

Stress-Relieving Meditation

If after this election, you have bouts of panic or freak-out moments, this meditation is for you. If you feel stressed, on the verge of mental break, this meditation is for you. Even if your anxiety has nothing to do with the election, this meditation is for you. This will just take a few minutes and, trust me, it’s worth it. Deep breath.



The Top 10 Workout Songs for November 2016

Please enjoy a guest post from our friends at Run Hundred!

This month’s top 10 workout songs span a wider tempo range than normal—with the fastest song clocking at more than double the speed of the slowest. Moreover, that’s just the beginning of this playlist’s variety. So, with no further ado, let’s get into the mix.

On the lower end of the spectrum, you’ll find new tunes from The Weeknd and Lady Gaga that are perfect for warming up, cooling down, and stretching. At the other end, you’ll find lightning fast tracks from Green Day and Dagny that will give you an extra boost mid-routine. Those tracks alone incorporate country touches, Scandinavian melodies, pop punk,and Daft Punk. Elsewhere, you can find remixes from Ellie Goulding and The Chainsmokers alongside soundtrack hits by Years & Years (from Bridget Jones’ Baby) and Christina Aguilera (from The Get Down).

Whatever your tastes, new faves await. When you’re ready to make tracks, here’s the full top 10 list—according to the votes logged on workout music site Run Hundred.



You DO Have Time to Meditate

When it comes to anything health-wise, people (including myself) find many excuses to avoid doing said activity. It could be a physical workout or, what I’m focusing on today, a mental workout. Yes, I’m talking about meditation: slowing down your life for a couple of minutes to find center and balance (though I’m sure that’s not the exact definition). Meditation has astounding effects on one’s day-to-day life; it can cheer you up, help you find perspective, give you new revelations, fine-tune your focus and so forth. Wow, sounds like great benefits, why isn’t everyone doing it? Well, one big reason is that people don’t think they have time to meditate.

Not enough time to meditate?! Claiming that for a full-hour workout, but for a meditation that can be as short as two minutes long… try searching for another excuse. But, hey, I do it too. It’s funny, the thing that can help us most in life (exercising, meditating), we try to avoid with any excuse possible: it’s too cold out, it’s too hot out, that cloud looks ominous, I’m too tired, I don’t have time, yadda yadda yadda. Nobody is innocent to this. We all do it, though perhaps on different levels of severity. 



Optimum Nutrition Opti-Bar Review

When you do it, do it right. I think that’s the first and last… and only impression that Optimum Nutrition (who I’ll refer to as ON for the rest of the article) wants to make. Even though they only have a few products with the name “Gold Standard,” it’s obvious that they want their name associated with being the best. For the past few years, you might have found your cabinet filled with their Whey Protein, Multi-Vitamin, and Creatine. More recently you might have added their BCAAs, AMINO Energy, Preworkout, Protein Water, and newer flavors of whey to your collection. Now, you can really take ON with you anywhere you go; meet the OPTI-BAR

A protein bar is a protein bar, right? To a certain degree. While we shouldn’t need to explain to you that a protein bar is a few bites of nutrient-rich food that generally has a single texture, we do want to highlight some of the things that make the Opti-Bar stand out, or at least make you feel more comfortable consuming it. The reality is that when you go to a convenience store like 7-11, you don’t want to be inconvenienced trying to figure out which option to choose. You consider a few things so let’s address those directly.



The Top 10 Workout Songs for October 2016

Please enjoy a guest post from our friends at

This month’s top workout songs include a perfect blend of comebacks and collaborations. In the mix below, rockers Kings of Leon return to the charts with a new single and Lady Gaga returns to her pop roots—following her jazz duets album with Tony Bennett. Elsewhere on the comeback front, you’ll find Sting leading an uptempo tune that hearkens back to the sound of his work with The Police.

On the collaborative front, you’ll find recent hits—like the pop/rap track featuring Sia and Kendrick Lamar or a song that topped Billboard‘s Latin chart from Enrique Iglesias and Wisin. Additionally, there are after-the-fact collaborations–in the form of dance remixes of rock songs from Fitz & The Tantrums and Blink-182. Throughout playlist below, you’ll find plenty of variety as new and veteran acts from different genres duke it out—occasionally in the course of a single song. Here’s the full top 10 list—according to the votes logged on workout music site Run Hundred.



Boxing Home Workout For Everyone

Boxing is an incredible way to stay in shape. You can develop your muscles through repetitive movement of punches. You will certainly work on your cardio through boxing, there’s hardly any way to escape that. Your coordination will improve as well by getting footwork and the timing of your punches down. It is also great for getting out any aggression, trust me! With all these benefits, people should be lining up to do boxing. However, maybe you don’t have a boxing gym nearby. Maybe you can’t afford one. Maybe you just want to be able to do it at home. Well, here we go, I’ve created a small boxing-like workout for you to do at home. This requires no gloves and only one piece of equipment which you can sub out. Boxing isn’t easy, but it’s a worth-it workout. (Please excuse the sleepy morning photos)  

1. Jump rope (1 min). If you don’t have a jump rope, do air rope like I’m doing in the pictures. Challenge yourself. Do different paces. Try on just one leg. Try high knees. Work hard! This part should get your heart PUMPIN’.



Working Out Without Equipment

Bad weather, traffic, house chores, errands. There are many reasons why sometimes going to the gym is out of the question, but you really need to get your blood pumping and burn those calories. You may not have your favorite cross trainer or treadmill at home—or any equipment, for that matter—but that doesn’t mean you can’t get fit and build muscle right wherever you are.

By working out at home, you can save money on those pesky gym membership fees and the hassle of going there in traffic and then hustling for equipment, especially at peak times. Another worthwhile tip for saving money besides just the gym is using coupon codes at your favorite stores to get even more off the original retail price. There are many online voucher code sites that can provide you better deals than those offered on the actual site.

Here are some easy and effective ways to work out without equipment. Try them today!



How to Harness Happiness

Please enjoy a guest post from Per Wickstrom.

Happiness is one of those elusive and mysterious things that all of us seek out but none of us really know how to achieve.  In fact, we often find it without really knowing how we got there.  It always just seems to happen by chance or it doesn’t happen at all.  Isn’t there some kind of doctrine on how to achieve happiness? Certainly tools for attaining happiness have been put into writing by ancient religions and creeds for centuries, but there’s never been a universal method that’s been agreed upon by everyone.

I’m not here to try to convince anyone that any doctrine works above all else when it comes to attaining happiness.  I’m not writing this to try and push any one theory on happiness or say that only one way works. 

happy pic

Image by geralt
