How to Use Running for Weight Loss

Have you finally decided to lose the extra pounds? How many times have you heard that you need to cut calories and start running to lose weight? Running has its advantages and disadvantages, but many agree on one thing – this is one of the most effective ways to lose extra weight. Many fitness blogs praise running. Check out what Rockay says about it.

At first glance, everything seems so simple. All you have to do is wear something that makes you feel comfortable, put on sneakers, and choose a running spot. But it happens that the scale shows the same number of pounds despite your efforts. For running to be really effective, you need to follow some rules. Remember one thing, running is the cheapest and most effective physical activity you can do!

What Do Running and Weight Loss Have to Do With Each Other?

As you run you burn calories. Here’s what it’s all about. High-intensity exercises such as running are more tiring than normal walking. Sure enough, you will notice that after a hard workout your heart beats harder, you sweat and you may still be red in the face. It’s a sign that even while you’re resting, you’re burning calories. You started the burning machine.

How Fast Can You Lose Weight This Way?

Don’t expect miraculous results right away. It is neither good nor healthy to start losing many pounds at once. You should just take it slow, especially at first and keep at it. With proper nutrition and running, you can expect to lose about a pound a week.

Adjust Your Diet

At the same time, of course, you need to reduce the calories you eat. Strive to burn 500 calories a day. The average runner consumes 100 calories per mile. Although you will spend so much by running, you can make up for it with just one meal. So if you want to know how to get rid of belly fat by running, then you need to reduce your food intake. It’s not that hard. It is enough to be active and regular in running and instead of sweets, fatty and spicy foods, switch to a proper diet and healthier foods – cereals, meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk and dairy products.

A Few Good Tips to Lose Weight by Running

Start gradually. If you haven’t run yet and your fitness readiness is not at an enviable level, the last thing you want is to become discouraged on the first try. Don’t expect too much from yourself. Running can be stressful for both your muscles and your joints. For your first time, just go for a walk along the route you have chosen to run. Next time, try a faster walking pace. Then combine light running and walking and slowly increase the pace. If you start abruptly, you will run two hundred meters, catch your breath and say “This is not for me!”Don’t push yourself every day. Muscles and bones need to rest from stress. For a start, two or three times a week is enough, every other day.

To see that running can really affect weight loss it must become a routine for you. So take a look at your daily schedules and see when you have at least 45 minutes to run during each day. In order to reach a flat stomach this way, you need to train 3 to 5 times a week.

Have you gained a fitness level when running is no longer an effort for you? We have bad news for you – it’s not exactly a desirable option. When you get to that stage, set yourself new challenges like:

  • Run faster
  • Run a longer route
  • Do interval training – run at a slower pace for a few minutes, then run for half a minute as fast as you can
  • Go uphill

Add strength exercises. Want to see the effects of running and envy your body? Then incorporate strength training into your weekly routine. Running melts fat, while strength exercises shape you. Set aside two or three days a week for this type of physical activity.

Photo by alan KO on Unsplash
