Healthy Habits You Certainly Forget – Our Recommendations

We all know bad health habits when we experience them. Smoking, for instance, you know it’s a no-no. Habits such as drinking until you lose your consciousness, eating junk food, sleeping less than 6 hours a day and sitting all day without even a minute of exercise are bad for your health. We also know good healthy habits when we see or experience them; drinking at least eight glasses of water every day, walking 10,000 steps every day, eating more fruits and vegetables than other foods and resting.

The question is, how often do you remember these healthy habits? Are you sometimes too tired to drink enough water every day? Below are healthy habits you certainly know but often you forget. 

 Sleeping Between Seven and Eight Hours Every Day

You probably have heard or read that a good night’s sleep keeps the doctor away. Research has shown that people who sleep less than seven hours every night tend to die younger while people who sleep more than nine hours a day also have health problems. In a nutshell, you should sleep just enough. 

According to Dr. Timothy Morgenthaler of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, sleeping between seven and eight hours is healthy. One way to ensure you sleep enough every day is to establish a routine; sleep and wake up at the same time every day.  

Taking a Nature Walk

How many times a year do you take a nature walk? Oftentimes, due to our busy nature, we never get enough time to take a nature walk. This is especially challenging if you do not live near a forest or a natural environment. 

According to research, people who live near green fields or forests (within half a mile), are healthier than those who live in big towns away from natural environments. People living near green spaces were found to have lower cases of anxiety disorder and digestive system diseases. Plus, it feels great taking a nature walk any time of the year. 

Cook your Food at Home

We run busy schedules, but that is not reason enough not to cook meals at home. It is easy to forget that home-cooked meals are healthy or to assume that as long as you choose a good joint, you will have healthy meals.

A study conducted at Cambridge University found that elderly Taiwanese people lived longer when they cooked most of their food at home. One thing that makes home-cooked meals healthier is that you control what goes into the pot. You can minimize junk and swap unhealthy ingredients with healthy options. You also decide the amount to eat, and you eat your food fresh.  

Stopping Your Soda Drinking Habit

There are millions of reasons why you should stop taking soda but not just leave it to avoid gaining weight. It is easy to say one soda once in a while is not bad, but habits pile up.

A research conducted on 6,000 individuals revealed that taking one or more soft drinks increases the risks of metabolic syndrome, larger waist circumference, impaired fasting glucose, obesity, high blood pressure and higher levels of triglycerides. 

And oh, diet soda is not a good option too. The consumption of diet soda is linked to type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. The drink is also not healthy especially considering that people who take diet sodas are more likely to be overweight. 

Our recommendation, take pure water. With a water purifier, which aids in the removal of harmful chemicals, you can always enjoy clean water at home instead of sodas. 

Stand More and Sit Less

Most people lead a sedentary lifestyle; even if what you do is just file papers, you spend a large portion of your day seated. Sitting disease is common among office workers, and it is more serious that most people know. The problem is, most people do not realize that sitting disease even exists. Those who do, forget to stand up and instead sit all day. 

For an office worker, we recommend that you look for a standing desk if you can. You should also ensure that if you sit eight hours at your desk, you should stand at least one hour every day. Do what you can to increase your time standing, including taking toilet and snack breaks. You can also set the alarm and take a walk around the office when it goes off. If you have to hold a meeting, take a walking meeting. Take the stairs instead of a lift and park your car a kilometer away then walk.

See your Doctor for Necessary Checkups

Let’s admit it; you have more than once turned to WebMD or any other online site for advice, no? It is common, one day you are no feeling okay and you are all over the internet self-diagnosing and self-medicating. However, you should go to the doctor at least twice a year. See your dentist, visit your gynecologist, go for full physical exams and go for eye exams.

While at it, only take antibiotics when needed. Antibiotics are only effective against bacterial diseases and not viral ones. The more you take antibiotics, the higher the chances that you will develop resistance. 

Spend Time with Friends and Family

It is a simple but very healthy habit. If you run a very busy schedule, you barely have time for yourself, leave alone friends and family. However, research has shown that people with strong social networks lead to a healthy lifestyle. On a non-scientific basis, love and friendship make you happy. When you have friends, you are less likely to succumb to stress and depression. So call you mom today and plan a night out with a friend.  

This cannot be Stressed Enough, Take Water 

Water makes it easier for your body to excrete wastes. This way, it prevents kidney stones and keeps your skin supple and good looking. Plus, water is needed for good digestion and many other metabolic processes in your body. So, because it won’t cost you a thing, why not take your eight glasses of water every day?
