4 Ways to Care for Your Skin after A Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Laser hair removal leaves your skin tender and sensitive. After the procedure you may experience a burning sensation, redness, swelling, tingling, and itching, although these go away after a couple of days. That is why it is important that you take care of your skin after a hair removal procedure.

Here are four ways that you can do that.

 Apply ice

The first few hours after the procedure can be uncomfortable due to redness, swelling, and mild sunburn-like sensation. You can ease the discomfort by applying ice to the treated area right after the procedure. Then after that, you can apply it thrice a day for about 10 minutes until you no longer feel the discomfort.

Ensure you apply ice wrapped in a towel since applying it directly to the skin can increase irritation.

Use aloe vera

Your skin will be swollen and red after the Laser Hair Removal procedure. Aloe vera is known to reduce such kind of discomfort. For the best results go for fresh aloe vera gel and keep it refrigerated when not in use.

Apply the gel directly to the treated area and give it a few minutes to be absorbed. Use a damp cloth to remove the excess but you can leave a small amount. You should do this twice or three times daily until the area is no longer swollen, red or painful.

Avoid sun exposure

After the hair removal procedure, avoid exposing your skin to the sun or from using tanning booths for six weeks or until you heal completely. Not only can the exposure cause skin lightening, but it can also result in irritation of the treated area and worsen the redness and discomfort.

In case you need to go outside, always apply broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. Ensure you reapply often especially if you sweat a lot or your skin gets wet.

Clean the area cautiously

You should be extra careful when cleaning the area after laser hair removal since the skin is still sensitive. Use warm or cool water to clean to enable the skin to heal fast. Avoid hot water since it may increase skin irritation considering that the area had already been treated using heat. Also, avoid steam rooms and saunas for at least 48 hours.

After the procedure, wash the area once or twice a day. Washing many times can increase the redness. Use a mild cleanser preferably that meant for sensitive skin.

You will still need to moisturize your skin especially now that it may feel drier due to the treatment. However, you need to use sensitive skin moisturizer if you don’t want your skin to be more irritated. Apply the moisturizer gently since vigorous rubbing can cause more irritation. Do this twice or thrice daily.

If the laser hair removal is on the face, you can wear a hat when you go outside to prevent exposing yourself to the sun. Also, avoid using makeup and topical facial creams immediately after treatment since it can cause more skin irritation. However, you can go back to using them after 24 hours in case the skin is no longer red.
