
A Luxury Prosecco You Can Actually Afford

If you’re like us, you’re on a budget. You can’t just buy whatever your heart desires, otherwise, you might find yourself in some serious debt. If you’re doubly smart, you’re even saving money, too! That requires a stricter budget. But you know us, even if we’re being frugal, we are still having fun whether it be going on an adventure, saving up for a Disneyland trip, or treating ourselves to some yummy food and drink. We do this in ways that we can actually afford them–affordable luxuries you may call them. I feel very lucky to be able to add one more to that list! Meet VOVETI Prosecco, a drink way fancier than me, but one that I can actually afford



Four Sneaky Ways to Improve Your Fitness at Work

This post is brought to you by our friends at Furniture At Work™.

If you work in an office, you probably spend far more time sitting down than is good for you, which can contribute to a range of nasty health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Spending day after day on your derriere can also seriously impact on your fitness levels. If you want to avoid excessive sitting and boost your fitness, check out these exercise ideas.



A New Kind of Champion

This post brought to you by Sports Authority . The content and opinions expressed below are that of hungryandfit.

As you guys know, I’m on a mission with some certain summer fitness goals. More specifically, I’ve been working on bodyweight exercises like increasing my pull-ups, push-ups, wall sits, handstand push-ups, and planks. It’s a mix of muscular endurance and strength. I need fitness apparel and clothes that aren’t going to confine me and give me seamless comfort, letting me give pure performance. Have you ever had clothing that were just too tight in some place and distracting during your workout? No bueno. That’s why I choose to take Champion GEAR on my workout journey and fitness goals. 


We Dare You…to #GetActiveWDY!

That’s right, we dare YOU to get active–whatever it takes. Even though summer is winding down, that gives us no excuse to stop having summer fun! You know here at Hungry and Fit, we are all about getting active and enjoying ourselves while doing so! We encourage you to join us in getting and staying active for this month of August and beyond. We are partnering with UnitedHealthcare to bring this to you and to your friends and family! We’ve discussed time and time again about being the example, being the model for everyone else around you pays off. Not only does it inspire others, but it inspires you and enables you to give it your all every single time. 


Resting between sets of exercise!


Bulu Box Review: Unique Health in a Box

I was thrilled when I was chosen to review a Bulu Box: who doesn’t love samples? What kind of samples, you ask? Well if you’re interested in this important thing called health, you may be interested. How often have you scoured about in magazines or online to find that exact product to fit your needs? Those organic, healthy items that you can’t find anywhere. Or maybe you just want to try something new, something to shake up your game, to give you a boost. It sounds like Bulu Box is for you.

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Super-Powered Protein Powder

How’s that for an internal slant rhyme! Alright, down to business. You’ve heard us talk about Sunwarrior protein powder and all its goodness before. Can things really get better for this one-protein-fits-all? Apparently, they can! Sunwarrior recently came out with the Classic Plus



Fuel Your Adventures

What are summers for? Adventures. Beach-bumming, camping, road trips, cookouts, picnics, backpacking, and so on. Are you getting excited yet? I am. Tastes of grilled cheeses, s’mores, sangria, burgers, and ice cream. Now, you must be getting excited. Summer adventures are the best: the remaining shades of sunburn on your skin tingling as the sun dips down into nightfall where family and friends galore get together for some grub. Everyone has their own summer dream and that’s what’s fun about it: with everyone’s differing ideas, you get to experience a little of everything. 



Sweet Holiday Treats with Silk

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and you’ve worked your bottom off for almost twelve months! Now is not the time to deprive yourself… take full advantage of the Holiday Season and reward yourself for everything that you accomplished in 2014. Relax. Read. Watch a movie. Sit by the fire. Have holiday treats. You’ve earned it. Make a mug of hot chocolate, your favorite blend of coffee, or a cup of tea. But let’s make this one special. Before you put in your cream and sugar, try this different little something. 

Take your ice cube tray, walk over to the sink, and empty all the contents down the drain. (Or you can give it to your dog… Noke loves ice cubes!) Then, pull a carton of Silk Holiday Nog (or your favorite Silk product) out of the fridge and start filling those empty ice cube trays with the Silk! That’s right, we’re making these into Silk cubes. Let them sit overnight in the freezer and you’ll have a batch ready for your next favorite hot drink. Once you pour that boiling hot liquid into your container of choice, drop a Silk cube in, and enjoy. You know when you make a warm drink, that usually you make it too warm and you can’t start drinking it for a while? This is your quick fix! Cubes of iced deliciousness that will cool down your drink and make it taste better! Win win!

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Remember, you should make this your special treat. I love to put some ground cinnamon in the trays with Silk Vanilla Soy Milk and add that to my hot chocolate (milk-chocolate based). It always puts a smile on my face when I throw my feet up at the end of the day. So give this little treat a try this Holiday Season and let us know, below, how you make Silk your own. We love to hear everyone’s different combinations! For more ideas like this one, visit Silk’s Facebook page. They are constantly providing everyone with fun recipes and good lifestyle tips! Also, don’t forget to sign up for their newsletter–there are many chances to win tons of Silk products and more! Signing up is free and it’s worth all fifteen seconds it takes!


Watch them spin!

Watch them spin!

Look like marshmallows!

Look like marshmallows!

We hope you enjoy our idea of creating little special moments by creating Silk ice cubes and we hope you try them! Celebrating the Holiday Season is a great way to stay hungry and fit!

This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions and text are all mine.


Chocolate Coconut Oat Bites

To say the least, life is freaking hectic. You have responsibilities ranging from a full-time job to kids to pets to your health to education! You get out of breath just going through your list of responsibilities! Or at least I do. Life is stressful and there’s no way around it except to roll with it. How do you roll with it? By making life easier for yourself along the way!

A big part of our life is food (surprise surprise). We don’t want to skip meals or snacks, but at the same time, we don’t always have a lot of time to prepare those meals. So, I create recipes like this one, in order to keep us fueled on the go. It’s important to us that we eat healthy on the go, but it should taste good too! So…along comes Coconut Chocolate Oat Bites. What a wonderfully delicious name. With the help of Silk Coconutmilk, we were able to create one of the simplest healthy recipes for those on the go. Can you tell I’m excited about it? Let’s get to the recipe.

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Chocolate Coconut Oat Bites
A healthy snack on the go with amazing flavors
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Prep Time
7 min
Prep Time
7 min
  1. 1 cup oats
  2. 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  3. 2.5 tbsp peanut butter
  4. 3 tbsp maple syrup
  5. 3 squares dark chocolate
  6. 2 tbsp Silk Coconutmilk
  1. Heat the peanut butter, maple syrup, and Silk Coconutmilk together over low heat in a pan.
  2. Have oats and cinnamon mixed together in a bowl
  3. Once warm, pour the peanut butter mixture into the oats and cinnamon and really stir.
  4. Break the squares of chocolate into small pieces
  5. Once it is mixed well, fold in the pieces of chocolate
  6. Cover and put in the fridge for 20 minutes
  7. Take out and roll into small balls and store in fridge
hungry and fit
I’m going to keep these in a zip-loc in the fridge at home AND at work, because you never know when you need a snack. It’s important to have a healthy snack accessible, because if not, you’re just going to binge on Red Vines and Sun Chips and then feel bad about it later. The Silk Facebook page inspired this recipe as they have a lot of great recipes and healthy living idea–go check it out and like it! Also, sign up for Silk’s online newsletter to get chances to win a year’s worth of Silk supplies to keep those tummies full with healthy sustenance! They also have other great giveaways like gift cards. Keep these beautiful bites nearby and you’ll never go hungry again! As always, stay hungry and fit!

This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions and text are all ours.

