
Tips to Saving Money on Your Favorite Beauty Products

Are you wondering why you always waste money on beauty products? Maybe you already have your favorite collection, but you still spend too much money on other products. If this sounds familiar, this article is for you. It contains some of the best tips to save money on your favorite beauty products. Read, implement, and see how much money you save in a short period of time.


De-Stress for Winter: 7 Tips to Keep Skin Healthy This Holiday Season

If you already struggle with dry skin or acne, the holidays can be an absolute nightmare for your skin. As if the dry winter air wasn’t brutal enough on your skin, you’ve also got to deal with breakouts caused by the stress of the holiday season.

Fortunately, there are ways to get a handle on both your stress and your skin problems. With the following self-care practices, you can reduce your holiday anxiety and take control of your skin:


6 Foods to Avoid if You Want Clear Skin

Just when you thought that you’d left acne behind in your teenage years, it comes knocking once again in adulthood. It’s a frustrating problem for a lot of guys, made worse by the fact that male adult acne tends to be particularly stubborn and difficult to treat.

While research has shown that women struggle with adult acne just as much—if not more—than men do, a 2018 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology found that men generally have more severe acne symptoms compared to their female counterparts. To pile on more bad news, a powerful acne treatment alone may not be enough to combat your stubborn breakouts.

If nothing you do seems to clear up your acne, it may be time to take a closer look at your diet. Though the research is far from certain, there is some evidence that suggests that these six foods could be secretly sabotaging your skin.


4 Ways to Care for Your Skin after A Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Laser hair removal leaves your skin tender and sensitive. After the procedure you may experience a burning sensation, redness, swelling, tingling, and itching, although these go away after a couple of days. That is why it is important that you take care of your skin after a hair removal procedure.

Here are four ways that you can do that.
