
The Perfect July 4th Treat: Stuffed Strawberries

Now that I think about it, it doesn’t need to be July 4th…it can be any nation’s pride day who has red white and blue. And you aren’t limited just to July 4th either because it’s a healthy and delicious treat! I may have served these on July 5th, but that’s only because we already had rhubarb pies made by my grandma. This special dish involves fruit, dairy, and happiness and doesn’t take longer than 15-20 minutes to make! I got it from here and added a bit of lemon into it and took out some sugar.

photo 2 (6)

Prep Time: 15-20 minutes

Cooking Time: …non-existent


  • a tin of strawberries (I just usually get the regular pound at the grocery)
  • a tin of blueberries (same thing)
  • 5 oz marscapone
  • juice of a lemon
  • lemon zest
  • 2 tbsp powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla


  • Wash the fruit and pat dry all of it
Beautiful sight

Beautiful sight

  • Take the strawberries and cut the green ends off and also a little portion of the tip so they can stand upright on a platter
  • Take a melon baller and ball out of the bottom, creating a crevasse.

photo 2 (5)

photo 3 (5)

  • Once your strawberries are all “pitted” and plated, let’s turn to the filling. Put 5 ounces of marscapone cheese and put it in a small-medium bowl
  • I would next do the lemon juice. Cut the lemon in half and squeeeeeze all that juice out.
  • Next, grind the lemon on a grater and get a good amount of zest (people say 1 tsp, but I eyeball it)
  • Then, throw the powdered sugar and vanilla in and stir! Mix it all up really well
Hard not to eat it all

Hard not to eat it all

  • Now comes the most difficult part: take the marscapone mixture and put it into a re-sealable bag and snip a corner off. Use this contraption to fill the pits in the strawberries up with the mixture

photo 5 (3)

  • Once all the strawberries are filled to perfection, place the blueberries on top of the cream in the strawberries. And that’s it!
Yum yum yum

Yum yum yum

This is an easy, healthy treat you can substitute for pie or something else you’d like to stay away from on those holiday food feasts. Fresh fruit and sweet cheese. How could it go wrong? It’s easy to do, pretty to the eye, and delicious enough to impress. Make this recipe if you’re looking to stay hungry and fit! 

photo 3 (7)

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Kiwi Recipe: Bubble and Squeak [Leftover Magic]

If you know me, or if you’ve been reading long enough, you’ll know that I’m half-Kiwi (meaning half “New Zealandish”). My mum is from New Zealand and thus I grew up with a lot of different cultural things coming from her. As you know, New Zealand is a part of the Commonwealth, and so it takes things from England and either keeps it the same or changes it. New Zealand, by the way, is the best place ever with the best people ever, and we can’t wait to someday move there (dual-citizenship comes in handy). Alana, what’s this back story for?! It’s for the recipe I’m about to share with you, Bubble & Squeak

You can read that link if you’d like, but I’ll give you a short description here. Many mornings, if we had leftover mashed potatoes from the night before, mum would make me bubble and squeak. It’s a little different than the one you’ll read about in that link, because my mum would normally just use potatoes (if you have other leftover vegetables like carrots or broccoli, you can use them too). She would put the mashed potatoes into a cast-iron skillet and just continually let them cook, then scrape them, cook them, scrape them. This results in a delicious manner of browned mashed potatoes, as best as I can describe. Once it’s browned all over, you serve it on some toast and pour lemon juice over it. My mouth is watering as I write this and making me miss home! Alright, let’s get down to the details.

Yum, ready to go!

Yum, ready to go!

  • Prep Time: 0-2 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 5-10 minutes


  • leftover mashed potatoes (or sweet potatoes, that’s what is in these pictures. You could even have boiled taters and mash them for this specific meal if you really want)
  • toast
  • lemon


Take out mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, or any leftover vegetables out and mash them into the potatoes

Mashed up white sweet potatoes

Mashed up white sweet potatoes

  • You can salt and pepper it if you wish. Now cast-iron is best, but make do with whatever you have. Put that vegetable mix or mashed potatoes into the frying pan. You can put a little oil in if you wish, but really we just want to let it brown and keep scraping it and turning it. So, turn up the heat!

photo 2 (16)

  • Put on a piece of bread to toast 
  • Once you’ve gotten your mash nice and brown, go ahead and serve right on top of the toast. Drench it with lemon juice (we squeeze lemons on top).
  • You can cut it in half and eat it like toast or just use a fork and knife
Yum, ready to go!

Yum, ready to go!

It is sooooooo good. And it’s such an easy thing to prepare for any meal. The combination of tastes between the lemon and browned mash makes you want more and more. This is something I will continue to use and thank my mum for making it for me during my childhood. This is a sure-fire easy recipe to keep you hungry and fit!

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Sajah getting a nice bath

Sajah getting a nice bath


My Hell Week is Over

Disclaimer: I would never suggest this “diet” to anyone else. For me, it was just a willpower test I’ve wanted to try. I am highly against crash or fad diets.

Second Disclaimer: This is kind of a long post, but only because it means a lot to me.

I did it. I did it! I did it! If you’re wondering why I’m seemingly raving mad right now, direct yourself to this postIf you don’t feel like reading the whole thing (even though it’s short), I’ll give you a little summary. I did a crazy thing of subjecting myself to 7 days of 560 caloric hell. The actors from Spartacus did this to get lean and in slave-gladiator-like shape for their show. It was a prescribed four water protein shakes a day. That’s it. For an entire week. And that was while they were at “Gladiator Camp” doing 4 hours of combat work each day. I unfortunately had no such camp to attend, so every other day I completed the hellish Spartacus Circuit (3 times over). And on the other days, I did other cardio and strength exercises.

Working hard during a Spartacus circuit

Working hard during a Spartacus circuit

So last Wednesday I forwent food, subsisting on only 4-5 protein shakes a day (water mixed with protein powder). If any of you know me, I am hungry most of the time. Why do you think we named this blog Hungry and Fit? I didn’t choose to do this to lose weight or lose inches (even though I am doing this contest), I did it for the sole sake of testing my willpower. And I did it. I didn’t touch any food for that entire week though I drooled and craved it constantly. I’m waiting for someone to send me my “Willpower Extraordinaire” plaque, but I guess it takes time to mail.

My only sustenance

I am very proud of myself and happy I pushed through. Water, gum, and ice are the three material things that really helped me get through it. Oh, and video games. Thanks, nerdy side of myself, for helping me get lost in that while I wasn’t working out or working. More than those, Chris and friends really supported me. Chris was there for me every step of the way and my friends would text me each morning say, “Alana, still staying strong?!” I appreciated it more than they know. Because I was definitely an infinitely more grumpy person during that week. You can especially ask Chris, but also my workmates like Daisy or Kim too.

How I felt

How I felt

Again, I would not suggest this to anyone. After only consuming 560 calories a day, working out every day, and continuing an active-paced job, I lost ten pounds (I know my mum is yelling at me right now back home). Ten pounds in a week is NOT GOOD. Listen to me, I’m a trainer. That’s what you call a bad crash diet. Again, I want to reiterate, I did it for the willpower test, because for me, I think at the end of the day, if you don’t have your willpower, you don’t have anything. It was extremely rough the first few days–who am I kidding, it was rough for the entirety, but I started getting used to not consuming food. However, by the end, my body was pretty mad at me, making me a little sick and weak. Again–DON’T do this. I’m just sharing my achievement. It ended up de-motivating me for my contest because I was so miserable without food and feeling weak.





I’m showing you pictures of how my body slightly transformed, not as motivation, but to document how this affected me.

You can imagine how blissfully amazing this day of rebirth into food has been (if you think I’m being dramatic, blame my dad, he’s an actor). I had my meals planned days in advance (because what do you do when you can’t eat? You think about food!). I was in such a better mood than I had been all week and I was just happy because I did it. I accomplished something I had wanted to for a long time now. I’m all for celebration, but I’m still on track for this contest. And although today is a “cheat” day (you’ll get descriptions and pictures after this of my meals today), I’m going right back to strict eating of lean proteins, veggies, fruits, and complex carbohydrates to get to my “extremely fit” goal with Chris at my back as a coach.

This wasn’t even close to my cheat day before the Spartacus Hell Week (in terms of bad food), but it was cheat enough for me because it was real, beautiful FOOD. Let’s look at the menu.

For Breakfast: Dot’s Diner

Small House Breakfast...that's fake meat

Small House Breakfast…that’s fake meat

photo (28)

I really tried slowly eating, but you can’t understand my excitement and happiness. I ate most of it, but not the whole biscuit. Stomach felt funky for a few hours, but it just needs to get used to solids again.

For Lunch: Snarf’s 

Tuna sandwich...mmmm

Tuna sandwich…mmmm

Face of bliss

Face of bliss

The mouth-watering in this situation happened to be ridiculous. Again, tried to take my time. 

For Dinner: Korea House

Korea House in its amazingness...we would eat here every night if we could afford it

Korea House in its amazingness…we would eat here every night if we could afford it

Happy last meal

Happy last meal

I wasn’t going to (or supposed to) have any thick dairy like milk or ice cream, but we were served it by our favorite Korean chef and we always put respect, honor, and morals before anything else.

All in all, I’m glad I did it. I’m proud of myself. But I will never do it again.  I only wish to inspire people to try to reach higher and higher, because you never know what you’re capable of. Wish me luck on the rest of my 5 weeks til the end of the contest! Going to be on an eating plan of tuna, beans, rice, vegetables, grapefruit, banana, fish and oatmeal! Use your willpower to stay hungry and fit!

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Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner: Tofu Scramble

Now this is another recipe from the great book my lovely client got me: the McDougall Quick & Easy Cookbook. It’s full of delicious, healthy recipes that don’t take the whole evening to prepare. My client encouraged me to try the tofu scramble and I finally did. I am very thankful I did so, and I was rewarded by having it for many meals since it makes plenty of servings. This recipe is healthy and easy to make, especially for those who take lunch to work. You can have it any time of the day with anything–toast, eggs, stir fry! It is SUPER easy.

Feel free to spice it up!

Feel free to spice it up!

  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking Time10 minutes


  • 1 packet firm tofu
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1-2 cups mushrooms, chopped
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 2 tbsp mustard
  • 1/2 tsp nutritional yeast
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp paprika


  • Put the water in a medium frying pan and turn on heat
  • Put in the chopped mushrooms and bell pepper
Ready to be cooked!

Ready to be cooked!

  • Once the mushrooms and peppers have been somewhat cooked, throw the spinach in as well. Feel free to season how you’d like

photo 2 (4)

  • While it continues to cook, take out your tofu and put it in a bowl. Mash it up, reeeal well. Keep going!
  • Put all your seasonings in with the tofu and mix it around the mash
  • Add the tofu to the veggies and cook for another 5 minutes or so, until you see fit.

photo 3 (4)

  • You can serve with potatoes, tacos, eggs–whatever meal it is and whatever you are in the mood for!
I, of course, opted for the tacos

I, of course, opted for the tacos

Feel free to spice it up!

Feel free to spice it up!

It  may not be pretty, but it is nutritious and delicious! It’s easy to whip up (I did it after a long workout) and it kept me fed for a few days after I made it! Definitely worth it. There’s so many ways you can change it around. The original recipe calls for onion, but I say whatever vegetables you have in the house, throw them in! This is the perfect recipe to stay hungry and fit!

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Bed cuddles

Bed cuddles


Power Protein Breakfast: Waffles, Greek Yogurt, and Fruit

Besides Weetabix, this has become one of my go-to breakfasts when I have enough time in the morning. It’s packed with protein and fiber, sending you ready to kick butt on the day ahead. Now, typically, store-bought waffles aren’t the best for you. But that all changed when one day I was craving waffles while we were grocery shopping, and I scoured the frozen section for some decent waffles. Tip: always pass up the Eggo’s. Another tip: NEVER PASS UP THE VAN’S. 

photo 1

Yep. The name of this natural brand of waffles is Van’s. And no, I did not receive any money from them for this post (though, I wouldn’t mind a tip if they stopped by). Good nutritional value at 180 calories per 2 waffles, 10g protein, 2g fiber, 6g sugar and no saturated fat. Can you say, “YES PLEASE.” But there’s more to this power protein breakfast. What’s a breakfast without greek yogurt? Alright, enough chit-chat–look down for this 5-10 minute breakfast recipe.

photo 1 (2)


  • 2 Van’s protein waffles
  • 2 dollops of 0% Fage Greek yogurt (or any kind you have)
  • 1/2 tsp butter (optional)
  • 100% pure maple syrup OR agave nectar
  • 2 strawberries (but any fruit will do)

[I’m literally salivating as I write this–it’s that good]


  • Put waffles into toaster/toaster oven for 5-10 minutes (or until golden brown on both sides)

photo 2

  • If you want to, spread a minuscule amount of butter atop the two waffles and plate them.
  • Put a spoonful of greek yogurt on each waffle

photo 3

  • Pour your syrup or agave on top (however much you’d like)
  • Cut up your fruit and put on top

photo 4

And DIG IN. I literally look forward to this the night before I know I have time in the morning to make it. It’s a perfect-sized breakfast with enough protein to start the day off deliciously and will keep you satisfied more than that bowl of Raisin Bran. Next time you go waffle shopping, try Van’s. It is so worth it. This is a mouth-watering breakfast that doesn’t leave you feeling guilty or heavy afterwards. I have a very active job (I’m a personal trainer after all…) and this is the perfect thing to start the day right. This is a meal that will encourage you to be…hungry and fit! ENJOY! 

I mean, come on, LOOK AT THAT

I mean, come on, LOOK AT THAT


Nymeria being lazy and tired...and cute

Nymeria being lazy and tired…and cute


Scrumptious Whole-Wheat Banana Date Muffins

We had dates and bananas that needed to be used. Okay maybe the dates didn’t need to be used since they last forever, but I’ve been wanting to try this. Like my other muffin recipe (which this one is actually based on), it’s super simple and quick to do. I threw this together late last night after a leg workout. It’s very healthy, estimated at about 167 calories with 3 grams of protein and fiber! Not too shabby.

photo 3 (3)

  • Prep Time: 7 minutes
  • Bake Time: 15-20 minutes


  • 1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour
  • 10 dates
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 3/8 cup honey [a little more than 1/3]
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 bananas mashed
  • 1/4 cup hot water


  • In a small bowl, mix together dry ingredients: whole-wheat flour, salt, and baking soda

photo 3 (2)

  • Chop up your dates, 5 into little pieces, 5 into long quarters

photo 2 (3)

  • Put dry ingredients to the side and get a bigger mixing bowl. Put the olive oil and honey into big bowl and whisk!

photo 4 (2)

  • Crack both eggs and drop them in. Whisk away!
  • Now, mash your bananas so they are nice and smooth. Scrape the bananas into the wet mixture
  • Add the finely chopped dates (don’t put in the long date quarters)

photo 1 (7)

  • Slowly stir in the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, alternating with pouring in hot water

photo 2 (5)

  • Grease your muffin tin and pour them in. Make sure they don’t overflow, but you want them high enough so they puff over the top when baked.

photo 3 (4)

  • Top each muffin with the quarter slivers of dates we cut ahead of time as a garnish!

photo 4 (3)

  • Bake for 15-20 minutes. Mine took about 17 minutes

photo 1 (6)

And enjoy! Oh they are SO good warm right out of the oven. And of course, before I brought them into work, I had to taste test them. And…I approve! Another fail-proof recipe to enjoy and not feel the slightest guilt eating them.

photo 3 (3)

photo 2 (4)


photo 1 (5)

Nymeria cuddling Chris


The Best of Best of Boulder County 2012

This is a review of a review. Every year the readers of Boulder Weekly vote on the Best of Boulder County and while it is all opinion, local businesses love to hang their awards throughout their shops and eateries. Although we haven’t even lived here for a year, we have tried to eat and venture to as many places that our busy lives allow. We are also very opinionated, especially when it comes to food. People can claim they love food as much as me but I would challenge you to put your money where your mouth is if you doubt our hunger. So I’m essentially going to flip from page to page and rant when I feel necessary so hang in there.


The cover features a picture of Naoto Kanda, the owner of Sushi Zanmai. His restaurant won Best Japanese Restaurant. Despite recommendations from my boss, Ryan, and our family/friend, Fred, we have yet to try this location because every time we walk by it is closed. Despite mediocre Yelp reviews, we’re going ASAP so look for an upcoming review.

Before I move on, since I have already gone through the whole magazine, I would like to say that this isn’t really a fair judge of the Best of Boulder County. I would venture to estimate that 90% of the votes received are from people living in Boulder like ourselves. Other towns in Boulder County, with lower populations and population density, most likely are not fairly represented but it is a poll for readers and everyone acknowledges that truth.

Best American Bistro who cares. I don’t eat bistro sized or priced portions typically so I can’t say much about the top five here. Best Appetizers went to The Med and the one time we went we did enjoy the multitude of appetizers that our large group got so fair enough. Who cares about best brunch? Not me. I want more meals so I break them down… not combine them.

Megan's Graduation...and Chris has Bell's Palsy here so no judging!

Megan’s Graduation at The Med…and Chris has Bell’s Palsy here so no judging!

Here is the first crime. Best Asian Fusion Restaurant. Chez Thuy won with Japango coming in fourth place. Chez Thuy was one of our worst dining experiences yet. We ordered a lot of variety and nearly everything we had was bad. Not decent, but bad. The pad thai was awful. Second worst I’ve ever had to Pong Sri in New York City. Japango was also a bad meal and the menu did not represent many Asian cultures. You want good Asian Fusion… go to Kho’s Asian Bistro in Longmont. It’s New York or L.A. quality.


I’d have to give Best Bakery to Spruce Confections. Their pies and croissants made our family from across the country and world very happy on Thanksgiving. Breadworks serves “fresh” bread at the Farmer’s Market and by fresh I mean stale. Dot’s Diner rightfully wins best breakfast for the bucks. Don’t sleep on The Buff or Turley’s for best breakfast even though they place third and not on the top five. And please try the Panaderia on 28th Street. It has a museum’s worth of delicious Mexican and Latin American baked choices. That should definitely be on the top five for best bakery now that we think about it.

Our latest trip to Spruce

Our latest trip to Spruce

Alana's typical house breakfast

Dot’s Diner breakfast

Us at the Buff! (that's my brother on the left)

Us at the Buff! (that’s Alana’s brother on the left)

Racks of delicious baked goods at Panaderia

Racks of delicious baked goods at Panaderia

Larkburger winning best burger is a sham. It was the worst burger I’ve had in town yet. Expensive, slow, small, and worthless. Mountain Sun takes the cake for me, and Mustard’s Last Stand is the best burger for the buck. Moe’s bagels and service has been awful every time that I have gone and we have Einstein’s in Pennsylvania so it wins by default for having locations near New Jersey and New York.

Tempeh burger at Mustard's (basically what Alana gets)

Tempeh burger at Mustard’s (basically what Alana gets)

Las Palmeras in Longmont has the best burritos along with some Taqueria on Lashley Street. Seriously, if Boulder locations win best burrito with the population of Mexican Americans that exist in Longmont, it’s obvious where people have eaten. Not in the right place. China Gourmet and Tsing Tao are the best Chinese restaurants. China Gourmet is one of the best Chinese food places I have ever eaten in my life. If you want a good restaurant dessert, you need to go back to Kho’s Asian Bistro or Pasta Vino in Boulder. They have a tower of puff pastry and fresh fruit greatness that tops anything I had at The Med.


Pasta Vino awesome dessert

I have no quarrels with Best Fine Dining because we’ve only been to John’s Restaurant and The Cork. Ripple and Glacier win as they should for frozen yogurt and ice cream. Tibet Kitchen should win best Indian/Nepali Restaurant or whatever category it fits best into. We haven’t been happy with any Italian yet so that’s that.

Tibet Kitchen...heaven

Tibet Kitchen…heaven

Snarf’s sandwiches are the best. Sun Deli has some good sandwiches as well, definitely better than Deli Zone. Best overall restaurants are Kho’s Asian Bistro and Korea House. Tibet Kitchen and Mediterranean Market are best non restaurant style eateries. Abo’s is the best slice and pizzeria… the makers of this poll don’t know what a pizzeria is. The best gyro is Med Market and not Falafel King. Kho’s and Korea house have the highest quality fish for sushi we’ve had so far. Much higher than Tora and Japango. Tibet Kitchen is the most vegetarian friendly so says Alana the veggie. It also gets the best chai drink. You can tell where we like to eat right? Well that’s enough of my ranting. I’ll stop there before we get into gyms and grocery stores and useless things. We’ll try more restaurants and have a better input for next year. Stay hungry and fit!

Alana's choice...Tuna Melt with everything from tomatoes to lettuce to hot peppers



Mediterranean Market platter


The Perfect Breakfast: Warm Weetabix

When I was pretty young, my mum would have Weetabix cereal with warm milk and brown sugar. What is Weetabix? It’s a commonwealth shredded wheat cereal that’s either rolled into a circular pattern or into a rectangular block. Sounds so appetizing, doesn’t it! It doesn’t have any added bad stuff in it, and packs a good amount of fiber to boot.

I hadn’t had Weetabix for awhile, it’s not a very American thing, but I know my mum had it in New Zealand all the time (yes, she’s a kiwi–which makes me half!) and then brought it to the States for us. I was talking about it with one of my clients (why do I have the most awesome clients?) and how I haven’t had it in forever because I don’t look for it. Well, a few hours after our training session, I came to the Front Desk and found a big box of whole-wheat Weetabix waiting for me with a kind note.


So how should you eat this stuff?Most Americans would have it in some cold milk with maybe some fruit like strawberries or blueberries. I, however, was brought up to heat some milk, put in two weetabixes, sprinkle a little brown sugar on top, and then mush the weetabix into a less solid form.

photo (1)

It may not sound appetizing, but is one of the most delicious, healthy, comforting breakfasts. And serves as a wonderful afternoon tea or morning tea snack as well. And I owe it to my client for bringing these childhood memories back! Try it out, you actually can find these in American grocery stores now. It’s a healthy breakfast, filling, and satisfying! Not to mention, it doesn’t break the bank.

photo (2)

Cheers! And as always…stay hungry and fit!


Post-Workout Protein Oatmeal

So I came back from my workout at an odd time, around 11 in the morning. Hmm, I want something to sustain me for a bit, and smoothies never do. Wait, didn’t my protein powder bin say to try it in cereal? Well, oatmeal is a cereal…hmmm. And here we are with a oatmeal recipe loaded with protein. It was actually really good, once you got used to the texture. Really delicious and healthy. Try it out!

Prep Time7 minutes?


  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1 scoop flavor-less whey protein [I use Jarrow’s]
  • 4 strawberries
  • 6 dates
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp agave nectar 


  • Get cup of water to boiling
  • In advance, cut up dates and strawberries


  • Add in oatmeal and turn down to simmer
  • Once oatmeal is starting to cook, put in some cinnamon
  • oatmeal w cinnamonAfter you stir in the oatmeal, pour in the whey protein powder and stir. By this point, you definitely want to keep an eye on it because it will stick much easier

whey oatmeal

  • Once you stir in the protein powder, pour in some of the agave nectar in for a touch of sweetness


  • Throw in a few dates and strawberries in (but not all of them) to heat into the oatmeal 
  • After a minute, take out and serve into bowl

ready to eat

  • Put the rest of the fruit on top and you’re done!

beautiful oatmeal

I think this took me about 7 minutes total and it filled me up with excellent nutrients: fiber, protein, and carbs! If you want, you could even try putting in a flavored protein powder, up to you!



Healthy Whole-Wheat Honey Banana Muffins

If you couldn’t tell by the title, this recipe is very healthy. There is no sugar and no refined flour. AND THEY TASTE GOOD. I wouldn’t lie. This is my first time baking muffins from scratch, so I’m very pleased. I found the recipe here, altered it slightly and cut in half because I only have a 12-count muffin pan. And this was all the while watching Fawlty Towers!


  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 17 minutes
  • Yields: 12 beautiful muffins 


  • 1 3/4 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 bananas mashed
  • 1/4 cup hot water


  • Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees and grease the muffin pan 
  • Put the whole wheat flour, baking soda, and salt into a small bowl and mix. 

dry ingredients

  • Put the dry ingredients to the side and get a bigger bowl where everything will end up. Put in the olive oil and honey and whisk well.

oil + honey

  • Once that is well mixed, drop in those two eggs and mix mix mix!


  • Once those are beaten, then add the mashed (MASH THEM) bananas into the mix.
  • Now the dry ingredients are ready to make friends with the wet ingredients. Slowly stir in the dry ingredients, alternating with pouring in a little of the hot water you measured out before. Mix well!
Mix all ready to go

Mix all ready to go

  • The mix is delicious by the way–had way too much of it before it hit the oven. Go a head and pour the mix into your muffin pan. Fill it as high up as you want–it all depends on how big muffins you’d like.


  • Put in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Mine cooked in about 17 minutes. Try going for 15 minutes and test them.

IMG_2969And here they are. The texture turned out wonderfully, the taste not overpowering, and the structural integrity strong. Very excited about these.

Chris' hand

Chris’ hand (you can see dinner in the background)

My hand

My hand

Cheers! Enjoy the recipe and the food! Delicious 
