
It Takes a Village: 10 Reasons to Be a Mentor

Think back to your youth. Wouldn’t it have been nice to have someone help you navigate all the obstacles and hardships you faced as a kid?

That’s one of the main ideas behind the concept of mentoring. Mentors help their mentees succeed in life by providing them with encouragement, support, guidance and friendship.

Mentors can be a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or anyone who wishes to help others succeed. All you need is compassion and a commitment to helping your mentee reach their goals.

Mentorship offers a host of benefits to both the mentor and the mentee. Here are 10 reasons why you should consider being a mentor.


4 Reasons Every Person Can Practice Yoga

Yoga is the oldest form of a workout and it has remained relevant even in the modern day world. Unlike other forms of exercise that limit people by age, yoga can be practiced by both the young and old. On the other hand, practicing yoga poses seems easy when you watch someone else do the magic. But then it gets harder when you are the one doing the posses. In fact, you can’t practice yoga out of the blue and achieve commendable results. People actually enroll in yoga classes so that they can learn from those that have already mastered the art. Without someone to teach you the ropes, you can easily throw in the towel within a few weeks or months. As a matter of fact, practicing yoga is not difficult like we are made to believe. You only need to start from the bottom and advance gradually. It only gets harder when you want from the top instead of the other way round. Here is a list of reasons why everyone can practice yoga like a pro. 


6 Foods to Avoid if You Want Clear Skin

Just when you thought that you’d left acne behind in your teenage years, it comes knocking once again in adulthood. It’s a frustrating problem for a lot of guys, made worse by the fact that male adult acne tends to be particularly stubborn and difficult to treat.

While research has shown that women struggle with adult acne just as much—if not more—than men do, a 2018 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology found that men generally have more severe acne symptoms compared to their female counterparts. To pile on more bad news, a powerful acne treatment alone may not be enough to combat your stubborn breakouts.

If nothing you do seems to clear up your acne, it may be time to take a closer look at your diet. Though the research is far from certain, there is some evidence that suggests that these six foods could be secretly sabotaging your skin.


Healthy Habits You Certainly Forget – Our Recommendations

We all know bad health habits when we experience them. Smoking, for instance, you know it’s a no-no. Habits such as drinking until you lose your consciousness, eating junk food, sleeping less than 6 hours a day and sitting all day without even a minute of exercise are bad for your health. We also know good healthy habits when we see or experience them; drinking at least eight glasses of water every day, walking 10,000 steps every day, eating more fruits and vegetables than other foods and resting.

The question is, how often do you remember these healthy habits? Are you sometimes too tired to drink enough water every day? Below are healthy habits you certainly know but often you forget. 


3 Tips to Treating Hot Flashes Naturally

For women who are in their menopausal years, one of the symptoms that you can experience is hot flashes. What are hot flashes? In simplest terms, it is one of the symptoms of menopause where you get the sudden feeling of feverish feeling or heat in your body. This is mostly felt in the face, chest, and neck. And sometimes, your skin will also redden as if you are blushing. Hot flashes can also cause sweating. This can be a very frustrating and tiring experience especially if you have so many things to do or want to accomplish but hindered by these symptoms. Hot flashes are experienced by a lot of women in the world which makes it a very common symptom of menopause. Fortunately, it’s not something that we can’t treat naturally. There are several things that we can do to control and manage hot flashes and eventually be rid of them.


3 Things You Should Know About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a treatment alternative that employs the use of Chinese medicine and techniques to treat pain. This process involves inserting small needles into specific points and at different depths of the skin. The needles are inserted in acupuncture points where they are set to balance energy to relieve pain and heal many conditions. The procedure also boosts the well-being of individuals through stimulation and proper blood flow. Below are a few things you should know about this old practice:


5 Steps To Raising A Challenging Millennial

Aging is inevitable and happens to everyone. But while aging is a biological process, being an adult is more of a social concept. Becoming an adult is not as simple as turning into legal age. When a person comes of age (18 in most countries), it is expected that he or she can already carry out the duties and responsibilities expected of fully developed individuals. Unfortunately, not everyone has learned most of the life skills that are essential to living independently by the time they reach the so-called age of majority. Today’s generation uses the term “adulting” when referring to activities that they have to do in order to simply survive day to day living. Adulting has become a byword for many millennials, it is what they call the things they do to cope with everyday life when they are not prepared to transition into adulthood. Many millennials will benefit from taking lessons such as Adulting 101: Millennial Life Skills Classes to help them handle different situations. Life skills can be taught to young adults so they can be better prepared to face the world. Here is a simple guide to raising today’s generation.


4 Things to Look for When Choosing an Alternative to Opioids

Anyone suffering from chronic pain knows that opiates are one of the solutions that medics prescribe. However, with the risks that come with this form of treatment, such as the risk of addiction, it is best to go for opiate alternatives. There is a wide variety of opiate alternatives out there, ranging from exercise, acupuncture, to chiropractic care. But how do you know which one to go for out of all these alternatives? To choose the best, here are 4 things to look for when choosing an alternative to opiates.
