
The Over 50’s Guide To Getting Fit And Healthy

It’s frustrating to lose weight no matter what age you are. But it is undeniably more discouraging if you’re older and wondering if it is even possible to lose weight after 50. Rest assured, it is possible. Even though it may be harder than it was at 20 years old, your rewards will be just as great – if not even greater.


How Is Depression Different In Kids Than Adults

It is easier to detect depression in adults than in kids. Children who are depressed may get mistaken as going through psychological or emotional changes. Mood changes, feeling hopeless, getting irritated and sad are the most common symptoms of depression children manifest. Here is how depression is different in children than in adults.


The Top Characteristics Every Psychologist Should Have

Knowing what kind of personality and what characteristics should a psychologist have is quite essential. whether you are exploring a career in this field or seeking therapy. It is very important for psychologists to have interpersonal qualities that normally everyone looks for in a mentor or a friend and many successful and professional psychologists working for companies such as psychologist Newcastle agree to this.

A psychologist should be warm, encouraging, approachable and invested in your success. This is quite vital for the sake of both the client and the therapist because if the client does not open up to the therapist because the therapist seems a bit unapproachable, then there is no use of having therapy sessions.

Here are some of the top characteristics every psychologist should have:


7 Drug Addiction Statistics That’ll Shock You to Sobriety

Drug addiction has a larger impact on our lives than we tend to think. Read on to discover the most shocking drug addiction statistics here.

The health risks associated with drug addiction and substance abuse are widely documented, but it can sometimes be difficult to imagine just how many people are affected. However, drug addiction affects millions in the US each year alone.  

We’ve got some of the most shocking drug addiction statistics here, so you can see just what a major impact drug use can have on you, the people around you, and Americans as a whole. Keep reading to find out more.


Our Annual Domino’s Pizza Tradition

I actually had to Google Domino’s Pizza because I thought it was spelled with an e. When I was doing my tiny bit of research for this quick blog, I was shocked. I had no idea that Domino’s stock was nearly $400 a share. I considered purchasing some when it was $30 a share and I almost wish I did. We’re not here to discuss finances, although money definitely has a role to play in Domino’s success. Let’s talk about our annual tradition of getting Domino’s. 


Welcoming July

Wow… what a year. I can’t believe it is already July. I seriously can’t remember anything quite like this during my lifetime. The last three or four months have been truly unique and there is really no way of telling where we’ll all go from here. Last month might have been the least active month in the history of the blog. We published three articles. Two were sponsored and one was a review of a newer restaurant here on the west bank of New Orleans. I’m not sure how everyone did last month, or for the first half of this year, but I’m personally going to focus on today and tomorrow. No matter what happened in the past, we have to push forward with strength and determination.


5 Tips for Boosting Memory at Any Age

Poor memory can strike individuals at any age, and from children to the elderly, a lapse in short-term or long-term memory can bring with it a number of health issues, both mentally and physically. Just as with any muscle, “exercising” your brain can improve its functionality in many ways, including those related to memory. Here are 5 tips for boosting your memory at any age.


How to Reduce Stress During Quarantine

The quarantine caused by the coronavirus pandemic has been one of the most stressful events in many people’s lives. You’re not sure when it’s safe to go out, you never know who could by carrying the virus, and there’s no clear end in sight with a vaccine still in development. With all your favorite stores, bars, cafes, and restaurants closed, there’s seemingly nowhere to go. So, you’re stuck inside reading, streaming endless online content, and chatting over video chat with friends.

It’s totally understandable if that’s left you a little stressed out. In this post, we’ll walk you through what you need to do to reduce your stress levels and make it through quarantine feeling calm and relaxed, even in spite of the raging global pandemic


How to Stay Positive When Things Don’t Go Your Way

How do you manage to stay positive no matter what life throws your way? Does anyone have a surefire way of doing this? I can’t say that we do, but wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a way to always turn your day around? (Stay positive.)

Blogging has been challenging lately because my keyboard is malfunctioning. It is a very expensive Macbook and the problem is in the most recent operating system update. Letters, words and even sentences will randomly be inserted into my typing. Plugging in a USB keyboard won’t work. Apple Support offered a solution that didn’t work at all. It takes me 75 minutes to complete 60 minutes of type work, whether that includes emails for work, writing articles or completing school assignments. For someone who is all about efficiency, this is terrible! (Stay positive.)
