
5 Tips to Dating in 2019

Dating is not as easy as most people think and in order to find the ideal partner, you need to be cautious and conscious of who they are. Unlike the times spent alone, dating requires you to create some time and space to accommodate the other person. This not only strengthens your relationship, but it also enables you to know more about the person. Below are five dating tips to use in 2019.


Taking Care of Yourself

As some of you may know, on November 2nd, I hurt my neck at the gym. It didn’t feel different than other times in the past when I turned it the wrong way, but after two days, I ended up going to the Emergency Room. BIG mistake. Growing up, playing sports, I had many trips to the emergency room. Throughout college, two more that I can remember. While living in Boulder, another two that come to mind. In our first five or so years in LA, I had been accident free… or perhaps I just toughened up and dealt with issues myself. I don’t know why I decided to head to the ER at Cedars-Sinai on November 4th. The doctor, who I won’t name, was your typical doctor. To be honest, I haven’t cared much for any of my doctors in the past. I give credit to one chiropractor and one eye doctor that I’ve worked with; everyone else seemed like a robot, or some kind of societal drone. This man was no exception and did nothing other than tell me to be careful, write some useless prescriptions and order some tests. 


5 Benefits of Taking Fish Oil Supplements

Fish oil is one of the things that you should always take as a supplement due to the many benefits that it has on your body. Whether you want to improve your optimal health or build muscles, fish oil is always a recommendation. Fish oil is a kind of fatty acid that is taken from the tissues of fish that are oily. It is known to contain the Omega 3 fatty acids that are very important for the body. In this article, we shall discuss some of the benefits that come with fish oil supplements.

Here are 5 benefits of taking fish oil supplements:


5 Tips to Buying Medical Supplies

To some of us, obtaining medical supplies is a way for us to stay healthy and function normally. These medical supplies include walkers, wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, diabetes supplies, and other products. Thankfully, we now live in the times where access to these products has become a lot easier. In fact, you can even easily buy these medical supplies online. But for that exact same reason as well, it can be worrying to buy online because there are supplies that cannot guarantee a good product. So when it comes to buying medical supplies – whether they are second-hand or not – it is necessary that you are wise about it.


4 Tips for College Athletes to Be More Successful

Are you getting the most out of your time as a student-athlete? College days consist of practice, classes, training, eating, studying and – when possible – having fun, but mostly it’s a lot of work.

Some student-athletes with the gumption to do it all use day planners to manage their lives. They know that, for now, excelling on the field and in the classroom is their job, and they’re determined to succeed. With willpower and planning, student-athletes make their mark on the world and prepare for the road ahead.

Read on for 4 tips that can help student-athletes navigate these and other challenges.


Thank You!

The SEO for this post isn’t going to be very strong, and while it might not get the most search result views, it contains a message that is extremely important to us at the Hungry & Fit blog… thank you!


5 Ways to Live a Healthy Life in Sydney

Keeping our bodies healthy is important in order to lead a happy life. Living a healthy lifestyle is good for our emotional health as well as important to keep our moods bright and lively. Having a healthy life is easy to achieve, but may sound difficult to some because it requires commitment and developing good habit. Living in a large city like Sydney can ultimately make a huge impact on our health especially if you are not taking care of it properly.


5 Tips to Living a Healthier Lifestyle in 2018

Having a healthy and good lifestyle is not just about eating good food and treating yourself to holidays in Hawaii. There is a lot more you can do to make sure your 2018 lifestyle is healthy.

Have a positive mindset about working out

It is so easy to begin going to the gym today and to quit after a week or two. With constant mental roadblocks about working out, it is quite easy to develop negative energy towards it. The trick is to shift your mindset about working out and think of it as a need instead of a want. It is easy to manipulate your body through how you think because the two are linked. Be realistic about your workout goals and stick to them in order to achieve t

Treat yourself to the chiropractor!

hem in the long run. Study your body, and find out how to satisfy its needs in terms of health and fitness, for instance, if you have back problems which may affect your workout routines, get access of the Richmond chiropractic services. Also, go for regular body checkups to ensure you are in good shape.


5 Tips to Create a Life You Love

  1.    Recover from alcohol and substance abuse

In order to create a life we love and in which we are happy, we must have our bodies at optimum health. Alcohol and substance abuse can cause our health to deteriorate to a bad state, as well as lead us to be quite unhappy. This is because some have a tendency to spend a lot on drugs, alcohol and other vices. As a result, we may end up losing assets that mean much more to us. Individuals may also end up in debt. Therefore, we must quit and avoice any forms of alcohol and substance abuse in order to be truly happy and content. It is, however, best to receive all the help we can get, like at, a centre which helps people overcome and recover from substance abuse and alcohol addictions.
