
Why Is Holistic Dentistry Trending?

Today, most consumers are searching for more natural health products. Dentistry is not left behind. People are moving towards natural treatment for their dental health care. What does holistic dentistry involve? It is a dentistry practice that focuses on the wellness and health of a patient as opposed to the treatment of any disease.

Why is a holistic dental practice gaining popularity? Keep on reading to find out the top reasons why holistic dentistry is becoming more popular today.


Our Annual Domino’s Pizza Tradition

I actually had to Google Domino’s Pizza because I thought it was spelled with an e. When I was doing my tiny bit of research for this quick blog, I was shocked. I had no idea that Domino’s stock was nearly $400 a share. I considered purchasing some when it was $30 a share and I almost wish I did. We’re not here to discuss finances, although money definitely has a role to play in Domino’s success. Let’s talk about our annual tradition of getting Domino’s. 


Welcoming July

Wow… what a year. I can’t believe it is already July. I seriously can’t remember anything quite like this during my lifetime. The last three or four months have been truly unique and there is really no way of telling where we’ll all go from here. Last month might have been the least active month in the history of the blog. We published three articles. Two were sponsored and one was a review of a newer restaurant here on the west bank of New Orleans. I’m not sure how everyone did last month, or for the first half of this year, but I’m personally going to focus on today and tomorrow. No matter what happened in the past, we have to push forward with strength and determination.


5 Tips for Boosting Memory at Any Age

Poor memory can strike individuals at any age, and from children to the elderly, a lapse in short-term or long-term memory can bring with it a number of health issues, both mentally and physically. Just as with any muscle, “exercising” your brain can improve its functionality in many ways, including those related to memory. Here are 5 tips for boosting your memory at any age.


Great Deals on Craigslist for Home Gyms

About two months ago, we were all living in a world full of uncertainty and while that hasn’t necessarily changed much, there are some fitness facilities that are re-opening across the country. Whether these gyms open to their full capacity or not, many won’t feel comfortable returning yet. Nearly a month ago, many of the online fitness manufacturers were out of stock on nearly every product. People were buying massive amounts to resell locally with huge markups and home gyms were growing quickly. While those markups are still growing in some places, there have been and will continue to be normal deals. 


How to Reduce Stress During Quarantine

The quarantine caused by the coronavirus pandemic has been one of the most stressful events in many people’s lives. You’re not sure when it’s safe to go out, you never know who could by carrying the virus, and there’s no clear end in sight with a vaccine still in development. With all your favorite stores, bars, cafes, and restaurants closed, there’s seemingly nowhere to go. So, you’re stuck inside reading, streaming endless online content, and chatting over video chat with friends.

It’s totally understandable if that’s left you a little stressed out. In this post, we’ll walk you through what you need to do to reduce your stress levels and make it through quarantine feeling calm and relaxed, even in spite of the raging global pandemic


The Benefits Of Personal Protective Equipment Against COVID-19

The COVID-19 virus was declared a global pandemic earlier this year. The respiratory disease spreads through droplets contained in the bodily fluids of an infected person. The illness spreads very fast and has more than 4 million confirmed cases so far. The reason for stopping it’s spread is difficult is because patients can be asymptomatic. This means that a person can be infected but not feel sick. In such a situation they might infect other people unknowingly. The key to overcoming the virus is being educated about it and take actions that help stop it’s spread until a vaccine can be developed.


How to Use Running for Weight Loss

Have you finally decided to lose the extra pounds? How many times have you heard that you need to cut calories and start running to lose weight? Running has its advantages and disadvantages, but many agree on one thing – this is one of the most effective ways to lose extra weight. Many fitness blogs praise running. Check out what Rockay says about it.

At first glance, everything seems so simple. All you have to do is wear something that makes you feel comfortable, put on sneakers, and choose a running spot. But it happens that the scale shows the same number of pounds despite your efforts. For running to be really effective, you need to follow some rules. Remember one thing, running is the cheapest and most effective physical activity you can do!


The Run-Walk: Transitioning from Walking to Running

Running can change your life. Running and walking are, in terms of technique, similar. The difference is that in walking, at one point both feet are on the ground, and in running there is a phase where both feet are in the air at some point. Running is an extension of walking. This guide for beginners in running will show you how to start and how to make running a daily habit.


How to Improve Your Diet (And Your Relationship with Food)

We are what we eat, which is a simple way of saying that the food we eat directly impacts our health, our mood, and our physical shape. Having a healthy relationship with food means that we can get all the vitamins and nutrients that we need, in portion sizes that our bodies can process. Without this balance, our health and wellbeing can fall out of tandem, and we suffer as a result. 

If you don’t naturally have a good relationship with your food, then it can feel like a challenge to reconfigure what you eat and how you feel about your meals, but with this guide, you can start your journey on the right track. 
