
Hungry & Fit Meditation Series

This year seems to be full of fun changes and projects. One you already know about–LA’s Must-Visit Restaurants of 2018 series. After months of putting it off, we are finally bringing you another project that you can hopefully benefit from. I first got into meditation during college and, since then, it’s become an important grounding part of my life even if I don’t do it as much as I should.  In the past, you’ve seen written meditations come from us. We taught you the basics of meditation, how to use it for positivity, and for love. If I listed all of the ones we’ve published, I would probably be here for a long time. If you want to look some up, just type in ‘meditation’ in our search bar to find them. We’ve heard great positive feedback from you on these meditations so we wanted to bring you something even better. 

