3 Things You Should Know About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a treatment alternative that employs the use of Chinese medicine and techniques to treat pain. This process involves inserting small needles into specific points and at different depths of the skin. The needles are inserted in acupuncture points where they are set to balance energy to relieve pain and heal many conditions. The procedure also boosts the well-being of individuals through stimulation and proper blood flow. Below are a few things you should know about this old practice:

 1)    Heals Multiple Conditions

Acupuncturists believe pain and illnesses are caused by a lack of harmonious balance between the Ying and the Yang. To achieve superb health, the balance must be achieved through proper energy flows. Acupuncture heals many conditions such as women’s health and improves overall body wellbeing. It also helps in relieving pain for people with chronic illnesses.

Treatment for each condition differs. An acupuncturist starts by assessing the patient and then decides on where to make needle insertions. The needles should be sterile and disposable.

Some conditions may require more than one session to achieve the desired results. It can also be combined with other treatment options to increase its success rate.

There are many people out there claiming to be acupuncturists. If you are within California, accessing Encinitas acupuncture services is not hard. To get the quality treatment you deserve, visit a registered clinic with a licensed acupuncturist. Acupuncture Continuum is one of the registered clinics you can consult for quality services tailored for a variety of pre-existing health conditions.

2)    Safe and Painless

The procedure once done by a qualified acupuncturist is harmless and painless too. The procedure requires specific insertions on acupuncture points. This makes it less invasive. The insertions are well articulated to avoid harm on other body parts. The procedure causes a brief sensation that lasts for a short time. This makes it a perfect option for all that looking for painless procedures. It also allows patients to resume their normal duties without any problems within a short while since the side effects are minimal. This is one of the reasons why it is preferred by many.

You do not need to stay away from work for long. This practice requires the use of sterile disposable needles. They help reduce the rate of infections amongst patients. Despite being a painless and safe, the procedure should be conducted with precaution on people with severe conditions such as bleeding disorders and heart disorders. It should also be practiced with caution on pregnant women. Insertions near major organs should also be done carefully to avoid harming them and affecting their normal functions.

3)    Requires Preparation

The procedure might be simple, but it requires proper preparation for both the patient and the acupuncturist. The patient should start by identifying a qualified practitioner and make an appointment for consultations. Consultations give the direction the treatment should take and the duration. Before treatment, the patient should eat a light meal. This helps reduce lightheadedness during treatment. It also provides the energy required for treatment. The patient should also wear loose-fitting clothes for easier access to the targeted region. The acupuncturist should prepare the location the procedure is to take place by disinfecting and sterilizing it. This reduces the possibility of getting infections.
