Mental Health Issues From COVID-19 And How Society Has Been Impacted by The Pandemic

The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has brought an unprecedented impact on Society coupled with mental health issues. The movement restrictions and physical distancing have meant that people have had to retreat into individual cocoons to protect themselves and their families, affecting everyday human social interactions.

Here’s an overview of how COVID-19 has adversely impacted society, more so regarding mental health.

High Prevalence of Mental Health Issues

Though it was evident that mental health issues have plagued many people across the globe, its actual impact and scale have been exacerbated by the Pandemic. The Pandemic has resulted in economic downturns that have led to jobs denying people the ability to make ends meet. It has also disrupted families due to the loss of loved ones.

The physical distancing has disrupted man’s social interactions. All these have exposed individuals to mental health issues as they try to cope with the new life prompted by the virus. Studies show that 4 in 10 adults in the U.S have reported symptoms of mental illness such as insomnia, anxiety, drug and substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and high-stress levels.

The Rise in Mental Health Awareness

The Pandemic has further proved the need to sustain mental health awareness. Mental health is not about the absence or presence of mental illness. rather, it encompasses human beings’ physical, emotional, and psychological aspects.

Besides the health impacts, Covid-19 has led to social isolation due to quarantines and lockdowns, resulting in more individuals experiencing more than ever feelings of grief, helplessness, isolation, depression, and anxiety. The situation has led to a rise in mental health awareness and demand for mental health support services.

Healing from mental illness and its effects is an overwhelming and scary journey that requires patients to receive the best Nashville Mental Health Treatment that uses evidence-based therapies that can treat the root cause of mental illness. The best medical centres offer the best mental health care. Arbor Wellness has excellent facilities if you are seeking mental health treatment in Nashville.

Vulnerable Groups Status Has Worsened

Besides sparing no individual, the Pandemic has further exposed the fragility of the vulnerable communities and groups. Individuals living in poverty, persons with disabilities, older persons, and indigenous people have been adversely affected in terms of health and economic abilities.

For example, refugees and migrants have and continue to suffer from the effects of the Pandemic due to movement restrictions, increased xenophobia, and fewer employment opportunities.

New Ways of Living and Working

Despite the negative impacts, the Pandemic has also benefited Society in several ways. First, it has led to the development of new technologies aimed at making things fast and convenient. For instance, video conferencing technologies such as Zoom and Google Mete that had less demand during the pre-pandemic period have gained popularity since the Pandemic.

Second, it has changed the way companies undertake their operations, with many now opting to incorporate work from home schedules which have added extra flexibility for employees. E-schooling and E-commerce have also experienced a surge during the pandemic period. Overall, the Pandemic has created a new normal that has meant you have to learn to live with the virus going forward.

Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels
