
What Can I Do If My Sober Living Has Been Impacted by Covid-19?

Alcohol addiction is a condition affecting many people. Physicians refer to this condition as Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), and it is officially a medical condition that requires treatment. In 2019, more than 14 million people aged 12 years and older had this disorder. Research indicates that more than half of those who go through rehab for treatment relapse within just a year after leaving the health facilities. In 2019, when the Covid-19 disease hit the world, many individuals practicing sober living went back to drinking. There are various reasons why they relapsed, including idleness and other government restrictions. If you are one of those affected, here is what you should do to get back on track.


What is a Spinal Decompression?

Spinal decompression is a medical procedure that involves gentle stretching of the spine with the aim of relieving back pain. Patients who suffer from chronic back pain and other associated conditions can benefit remarkably from spinal decompression therapy. Sometimes, back pain can be so excruciating and enduring that it disrupts your entire life. In such dire scenarios, patients can go to great lengths to get lasting relief from the nagging pain.

If you constantly suffer from chronic back pain, receiving spinal decompression treatment from this Advanced Health Chiropractic clinic can mitigate the pain for good, significantly improving your quality of life.


How Stretching Before Bed Will Help Your Quality Of Sleep

Regardless of the time of day, stretching is a well-known method to relieve tension along your back, neck, shoulders and other pressure points throughout the body. It also has the capability to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, which is key if you want to fall asleep quickly and actually remain asleep. That’s why incorporating gentle stretches into your regular nighttime routine has proven to be advantageous for your quality of sleep. In fact, one compilation study review that combined American and Chinese research shows that meditative movements can improve sleep quality and have a positive impact on a person’s physical and mental health.

Stretching also allows you to practice mindfulness as you focus on your body movements and breathing. This teaches you how to be more in control of your mind, and can help you cope more effectively when anxious thoughts creep into your brain before bedtime. Considering about 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety or anxiety disorders, stretching before bed can be a helpful way for a lot of people to catch up on their Zzzz’s.

Here are a few of the best stretches you can do at nighttime to help you relax and unwind before you tuck yourself into bed. 

Before-Bed Bridge

This pose is often used in pilates and yoga as it’s great at strengthening the core, and opening up your chest and hip flexors. It also has an array of other health benefits, as doing the bridge before bed can help evoke feelings of relaxation, improve digestion, and alleviate lower back pain. 

If you don’t find this pose helpful for easing your lower back pain, the culprit could possibly be your bed, and it may be an indication that it’s time for an upgrade. The best mattress for side sleepers with lower back pain and others who suffer from the issue is one that contains coils because they tend to be much more supportive than all-foam beds, and will help keep your spine in proper alignment. 

Low Lunge

This is an optimal stretch if you want to target your hip flexors, glutes, thighs, and groin. You can also open your chest while you’re holding this position for tension relief in your back and shoulders. Just make sure you remain comfortable when doing this pose and don’t strain yourself, or else you might end up feeling stimulated and awake — the exact opposite effects of what you’re going for. 

Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose

The legs-up-the-wall stretch is a restorative pose which means it’s essentially a resting pose, and one of its main purposes is to promote relaxation. This specific restorative stretch also eases tension in your neck, shoulders, and back while it targets your glutes and hamstrings. 

Child’s Pose

It’d be remiss not to mention child’s pose, another restorative pose that’s extremely popular because it’s a meditative movement that encourages you to meditate as you hone in on the rhythm of your breath. This relaxes your mind, body, and can be a big stress reliever after a long day on the job or watching the kids. Child’s pose also helps reduce tension in your neck, back, and shoulders. 

Lying Spinal Twist

The spinal twist is an ideal stretch for individuals who spend a large portion of their day sitting in an office chair. After about eight hours of sitting down hunched over a computer keyboard, this movement stretches out and realigns the spine, and helps improve one’s posture.

Corpse Pose 

Finishing off your pre-bedtime stretching session with the corpse pose is an effective way to get a head start on your sleep. Believe it or not, there’s a yoga stretch called the corpse pose where all you do is lay still on the ground (hence the name). It’s the ultimate restorative pose where you’re only expected to focus on your breathing, and is one of the best poses to do before bed to induce sleepiness.  

About The Author

McKenzie Dillon is a blogger and sleep enthusiast for The Slumber Yard, a reviews site that focuses on bedding products. In her free time, she likes attending music festivals, reading fiction novels and practicing yoga. 


Is CBD Oil Hard to Use?

Cbd oil is basically an organic oil that’s produced from hem. The parts of the plant that are used during the extraction process include the buds, flowers or leaves. In fact, the drug is regarded as controversial due to its affiliation with marijuana. And although the oil is obtained from cannabis plant, it can’t make you feel high. The oil has recently been recognized as a household name due to its health benefits. However, the findings are yet to be approved by FDA. The oil is known to help in alleviating chronic pain among cancer and arthritis patients. Moreover, the oil is highly recommended for people suffering from anxiety. This is because the oil releases some chemical compounds that helps in calming the nerves. But most people feel that using Cbd is like rocket science. Here are some insights that can guide you on how to use the oil effectively. 


6 Wellness Tips for College Athletes 

Everyone knows that sports activities are great for building character and learning how to work with a team, whether it’s in little league or in a competitive college environment. Most high school and college athletes know that it’s important to make sure that they fuel up for the day ahead. However, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook all the things that can ensure good health and wellness before hitting the field or the court. This is especially true for athletes who are going through a big transition—such as high school players who are heading off to college.  

Learning to manage a whole new independent lifestyle while keeping up with practice and studying is a huge learning curve. College athletes have to juggle a lot of different responsibilities while keeping their diet, health, and routine in check. So how can they do it? Here are 6 ways young athletes can stay healthy and in top condition during their years in college. 


What You Need to Know about Living with Nerve Pain

Neuropathic pain or nerve pain is caused by damage in the central nervous system. While most types of nerve pain are caused by chronic diseases such as diabetes, some result from surgery or treatments such as chemotherapy. Additionally, some nerve pain progresses through a gradual process, while others can develop suddenly. Unlike acute pain, nerve pain has no protective function and does not require any stimulus to exist. Nerve pain patients who have difficulty accessing diagnosis can suffer anxiety since they are unsure of their condition. Nerve pain can ruin the quality of life and kill your dreams. Here is what you need to know about living with nerve pain.


3 Things You Should Know About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a treatment alternative that employs the use of Chinese medicine and techniques to treat pain. This process involves inserting small needles into specific points and at different depths of the skin. The needles are inserted in acupuncture points where they are set to balance energy to relieve pain and heal many conditions. The procedure also boosts the well-being of individuals through stimulation and proper blood flow. Below are a few things you should know about this old practice:


4 Ways to Care for Your Skin after A Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Laser hair removal leaves your skin tender and sensitive. After the procedure you may experience a burning sensation, redness, swelling, tingling, and itching, although these go away after a couple of days. That is why it is important that you take care of your skin after a hair removal procedure.

Here are four ways that you can do that.


4 Tips to Buying CBD Online

Buying CBD, or cannabidiol online may seem very intimidating for both first-time shoppers and seasoned buyers alike. CBD products are part of the latest popular craze for achieving overall wellness and natural healing. This popularity has led to the establishment of multiple sources for these products that it has started to feel as if you have to walk through a huge maze to get the most trustable and best online CBD shop. Since there are plenty of new sellers, producers, and sites popping up on the internet every day, you must do some research before making any purchase decision. Here are a few practical tips to buying CBD online:


A High Protein Diet Plan To Lose Weight And Improve Health

In the present era, everyone is keen to maintain a healthy life with a perfectly balanced diet that contains an appropriate amount of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Sometimes, in the excitement of losing weight faster, we lose sight of the important components and, as a result, we have to quit that dietary plan. So for a healthy diet plan, we should keep in mind a few things such as:
