Monthly Archives: July 2020

Our Blog’s Guest Post Guidelines

While our blog is far from the height of its popularity, we receive dozens of requests every single week for guest posts. For those of you who don’t know, a guest post is a pre-written article that we publish on the blog for a fee. They’re provided by anyone from a freelancer to a marketing agency to a representative or even founder of a company. We’ve published so many of them that I’ve lost count, but we say no to far more than 90% of those requests.


Our Annual Domino’s Pizza Tradition

I actually had to Google Domino’s Pizza because I thought it was spelled with an e. When I was doing my tiny bit of research for this quick blog, I was shocked. I had no idea that Domino’s stock was nearly $400 a share. I considered purchasing some when it was $30 a share and I almost wish I did. We’re not here to discuss finances, although money definitely has a role to play in Domino’s success. Let’s talk about our annual tradition of getting Domino’s. 


Tomorrow on YouTube: Millennial Food Quiz

Recently, a Facebook friend shared the featured image on this post, which is a millennial food quiz. This friend lives in the New Orleans area and most of the people who commented on the post had relatively low scores, which I mention in tomorrow’s video. I can only imagine what the results for someone in Los Angeles or San Francisco would look like. My score wouldn’t have been nearly as high if we didn’t live in Hollywood for three years

In tomorrow’s video, I go over the list one item at a time. I’ll also reveal if I know what it is, if I’ve eaten it, and where I’ve eaten it… if I remember. I know, this would’ve been a much better video if Alana and I recorded it together… maybe we’ll do a part two!


Welcoming July

Wow… what a year. I can’t believe it is already July. I seriously can’t remember anything quite like this during my lifetime. The last three or four months have been truly unique and there is really no way of telling where we’ll all go from here. Last month might have been the least active month in the history of the blog. We published three articles. Two were sponsored and one was a review of a newer restaurant here on the west bank of New Orleans. I’m not sure how everyone did last month, or for the first half of this year, but I’m personally going to focus on today and tomorrow. No matter what happened in the past, we have to push forward with strength and determination.
