
5 Healthy Tips for Your Heart to Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of early death in adult men and women. This is a cause for concern. Below are tips to help you look after your heart.

Be Smoke- Free

This is the most controllable risk factor for heart disease. If you are a smoker, quitting smoking will reduce the risk of dying of heart disease by half in 12 months compared to the continuing smoker. For the non- smoker, you must protect yourself against second- hand smoke. It is smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, and the smoke breathed out by smokers. Only 5 minutes of it and your aorta is stiffened.


Important Tips to Help You Avoid Injuries during Your Fitness Exercises


Regular exercising is one of the essential activities that you can do for your health. But how you approach your physical tasks determines whether it causes problems or improves your well being. Using the wrong types of equipment or pushing yourself too hard or even wearing the wrong shoes can cause injuries.

Therefore, ensure that you remain safe and avoid injuries while exercising. Because when the exercise is safe and painless, you will enjoy doing it all the time, which will benefit you emotionally and physically. Here are some tips to help you stay safe during your exercise.


Does Weight Loss Coaching Really Work?

If you are struggling with weight loss, then you may be interested in learning how to lose extra weight. Perhaps you have even tried out a few weight loss techniques but to no avail. One of the most common approaches to weight loss is to employ coaching. Some swear by weight loss coaching as the best technique for weight loss. So, does it work? The answer is yes! Weight loss coaching has been empirically proven to work. As such, if it doesn’t work for you, you could be doing it wrong. To help you leap the benefits of weight loss coaching, here are a few factors to put into consideration.


Healthy Habits You Certainly Forget – Our Recommendations

We all know bad health habits when we experience them. Smoking, for instance, you know it’s a no-no. Habits such as drinking until you lose your consciousness, eating junk food, sleeping less than 6 hours a day and sitting all day without even a minute of exercise are bad for your health. We also know good healthy habits when we see or experience them; drinking at least eight glasses of water every day, walking 10,000 steps every day, eating more fruits and vegetables than other foods and resting.

The question is, how often do you remember these healthy habits? Are you sometimes too tired to drink enough water every day? Below are healthy habits you certainly know but often you forget. 


Do Health Hacks Actually Work?

There are so many products that are available in just about every market imaginable. It takes days, weeks and sometimes even months of research before you decide which TV or car to buy. In Los Angeles, there are thousands of fitness facilities, which means there are so many hairs to split when figuring out which one is the best for you. You can just look at price or location, or take other factors into consideration as well. With the increase of visibility from social media, especially Facebook, you’re being bombarded with targeted ads and marketing every moment that you’re awake. 

Almost everyone, especially here in Los Angeles, has to work two or three jobs to pay rent. Unless you inherited money or are supported by your parents (or the few true success stories) you rarely have enough time to take care of yourself. You might eat poorly or skip workouts because you’re so broke or exhausted from having to work so much, that you’re always looking for shortcuts to help. Whether that means holistic medicine to avoid expensive doctor trips (read about my $6,000 an hour ER visit at Cedars) or magical pills that burn fat off your body while you’re sleeping, there are many temptations available just one click away, thanks to Amazon. 

The question is: are they worth it?


4 Tips to Getting Legal Help for an Accident

Some accidents are caused by unavoidable circumstances. This still causes trauma to the victims especially if they are kids. Professional help with everything you need to know about trauma and addiction is available online. Remember, accidents can lead to trauma that affects victims for the rest of their lives. You should seek both medical and legal help to ensure that justice for the victims prevails. For fatal accidents, medical aid is offered by passersby or the police. After medical attention, you should seek legal help especially if you were not at fault. Compensation may help you deal with hospital bills and car repairs. Such traumatic experiences may also affect one’s life negatively. Legal professionals may help you to understand the measures that you should take to ensure that you are compensated appropriately.


5 Tips to Dating in 2019

Dating is not as easy as most people think and in order to find the ideal partner, you need to be cautious and conscious of who they are. Unlike the times spent alone, dating requires you to create some time and space to accommodate the other person. This not only strengthens your relationship, but it also enables you to know more about the person. Below are five dating tips to use in 2019.


Taking Care of Yourself

As some of you may know, on November 2nd, I hurt my neck at the gym. It didn’t feel different than other times in the past when I turned it the wrong way, but after two days, I ended up going to the Emergency Room. BIG mistake. Growing up, playing sports, I had many trips to the emergency room. Throughout college, two more that I can remember. While living in Boulder, another two that come to mind. In our first five or so years in LA, I had been accident free… or perhaps I just toughened up and dealt with issues myself. I don’t know why I decided to head to the ER at Cedars-Sinai on November 4th. The doctor, who I won’t name, was your typical doctor. To be honest, I haven’t cared much for any of my doctors in the past. I give credit to one chiropractor and one eye doctor that I’ve worked with; everyone else seemed like a robot, or some kind of societal drone. This man was no exception and did nothing other than tell me to be careful, write some useless prescriptions and order some tests. 


Why You Should Switch Up Your Exercises

First of all, good for you for exercising. Good for you for putting in some work (I know it ain’t easy) into staying healthy and taking care of yourself. After that pat on the back, let’s talk about what you’re doing. It’s hard enough to get in the gym, do a home workout, or whatever you’re doing, let alone planning (and doing) different workouts. But it’s important! Doing the same old routine day after day can kill your mojo!

Why is it important to switch up your exercise? The body is always trying to get to homeostasis, meaning to a point where it has to do as little as possible to keep at a steady state. Humans are also great at adapting. Put those together and your body will try to get used to workouts as soon as it can. Once it “gets used to” a workout, it won’t have to work as hard. Which means YOU won’t burn as many calories, your heart rate won’t go as high, your muscles won’t get worked as intensely as they used to. Are you feeling what I’m saying now? You have to keep your body on its toes!



Keep It Moving: A Must-Read Book

Just the other day, we were reflecting on how often the solution to a major problem is so painfully simple. Sometimes, it could just be the flip of a switch to give power to a whole building when a surge turns off everyone’s lights all of a sudden. Someone knows where that switch is, but if that someone isn’t around or hasn’t shared that knowledge, how does that help us as a community?

Carl Bresk has over thirty years of experience in the field of health and wellness. For those three decades, Carl has taken a formal education (and degree) in kinesiology (anatomy, exercise science, etc.), the experiences of an elite athlete (as a competitive rower), and specialized training from working at a fitness facility where he teaches classes and clients, in order to find some part of the fountain of youth. Carl shares his secrets in his book “Keep It Moving” because he sincerely wants everyone to achieve a greater level of health and wellness. 

