
What Can I Do If My Sober Living Has Been Impacted by Covid-19?

Alcohol addiction is a condition affecting many people. Physicians refer to this condition as Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), and it is officially a medical condition that requires treatment. In 2019, more than 14 million people aged 12 years and older had this disorder. Research indicates that more than half of those who go through rehab for treatment relapse within just a year after leaving the health facilities. In 2019, when the Covid-19 disease hit the world, many individuals practicing sober living went back to drinking. There are various reasons why they relapsed, including idleness and other government restrictions. If you are one of those affected, here is what you should do to get back on track.


Mental Health Issues From COVID-19 And How Society Has Been Impacted by The Pandemic

The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has brought an unprecedented impact on Society coupled with mental health issues. The movement restrictions and physical distancing have meant that people have had to retreat into individual cocoons to protect themselves and their families, affecting everyday human social interactions.

Here’s an overview of how COVID-19 has adversely impacted society, more so regarding mental health.


Hiking in Idyllwild (How to Escape Los Angeles)

If you read our recent post about going through old drafts, you’d know that most of our ideas didn’t make the cut. A lot of those restaurants aren’t open right now. While many of the ideas are outdated and relevant, some are more welcome now. With restrictions in place across the country, isolated outdoor activity has become more popular than ever. People who never cared for hiking are discovering the beauty of the great outdoors. While we lived in Los Angeles, we were fortunate to discover one of its greatest escapes: Idyllwild.


We’re Back!

We started this blog in August of 2012. It has been a real roller coaster ride ever since the beginning. I can’t remember the last time we went over a month without publishing an article. Sometimes, we don’t find the time to create our own work, but we maintain a steady stream of posts through partners and guests. That wasn’t the case this past month, but we’re glad to be back. Where did we go?


How Your Diet Influences Your Good and Bad Habits

Eating right is one of those good habits that some people seem to stick to naturally while others struggle. But the truth of the matter is that good habits gain momentum. And the more good habits you have, the more good habits you’re likely to adopt. 

And if you’re looking to turn over a new leaf, diet is a great place to start. Good nutrition can actually have an impact on your ability or likelihood of adopting more good habits. 

In this post, we’re going to explore how your diet influences good and bad habits. 


Meal Kits Are Flourishing Again and You Heard It Here First

The pandemic has ushered in a lot of changes in a very short time. For many of us, social distancing, wearing face masks, and limiting exposure to groups of other people remain the norm. Many businesses are still mandating that employees work from home, and numerous schools are still using a distance-learning model.

Another change that’s happened, this one more positive than most, is that meal kits are flourishing once more. You heard about them first here on Hungry and Fit, and they’ve surged in popularity. That makes sense given the risks involved with simply going to the grocery store these days. 

Where does the meal kit industry stand currently and what should you know? We’ll discuss all that below.


Is It Safe To Go To The Dentist During COVID-19?

The coronavirus pandemic has brought about a new way of life as it has impacted how people live in their daily life. It has greatly affected many industries as far as social distancing is concerned. Many ventures have opted to close in fear of contracting the disease, as the cases tend to rise. This may be a threat to people, especially those who are greatly exposed.

In this case, the dental field has suffered losses since the pandemic began. The virus is infused in respiratory droplets, something any dentist will come into contact with during a procedure. However, some measures have been put in place for precaution. Here are tips on how to be safe when you visit a dentist during the coronavirus pandemic:


Welcoming July

Wow… what a year. I can’t believe it is already July. I seriously can’t remember anything quite like this during my lifetime. The last three or four months have been truly unique and there is really no way of telling where we’ll all go from here. Last month might have been the least active month in the history of the blog. We published three articles. Two were sponsored and one was a review of a newer restaurant here on the west bank of New Orleans. I’m not sure how everyone did last month, or for the first half of this year, but I’m personally going to focus on today and tomorrow. No matter what happened in the past, we have to push forward with strength and determination.
