideal partner, you need to be cautious and conscious of who they are. Unlike the times spent alone, dating requires you to create some time and space to accommodate the other person. This not only strengthens your relationship, but it also enables you to know more about the person. Below are five dating tips to use in 2019.


5 Tips to Finding a Reputable Eye Doctor in St. Louis

A general physician cannot tend to all your needs, therefore, when you have eye problems, consult a St. Louis eye doctor. They are in a better position to help you. In St. Louis, there are many eye doctors which gives you a list to choose. However, how do you know which doctor is reputable?

A reputable doctor, however, possesses many qualities that don’t just entail their education: their customer service, reception, and history play into their reputation. Always research your doctors before consulting them. Remember, your eyes are your window to the world, without which your world would darken ripping you off the beauty of seeing.


How to Avoid the Freshman 15

Starting college is exciting. It’s a place to prepare your mind for a successful future. Unfortunately, the hours spent sitting, learning, studying, and not having much time to cook or find healthy options can take their toll on your physique. Not every new college student gains weight during their first year, but the issue is common enough that it has its own nickname: the freshman 15.

Unfortunately, gaining weight in college doesn’t just have an impact on self-esteem. It could even affect career options later in life. In college, you’re earning your degree to make the most out of your career. One day an employer could choose you to lead the organization, especially if you have a quality degree and the proper mindset and ethic to excel. How you treat your body plays a big factor into who you are, your job, and more. It’s necessary to take care of yourself and keep your mind and body in tip top shape.

If you’re worried about putting on some pounds when you start living in a dorm, here’s what you need to know about weight gain in college and tips for how to avoid the freshman 15 yourself.


Netflix’s The Final Table (First Impressions)

What feels like months ago, we found out about Netflix’s The Final Table through one of our favorite chefs. Monique Fiso is a Kiwi chef focusing on reviving Māori cuisine. We have followed her on social media for quite some time; when she announced that she would be on a cooking competition we were thrilled to see her in action. We were thrilled to see her bring attention to the cultures and cuisines within New Zealand. 
