Monthly Archives: April 2018

Thank You!

The SEO for this post isn’t going to be very strong, and while it might not get the most search result views, it contains a message that is extremely important to us at the Hungry & Fit blog… thank you!


Protein Powder Recommendations

The only thing that makes me cringe more than people who don’t squat properly is ridiculous recommendations when it comes to supplements. We’ve talked about this, mostly through social media, time and time again but it seems to be an endless cycle that might only be getting worse. Why? Because more people are using it.


Delancey: LA Restaurant Review

At this point on our journey of discovering the best food in LA, we’ve gone a bit out of order, but bear with us. This was the first time that we went somewhere “on our list” that left us disappointed with the overall experience. With that being said, I wouldn’t call it a bad dinner, there were just a lot of areas for improvement…a lot.

(Note: We would like to apologize for the poor quality of the photos. Even though we brought the good camera, as we mention soon, the lighting quickly went from bad to awful, so we had a hard time capturing the food.)


How to Cancel a Gym Membership

When to cancel a gym membership might even be a more fitting title. Joining a fitness facility can be a major commitment, depending on the kind of contract that you sign when you start. While there are certainly facilities that “don’t have contracts” you’re still going to perform some transaction. Generally, you’re paying them fees and signing a liability waiver, to protect them from the injuries you might sustain on their grounds. At the end of the day, or your membership, you might have easily given them hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

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Blue Apron Review

Recently, Fit was gifted a free trial for Blue Apron (by one of the best bakers we know), which we took advantage of to the fullest. We know that there are tons of meal delivery services, which all need to do things a little different to succeed, so we were excited to find out what made Blue Apron so successful!

We received two meals through this promotion, which seemed to be equal to a $50 voucher. That means each meal cost $25 and they were advertised as meals for two. That means, essentially, that we had lunch and dinner for $50. If you think about it, $12.50 a meal (per person) seems reasonable, but that really depends on where you live. Here in LA, a healthier meal out would tend to cost you more than that, while you could have a meal for less than that back in Boulder. 


The Best Kitchen Appliance That You Don’t Already Own

HERE is an important link, but we’ll get back to this after we tell you about this secret device.

Who doesn’t love a big bowl of pasta? Most people would consider some version of it the ultimate comfort food. Whether your go-to is mac & cheese or spicy dan dan noodles, there’s just something about pasta. Unfortunately in the past few years, there has seem to be a growing “intolerance” to gluten and as a result, people are staying away from all kinds of noodles. Heck, people are staying away from all kinds of carbs and diets that are higher in fats and protein are more popular than ever. 

good vibes

Good Vibes Meditation

Life is this unruly, un-tamable, do-what-it-wants wild thing. It doesn’t really care how you feel, it does what it wants. Sometimes, it is great. Life is on your side, the birds are singing, you got your flow on, and you smile at the world. And then, well, life is moody, so it changes on you in a flash (whether that’s a death, break-up, job loss, or anything else). Where once the birds that sang to you now crap on you and it’s hard not to raise a fist to the world. We’ve learned (through much failure and struggle) that we can’t control life or what happens to us (to a certain degree), but we can change how we react to the world. I love this quote by Maya Angelou

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.

And that’s what we’re here to do today. Maybe life is treating you well, maybe you’re on life’s bad side right now, either way, it helps to spread some good energy. So let’s get going on a good vibes meditation. 

good vibes

top travel tips

Our Top Travel Tips

We KNOW that you’ve seen a lot from us. Over the course of NEARLY 1200 posts/articles on the site, we’ve covered lots, but have stuck to our roots (food and fitness) for the most part. We’ve had guest posts from bloggers/writers all over the world and partnered with some really exciting companies (Silk; Optimum Nutrition) but there haven’t been many major changes. 

While we only want to boost the quality of our content (more innovative workouts and recipes!), we’ve also been considering and working on other projects lately. There will be transitions, but Hungry & Fit will never be forgotten and we’ll make sure it is here for years to come. With that being said, there has been a trend over the years, where we’ve continued to receive tons of questions related to…


top travel tips

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D’s Dubai Sauce

Obviously, when we say that we’re only going to eat at restaurants once a week that are “on our list” we don’t fully expect that to happen. As a result, when we might go out for a business lunch with a third party, we’ll lean towards places we haven’t been because we love discovering new spots. That led me to D’s Dubai Sauce.

I’m not completely sold on D’s Dubai Sauce, but intrigued enough by my first experience to be willing to try it again. We live a few blocks away, so it’s convenient, but growing up in the NYC area created higher standards based on the stand at 53rd and 6th. Still, they don’t claim to be just “chicken and rice” so let’s talk about what they do well.

They really do excel when it comes to flavor development, especially in their sauces. Their white sauce has this very unexpected tang to it which breaks through the overwhelming richness. The green sauce is even brighter with significant heat from the jalapeno and lots of acidity. I didn’t brave the extremely hot red sauce this time around.

D's Dubai Sauce 2


5 Ways to Live a Healthy Life in Sydney

Keeping our bodies healthy is important in order to lead a happy life. Living a healthy lifestyle is good for our emotional health as well as important to keep our moods bright and lively. Having a healthy life is easy to achieve, but may sound difficult to some because it requires commitment and developing good habit. Living in a large city like Sydney can ultimately make a huge impact on our health especially if you are not taking care of it properly.
