
How to Reduce Stress During Quarantine

The quarantine caused by the coronavirus pandemic has been one of the most stressful events in many people’s lives. You’re not sure when it’s safe to go out, you never know who could by carrying the virus, and there’s no clear end in sight with a vaccine still in development. With all your favorite stores, bars, cafes, and restaurants closed, there’s seemingly nowhere to go. So, you’re stuck inside reading, streaming endless online content, and chatting over video chat with friends.

It’s totally understandable if that’s left you a little stressed out. In this post, we’ll walk you through what you need to do to reduce your stress levels and make it through quarantine feeling calm and relaxed, even in spite of the raging global pandemic


How to Use Running for Weight Loss

Have you finally decided to lose the extra pounds? How many times have you heard that you need to cut calories and start running to lose weight? Running has its advantages and disadvantages, but many agree on one thing – this is one of the most effective ways to lose extra weight. Many fitness blogs praise running. Check out what Rockay says about it.

At first glance, everything seems so simple. All you have to do is wear something that makes you feel comfortable, put on sneakers, and choose a running spot. But it happens that the scale shows the same number of pounds despite your efforts. For running to be really effective, you need to follow some rules. Remember one thing, running is the cheapest and most effective physical activity you can do!


The Run-Walk: Transitioning from Walking to Running

Running can change your life. Running and walking are, in terms of technique, similar. The difference is that in walking, at one point both feet are on the ground, and in running there is a phase where both feet are in the air at some point. Running is an extension of walking. This guide for beginners in running will show you how to start and how to make running a daily habit.


Indoor vs. Outdoor Exercise – Which is Better for You?

Exercises of any type are highly beneficial to you, both on a physical and mental level. You simply need to find the exercises you like and that work the best for your body and fitness goals and you can start your healthier lifestyle. However, there has always been a debate on whether working out at the gym or outdoors is better for you. Both of these environments have their pros and cons, and it will be up to you to decide based on your preferences. 


The Health Benefits of Kitesurfing

Kitesurfing isn’t a sport that would immediately spring to mind when thinking about forms of exercise that can help maintain good health. But kitesurfing is one of the world’s fastest growing sports. It’s also considered an ‘extreme sport’, but that doesn’t stop people of all ages and abilities taking it up. It’s not uncommon to see people in their 50’s and 60’s taking up the sport for example.


Buying Exercise Equipment for Home (During Quarantine)

We’ve been getting tons of questions about this lately. People who work out every day at the gym are stuck at home without equipment and don’t want to lose their progress. With no end in sight for the quarantine, especially in order to combat poor eating habits at home, people are trying to put together home gyms in order to maintain their progress, or prevent gaining fat/losing muscle mass. There are a few challenges though…

  1. They don’t know what equipment to buy.
  2. They don’t know what brand/model to buy.
  3. They don’t know where to buy it. 
  4. Many companies are backordered.
  5. Local markets (Facebook Marketplace, Offer Up, Let Go, Craigslist) are all home to price gouging. 

This video on YouTube will help you with some recommendations/tips for cardio equipment at home. To summarize part of it, look for less commercial pieces that don’t have a ton of moving parts or electronic components, such as a Schwinn Airdyne or Indoor Cycling Bike, such as the ones we have (below) in our home gym.


5 People to Follow for Quarantine Workouts

We know that it has probably been really challenging for you to adapt to major changes since this pandemic really took off. Some of us are more impacted than others, but most of our readers from major cities don’t have access to gyms because of mandated closures. That is, however, no excuse to let you goals and level of fitness fail. There are countless trainers out there, who can’t work right now, making amazing content for both their followers and the rest of the public. Here are a few that have been putting out amazing workouts with little to no equipment, for even longer than the quarantine.


Finding Great Cycling Apps & Getting Ready for Summer Cycling Season

If you’re an avid cyclist, chances are you have one or two cycling apps already downloaded on your phone. But, chances are, there are more cyclist apps developed and with the increased technology and creativity, there might be newer ones that you would enjoy. Check out the list of the top cycling apps below, but do keep reading on to learn what I discovered through my search for finding the best cyclist apps. 

Great Cycling Apps


Home Workouts (Coronavirus Quarantine)

We know that it can be overwhelming trying to change your routine overnight, or even over the course of a week. To save you the time and effort of looking through the site, here are some at-home workouts for you with notes about them to help you pick the right one. Most of them require absolutely no equipment whatsoever. 


Pilate Programs Have Become More Popular In Recent Times

Workouts and living healthy have become the new trend. People are becoming more conscious about what they eat and drink. Doing exercises have lots of benefits and many people are interestingly growing interests in this cardio strength training exercise. The programs which can be done by both men and women including pregnant women (with doctors’ approval) have lots of benefits, particularly with posture. 

Many people especially women are becoming more interested in the Pilates training program and women now even ditch their sneakers and for grippy socks as Pilates has shown proof to be quite beneficial. Pilates will be celebrating its 94th birthday this year and its popularity grows by the day. Across the globe, Pilates Studio Melbourne is witnessing the impacts of this improved interest and life-changing training program.
