Monthly Archives: September 2019

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Deodorant for Your Man

Do you want your man to smell fresh? Then get deodorant for him. However, you do not just get any deodorant.  You need to choose the best deodorants for him.

Deodorant works by eliminating the bacteria found in sweat to reduce odor. It is suitable for those who want to control odor. If you sweat too much, then consider using an antiperspirant. You may also find a combo of deodorant and antiperspirant.

Here is what you should consider when choosing the best deodorant for your man.


The Only Supplement That I Use

 Hi there, Hungry here. In 2007, I started using supplements. I was an 155 pound Division I college athlete that needed to gain weight and strength. I used Muscle Milk’s protein and Muscle Tech’s pre-workout. 2007 was also the year that I became a fitness professional, as a personal trainer. I’ve been in the industry for about 12 years. During that time, there was a five or so year period where I tried every product by every brand. It was the same period where I wanted every certification. I was hungry for growth and knowledge. Now, with the atmospheric growth of the fitness industry, that isn’t possible. It also isn’t worth it.


4 Reasons Every Person Can Practice Yoga

Yoga is the oldest form of a workout and it has remained relevant even in the modern day world. Unlike other forms of exercise that limit people by age, yoga can be practiced by both the young and old. On the other hand, practicing yoga poses seems easy when you watch someone else do the magic. But then it gets harder when you are the one doing the posses. In fact, you can’t practice yoga out of the blue and achieve commendable results. People actually enroll in yoga classes so that they can learn from those that have already mastered the art. Without someone to teach you the ropes, you can easily throw in the towel within a few weeks or months. As a matter of fact, practicing yoga is not difficult like we are made to believe. You only need to start from the bottom and advance gradually. It only gets harder when you want from the top instead of the other way round. Here is a list of reasons why everyone can practice yoga like a pro. 


Does Weight Loss Coaching Really Work?

If you are struggling with weight loss, then you may be interested in learning how to lose extra weight. Perhaps you have even tried out a few weight loss techniques but to no avail. One of the most common approaches to weight loss is to employ coaching. Some swear by weight loss coaching as the best technique for weight loss. So, does it work? The answer is yes! Weight loss coaching has been empirically proven to work. As such, if it doesn’t work for you, you could be doing it wrong. To help you leap the benefits of weight loss coaching, here are a few factors to put into consideration.


Work Outside? Six Tips for Protecting Your Skin

Those who work outside are exposed to many hazards every day, including ultraviolet radiation from the sun. In addition to causing premature wrinkles and sunspots, excessive exposure to the sun’s UV rays can significantly increase the risk of developing skin cancer.

According to the latest statistics from the Skin Cancer Foundation, skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the U.S. and costs an estimated $8.1 billion annually. Due to the nature of their occupation, outdoor workers are at an especially high risk of sun damage and skin cancer.

If you work outdoors, protecting your skin from the sun should be a priority. With the following sun safety tips, you can keep your skin healthy and protected while working outside. 


6 Foods to Avoid if You Want Clear Skin

Just when you thought that you’d left acne behind in your teenage years, it comes knocking once again in adulthood. It’s a frustrating problem for a lot of guys, made worse by the fact that male adult acne tends to be particularly stubborn and difficult to treat.

While research has shown that women struggle with adult acne just as much—if not more—than men do, a 2018 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology found that men generally have more severe acne symptoms compared to their female counterparts. To pile on more bad news, a powerful acne treatment alone may not be enough to combat your stubborn breakouts.

If nothing you do seems to clear up your acne, it may be time to take a closer look at your diet. Though the research is far from certain, there is some evidence that suggests that these six foods could be secretly sabotaging your skin.


6 Wellness Tips for College Athletes 

Everyone knows that sports activities are great for building character and learning how to work with a team, whether it’s in little league or in a competitive college environment. Most high school and college athletes know that it’s important to make sure that they fuel up for the day ahead. However, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook all the things that can ensure good health and wellness before hitting the field or the court. This is especially true for athletes who are going through a big transition—such as high school players who are heading off to college.  

Learning to manage a whole new independent lifestyle while keeping up with practice and studying is a huge learning curve. College athletes have to juggle a lot of different responsibilities while keeping their diet, health, and routine in check. So how can they do it? Here are 6 ways young athletes can stay healthy and in top condition during their years in college. 


The Best Drink Ever?

For many of you, New Year’s Resolutions are constructed during the beginning of January. You’re wrapping up the calendar year, unwrapping the last of your holiday presents and thinking about ways to improve your life. New year, new you… right?

For some of us, however, the concept of a year is much different. When we leave high school, or college, our live change dramatically. Growing up, before we ever come near the strenuous weight of adulthood, the year is based on school. Most schools run from August/September until May/June. The summer is that vacation which we all yearn for throughout the nonstop hustle and bustle of the year. As a former physical education teacher at Los Angeles Unified School District, I know that feeling all too well. 
