
Kick-Butt Morning Smoothie

Some days, it’s tough to get out of bed. It’s even tougher to pretend like you’re bright and shiny as you proceed throughout your day. I know when I wake up sluggish, it’s going to be rough. So, yesterday, I whipped up a concoction that I knew would make me feel better. I know that I have limited time in the morning with giving Noke a walk, feeding everyone, and getting myself ready so I can’t make a four-course breakfast during the week. My breakfasts need to be quick–but enjoyable! Luckily for me, we have  a blender. This kick-butt morning smoothie will awaken, energize, and leave you feeling light and airy for the day. There’s no heaviness to it–very simple and delicious.

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Kick-Butt Morning Smoothie
Yields 1
A great, fast way to get good nutrients in order to start the day out right
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Total Time
2 min
Total Time
2 min
  1. 1/2 cup mixed berries (I use frozen)
  2. 1/2 cup water
  3. 1/2 cup cranberry juice
  4. 1/2 banana
  5. 1 scoop unflavored protein powder
  6. 1 tbsp olive oil (for good digestion--not obligatory)
  1. Mix all ingredients together in a blender. Blend to your liking--the longer you blend, the smoother and thinner it will be
hungry and fit
 An easy, healthy, quick way to start the day–and in the morning, all those three qualities are necessary. This recipe by no means has any border or boundaries. Use what’s in the fridge and what you know sustains you for the better part of the morning. This is my tool to kick butt, and I hope it will help you as well in the battle against sleepy mornings! Use this recipe to stay hungry and fit!

*Question of the Day: What’s your favorite smoothie?


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Pack a Sandwich!

A short post that is to the point! You need to eat! Whether you are trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight, eating consistently is important. You have to continue to provide your body with the proper macro and micronutrients. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc. Those substances help you live a healthy life with body systems that function properly! Now, if you don’t have a specific goal or program, keep reading because this is for the people who just want some general guidance in their eating. Since I am telling you that you need to eat, now I will tell you how to construct a simple sandwich that will help you get through the day. 

Yes, that is a sandwich.

Yes, that is a sandwich.

Step 1: Bread

Try to steer clear of anything that has your typical “bad” ingredients. The less ingredients, generally, the better. (Remember that) Stick to breads that have a lot of whole grains to regulate your digestion. Look for whole wheat and nuts or seeds if you can tolerate them.

Hungry’s Choice: Rudy’s Honey Sweet Whole Wheat

Step 2: Condiments

I love mayo, but mustard is a much friendlier option for your body. It should really only have mustard seed and vinegar, too much more and it’s a bit over-processed. Again, look for whole grains for some texture and don’t be afraid to try something spicy. Remember, nutritionists say that spicy foods actually help you burn calories because of their heat-bearing properties. 

Hungry’s Choice: Inglehoffer Stone Ground Mustard

Step 3: Cheese

My favorite! Please don’t be afraid to eat some cheese. It may not be a primary source of protein, but good cheeses contain some healthy-ish fats. And we need fat. Cheese will be the main source of fat on your sandwich, so don’t feel too bad about it! If you’re not on a super tight budget, try to splurge on a higher quality cheese… it’s less processed and the proteins haven’t been denatured as much, often.

Hungry’s Choice: Kerrygold Dubliner Cheese

Step 4: Meat

Who doesn’t love bologna, taylor ham, salami, or any other fatty meat? I certainly do, and while a slice or two may find its way onto the sandwich for some extra calories… we all know that lean meats should be your primary protein source. I’m looking at you turkey and chicken breast. (Or tuna for the fish eaters. Or big mushrooms for the veggies. Or Morningstar products for whoever wants those!

Hungry’s Choice: Columbus Cracked Peppered Turkey Breast

Hungry’s Spurge: Hormel Di Lusso Genoa Salami

Step 5: Vegetables

Yes, pickles count as vegetables! But you should have some more nutritious ones as well. Darker leafy greens are a good source of iron and help add that fresh taste. Spinach is a front-runner but arugula gives you that bitter bite. Also, consider using kale since it’s just so popular now!

Hungry’s Choice: Organic Baby Spinach

Hungry’s Splurge: Bubbie’s Bread & Butter Chips

OH, and here is my game changer to the sandwich game. I only put mustard on one slice of bread. On the other, I put HUMMUS. TAKE THAT! Whatever it may be, make your sandwich something you want to eat in order to keep that fuel tank running! Make sure to use whole grains when you can and make it healthy! And as always, stay hungry and fit!


Having Gastrointestinal Issues? Try Pickle Juice

First disclaimer, I might be applying to and enrolling in school for a degree in Dietetics but I am not a doctor, so take this all with a barrel of salt. Second disclaimer, I do firmly believe that everyone’s body works uniquely to a certain degree; therefore, what works for me most certainly may not work for you.

Nevertheless, when I am having a pain in my throat, chest, or midsection (top or bottom), and I can’t figure out what it is, it is usually related to digestion. Something is upset in my gastrointestinal tract. If you’re reading this far, you’ve had those countless sleepless nights where no position is comfortable. You’ve went to every specialist, the emergency room, and there are still tons of unanswered questions. You’ve tried western medicine and homeopathic options. Heck, you’ve even tried not eating… but nothing works.

Personally, I went to the emergency room last year and was told that I only had gastritis. It was pain for days, and I have a high pain tolerance. But getting to the point, I had a similar pain a few months ago and used the “gastric cocktail” they made me at the hospital. It didn’t work. This must have been worse. What did work? Pickle juice. That’s right. Someone recommended using pickle juice and I was in so much pain (and nothing professional had worked) that I said, might as well. 

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How hilarious are these

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So, I ended up chugging the whole jar of pickle juice. It was from Claussen’s Whole Kosher Dills, which is a higher quality pickle, in my opinion. Third disclaimer, I love pickles and pickle juice. I enjoyed drinking it. Fourth disclaimer, we are not sponsored by Claussen’s! Within fifteen minutes of drinking it I started to feel pressure alleviating from my chest. Burning dissipated from my throat and my stomach settled. After about 90 minutes, I felt completely fine

So, it might be a long-shot, but it might work. It’s not expensive. I keep three jars of pickles in my fridge, and if you’ve had mysterious GI issues like myself for as long as you can remember, it might work for you. It might help you stay hungry and fit!


Nymeria being silly

Nymeria being silly


Healthy Chocolate Protein Truffles

Summer is slipping away, bikinis are being put back in the drawers, and the trench coats are coming out. This may put us in a “in-the-grind” type of mindset where we push ourselves to work hard, stay relaxed, and put our health on the back-burner. Stop right there! Just because we aren’t donning our swimwear, does not mean that we can let health and fitness slip away! We still want to feed ourselves in a nutritious manner and keep our movement flowing.

These healthy chocolate protein truffles will bring you to that fitness mindset. They are incredibly easy to prepare and also easy to pop in your mouth! The whole thing took me about 7 minutes to make, and by the time it’s morning–they’re ready! This recipe inspired me. They are chock full of protein and only sweetened by honey. I also use Silk Vanilla Soymilk to give it some yummy vanilla flavor while keeping the calories down.

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Healthy Chocolate Protein Truffles
Yields 12
A healthy approach to a classic dessert
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Prep Time
7 min
Prep Time
7 min
  1. 3/4 cup chocolate protein powder
  2. 1/3 heaping cup cocoa powder
  3. 2 1/2 tbsp butter
  4. 1 tbsp honey
  5. 5 tbsp Silk Vanilla Soymilk
  6. 2 tbsp ground almond
  1. Mix all ingredients together (doesn't matter in what order)
  2. Form into small balls and place on a baking sheet with parchment paper atop
  3. Put in the fridge for a few hours or overnight
hungry and fit
See? Easy peasy truffle time. I just have to limit myself to a couple per hour. Silk has helped me achieve a healthier recipe. If you want more Silk in your life (and the chance to win an entire year’s worth of Silk products), sign up for the Silk newsletter. There are coupons at least once a month, plus lots of cool giveaways. Silk Facebook page has also inspired me to make recipes such as this one. The versatility of their products has always amazed me which is why I continue to use their products. Be playful with this recipe–you can use any kind of protein powder, any flavor, and any type of Silk milk! Have fun and make it your own. Use this recipe to stay hungry and fit!

This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions and text are all ours.



Should I Eat Fish Skin?

(Yes, but be careful.

That sounds weird. Should I eat fish skin? Fortunately, it’s a relatively simple question to answer. You just need to ask yourself a few questions when that fish skin is sitting in front of you. Unfortunately, answering those questions can be quite a challenge. (I got your hopes up, didn’t I?)

(The skin is naturally good for you if it isn’t contaminated.)

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All of my friends know that I love Asian cultures, but when I went to school in South Korea I was exposed to tons of cultural quirks that I never learned about before. One time I was eating dinner in Seoul with some of my students (seems wrong, right?) and they teased me when I left the skin from my mackerel on my plate. They told me that all of the old women would always fight over the skin because it was the best part of the fish. I thought of the protein content of the meat, but they didn’t care about that.

(It is an amazing source of omega fatty acids so don’t waste it!)

It was amazing to get the feeling that the mackerel skin (or any other fish rich in omegas) was as valuable as gold or jewels. After thinking it over and not being one to waste food, I decided that I would always eat my fish skin and everyone else’s fish skin for that matter! Be cautious because even though the skin of just about any fish (especially those served in restaurants and available at fish markets) have amazing health benefits in an ideal world, the contaminants and pollutants in a lot of the heavily fished oceans/fish farms in the world, can present unwelcome health risks. In many cases, the risk outweighs the reward

(The contaminants and pollutants don’t always make it to your mouth but know they were often there!)

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You can avoid this by buying fish responsibly. Due to Alana’s eating habits, we always ask our food servers if they know the source of their fish. This usually isn’t a problem at fish markets,where they tell you if the fish is farmed or wild caught, and where its point of origin is. Once you find a respectable fish market and do the proper research, you don’t have to do it again… just get what you know!

I hope this didn’t confuse you too much and led you in the right direction. It’s not like chicken where there are almost no health benefits unless you’re looking for more fat and calories. So the final answer is yes–eat the skin–but be careful and do your research! As always, stay hungry and fit!


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What Makes You Great?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Post Great Grains Cereal for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

A big part of being healthy is having a healthy mind. In this context, I’m talking about being positive. Having a positive attitude and outlook is an important part of keeping your health in tip-top shape. It’s important to have a positive attitude regarding others, but even more important regarding yourself. We are always our own worst critic and have an easy time getting down on ourselves. However, negative energy is a serious drain on your mental, emotional, and physical health. It kills motivation, self-respect, self-esteem, and the ability to be kind to others. Positive energy is a lot more important than people think. It can lift us up and keep us high as we reach for our goals in life. 

In light of this, Hungry and I made a list of why we’re great. It’s always important to keep a positive attitude about yourself, and making a list of things you love about yourself is a great way to do that. Let’s do it:

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What makes Hungry and Fit great…

  • Our motivation to become better at everything we do
  • Our undying love for animals
  • Our love for the outdoors: especially beaches to swim at and forests and mountains to hike through
  • Our want to help others in their health journey and more
  • Our desire and willingness to make everybody be healthier–not just a certain population
  • Our acceptance for our weird selves
  • Our nerdy side 
  • Our ability to adapt to new surroundings
  • Our support of one another
  • Our ability to laugh…a lot
  • Our independence and being who we are in the face of judgment
  • Our honesty

Those are just a few of the things that we think make us great. And it makes me feel great to write these down and appreciate us. Post Great Grains Cereal Survey displayed tons of reasons why women all over the country are feeling great. Some of these results included:

  • “83 percent of women think the greatest obstacle to reaching their full potential is what they think of themselves, rather than what others think of them”
  • “When women pick the best part of getting older, being comfortable in their skin tops the list, followed by gaining perspective, and feeling a sense of security”

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Post Great Grains Cereal also put out a “What Makes You Great?” commercial, urging people to recognize and speak about the factors that make them great. I love that they did this because far too often people wallow in their own self-contempt rather than highlighting their own positive features. 

We had the chance to experience some of Post Great Grains new products. We sampled lots of the cerals, including the “Protein” blend and “Digestive” blend. We especially liked the Protein blend. With me being a vegetarian, it’s always important for me to make sure I get a good protein intake. Plus, they are yummy. Our favorite is the Great Grains Protein Blend Cinnamon Crunch. I’m in love with cinnamon flavors and the good fiber and protein makes it a guilt-free way to start the day. That’s something that helps me stay “great.”

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Great Grains has an enormous variety of cereals out there right now such as Berry Medley, Vanilla Graham, Banana Nut Crunch, Crunchy Pecans, and more. There’s really a flavor for everyone. And if you’re looking for more fiber or protein, you can grab the Digestive or Protein blends respectively. Great Grains has nutrition you can see with at least 7g of fiber in their Digestive blends and at least 8g of protein in their Protein blends. 

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It’s important to feed your body nutritiously and stay positive about yourself which is why we love to support the Great Grains Cereal campaign. We will continue nourishing ourselves with their yummy cereal while remembering to stay positive in what makes us great. Check out Great Grains on Facebook. As always, stay hungry and fit!

*Question of the Day: What makes YOU great? Comment below!

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The Importance of Non-GMOs

Here at Hungry and Fit, we aren’t just concerned with our fitness and how we can lift heavy things or look good in a speedo. We also care about the internal health of our body because–let’s face it–that’s the “Fit” that really matters. Our “true” health is what is going to make the difference on the inside with the big problems–cancer, heart disease, and the other big ones. That’s why we don’t smoke, we exercise every day, stay away from trans fats, and avoid GMOs.

What are GMOs? GMOs are genetically modified organisms. If you aren’t sure you’re eating them, you probably are. Approximately 70% of processed foods in the U.S. contain genetically modified food products. Agh, scary! But why is it scary? Why are GMOs bad? Brace yourselves, because this is all based in science. These plants are genetically modified in order to be more herbicide-resistant but also to produce pesticides. Yes, it’s not that they’re being sprayed with pesticides, it’s that they’re genetically modified to have pesticides in them. They have been transplanted with genes from a pesticide-producing organism, so that farmers don’t need to spray pesticides. But, this is bad. Now you can’t even “wash” off your pesticides because they are within every cell of that plant. They get these genes from Bacillus thuringiensis​, but we will just call it the Bt toxin.

And finally, why is the Bt toxin bad? Once inside your body, the Bt-toxin disrupts your cell membrane in just 24 hours which causes fluid inside to leak out. To put it simply, it is creating small holes in human cells just like it kills insects. This is from the Journal of Applied Toxicology published in 2011. In addition, a 2011 Canadian study (because you will be sued if you try to do these kind of studies in the U.S.) found that “93% of the pregnant women they tested had Bt-toxin…And so did 80% of their unborn fetuses” (State of the Science on the Health Risks of GM Foods). It’s terrifying! And GMOs continue to take over America.

With Monsanto (the big corporation behind GMOs) in bed with the government, it’s hard to find non-GMO products. That’s why I really and truly appreciate Silk. Despite 93% of soybean crops being genetically modified, they are steadfast in their mission to only use non-GMO to avoid health risks and environmental harm. That means they use non-GMOs in every one of their products from their yogurt to their dark chocolate Almondmilk. It also means taking extra time and resources to research their suppliers to bring the best for those who consume their products. How many companies care that much? It’s comforting in a country where money is more important than health, that there are at least a few companies that take a stand against that. That is why I am so happy to partner with Silk and consume their products without the threat of Bt toxin invading my cells.


If you think it’s best to let nature do her thing and not mess with plants which will in turn mess with our bodies, then sign up for Silk’s newsletter. You can get coupons, sweepstakes, and a monthly chance to win a year’s supply of Silk! In addition, like their Facebook page to find tons of cool recipes, fitness hacks, and ways to stay healthy. I hope you appreciate Silk’s commitment to non-GMOs now that you know what harm they are avoiding. I appreciate it so my internal and long-term fitness stays on a good track. Using Silk products is good for a healthy lifestyle and an excellent “life hack.” Drink Silk to stay hungry and fit!

This is a sponsored conversation written by us on behalf of Silk. The opinions and text are all ours.



Stuffed Strawberries (4th of July Recipe)

This is a re-post of a recipe made last year, but it was so good, I had to bring it up again! It’s a perfect 4th of July recipe and it’s healthy and delicious. Sure, pie and such are popular on Independence Day, but you can’t beat this. You get your sweet fix without the heaviness of the usual foods. This special dish involves fruitdairy, and happiness and doesn’t take longer than 15-20 minutes to make! I got it from here and added a bit of lemon into it and took out some sugar.

Beautiful sight

Beautiful sight

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Hard not to eat it all

Hard not to eat it all

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Yum yum yum

Yum yum yum

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Stuffed Strawberries
A healthy treat for the 4th of July
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Prep Time
15 min
Prep Time
15 min
  1. a tin of strawberries (I just usually get the regular pound at the grocery)
  2. a tin of blueberries (same thing)
  3. 5 oz marscapone
  4. juice of a lemon
  5. lemon zest
  6. 2 tbsp powdered sugar
  7. 1 tsp vanilla extract
  1. Wash the fruit and pat dry all of it
  2. Take the strawberries and cut the green ends off and also a little portion of the tip so they can stand upright on a platter
  3. Take a melon baller and ball out of the bottom, creating a crevasse.
  4. Once your strawberries are all "pitted" and plated, let's turn to the filling. Put 5 ounces of marscapone cheese and put it in a small-medium bowl
  5. I would next do the lemon juice. Cut the lemon in half and squeeeeeze all that juice out.
  6. Next, grind the lemon on a grater and get a good amount of zest (people say 1 tsp, but I eyeball it)
  7. Then, throw the powdered sugar and vanilla in and stir! Mix it all up really well
  8. Now comes the most difficult part: take the marscapone mixture and put it into a re-sealable bag and snip a corner off. Use this contraption to fill the pits in the strawberries up with the mixture
  9. Once all the strawberries are filled to perfection, place the blueberries on top of the cream in the strawberries. And that's it!
Adapted from Gina Marie's Kitchen
hungry and fit
This is an easy, healthy treat you can substitute for pie or something else you’d like to stay away from on those holiday food feasts.  How could you do wrong with this one? It’s easy to do, pretty to the eye, and delicious enough to impress. I’m sure whoever you are celebrating with this year will enjoy this special, healthy treat. Make this recipe if you’re looking to stay hungry and fit! 

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Healthy Huevos Rancheros

This brunch favorite can be yours in ten minutes or less! Okay, sorry that sounded like a sales pitch, but I’m super passionate about this dish. My spin on it is delicious and healthy! It’s always my go-to when I don’t feel like doing a lot of cooking, but still want to stay on the nutritious side. It’s pretty simple and I’m always happy eating it. Let’s try it out.

Chop dem tomaters

Chop dem tomaters

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Don't forget your tortilla!

Don’t forget your tortilla!

Healthy Huevos Rancheros
Serves 1
A healthy version of huevos rancheros you can make in ten minutes
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
5 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
5 min
  1. 1/2 can black beans
  2. 1/2 tomato
  3. 1/2 handful of spinach
  4. 1 egg
  5. 1 tortilla
  6. salt and pepper
  7. hot sauce
  1. Heat up the beans in a pot
  2. Cook your egg
  3. Heat/toast your tortilla
  4. Put the beans down first, then the egg, then the veggies
  5. Either use your tortilla as a taco or rip it up and eat it with a fork alongside the other goodies
  6. Throw down some hot sauce and dive in!
  1. You can use different types of beans or greens
  2. You can add cheese as well
hungry and fit
There you have it. I often whip it up at night when I don’t feel like doing a lot of cooking and when Hungry has found his own dinner. It’s fun to spruce it up with fresh vegetables, although tomatoes are a must (unless you aren’t a fan). Avocados would be PERFECT for this too! Have fun with it and feel free to add anything to make it yours! And as always…stay hungry and fit!


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Delicious Vegetable Soup

This post is brought to you by Hungry’s mom! We composed the post, but she provided the recipe and pictures! Yum!

With spring and summer around, vegetables are flowing freely (yay!). We are truly happy for that and even happier with the recipes that come along with it! This vegetable soup is sure to keep everyone around the table happy and well-fed with nutritious ingredients. There is not much work to it at all! 

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Vegetable Soup
A easy-to-make vegetable soup that can last the week
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
1 hr 15 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
1 hr 15 min
  1. 1 large container(approx 32 oz) organic vegetable broth
  2. 1 large can (approx 28oz) whole peeled tomatoes
  3. 1 can 16oz (or fresh equivalent) of cannellini and red kidney beans
  4. 1 cup fresh green beans
  5. 2 cups shitake mushrooms
  6. large dash pepper
  7. large dash olive oil
  8. 2 cups diced celery
  9. 1 cup sliced carrots
  10. 1 onion, sliced
  11. 1 shallot, sliced
  12. several handfuls fresh dill
  13. 12 fresh sage leaves
  14. 1 cup thin egg noodles or similar small pasta
  15. pepper to taste or if you like it spicy, add fresh peppercorns
  1. Make sure to do all the chopping or slicing you need to do for vegetables
  2. Add all ingredients with the exception of egg noodles to large sauce pot and bring to a boil
  3. Simmer and cover for approx 1-1.5 hours
  4. Ten minutes before serving, add egg noodles
  1. Would go great alongside ciabatta bread!
hungry and fit
There you have it. Enjoy and thank Hungry’s mom for this one! This is a great way to meal prep for the entire week and not have to worry about dinner. Big batches are smart like that. Use this recipe to stay hungry and fit!
