
Chocolate Coconut Oat Bites

To say the least, life is freaking hectic. You have responsibilities ranging from a full-time job to kids to pets to your health to education! You get out of breath just going through your list of responsibilities! Or at least I do. Life is stressful and there’s no way around it except to roll with it. How do you roll with it? By making life easier for yourself along the way!

A big part of our life is food (surprise surprise). We don’t want to skip meals or snacks, but at the same time, we don’t always have a lot of time to prepare those meals. So, I create recipes like this one, in order to keep us fueled on the go. It’s important to us that we eat healthy on the go, but it should taste good too! So…along comes Coconut Chocolate Oat Bites. What a wonderfully delicious name. With the help of Silk Coconutmilk, we were able to create one of the simplest healthy recipes for those on the go. Can you tell I’m excited about it? Let’s get to the recipe.

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Chocolate Coconut Oat Bites
A healthy snack on the go with amazing flavors
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Prep Time
7 min
Prep Time
7 min
  1. 1 cup oats
  2. 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  3. 2.5 tbsp peanut butter
  4. 3 tbsp maple syrup
  5. 3 squares dark chocolate
  6. 2 tbsp Silk Coconutmilk
  1. Heat the peanut butter, maple syrup, and Silk Coconutmilk together over low heat in a pan.
  2. Have oats and cinnamon mixed together in a bowl
  3. Once warm, pour the peanut butter mixture into the oats and cinnamon and really stir.
  4. Break the squares of chocolate into small pieces
  5. Once it is mixed well, fold in the pieces of chocolate
  6. Cover and put in the fridge for 20 minutes
  7. Take out and roll into small balls and store in fridge
hungry and fit
I’m going to keep these in a zip-loc in the fridge at home AND at work, because you never know when you need a snack. It’s important to have a healthy snack accessible, because if not, you’re just going to binge on Red Vines and Sun Chips and then feel bad about it later. The Silk Facebook page inspired this recipe as they have a lot of great recipes and healthy living idea–go check it out and like it! Also, sign up for Silk’s online newsletter to get chances to win a year’s worth of Silk supplies to keep those tummies full with healthy sustenance! They also have other great giveaways like gift cards. Keep these beautiful bites nearby and you’ll never go hungry again! As always, stay hungry and fit!

This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions and text are all ours.



Easy Peasy Oat Bars

This has been on my recipe to-do list for a while now. An easy, healthy snack to bring on the go if I needed to. And to share with friends, of course. I also love recipes that are very customizable, you can add anything to this…within reason. Chris also really liked these, so I know they’re a good hit. Try this recipe out and play around with it, have fun! I got it from here, a famous blogger, but tweaked it for my own needs.

Square of happiness

Square of happiness

  • Serves: 9
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Baking Time: 20-25 minutes


  • 2 cup oats
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup turbinado sugar (I will probably play around with this one too–using honey or trying without!)
  • 3/8 cup olive oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/3 cup dried cherries 


  • Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F
  • Grease up a baking pan that’s a few inches deep
  • Mix up the wet ingredients first and then mix in the dry. Stir it up until smooth

photo 1 (13)

  • Scoop the smooth mixture into the baking pan and make even
Get ready to bake

Get ready to bake

  • Pop it in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Mine was ready in about 23 minutes. Let it cool for a bit and then cut into squares
Cut it up!

Cut it up!

Yes, that’s how easy it is. I’m already planning to bake another batch tonight for the upcoming week. They are the perfect snack, below 250 calories and full of fiber and healthy fats. They’ll keep you satisfied for those busy hours when you don’t have time to put together a good snack or meal. And like I said, feel free to play around with it! I’m going to try chocolate chips, maybe throw some nuts in there, use honey instead of sugar, etc. Use this recipe to stay hungry and fit!

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