More “Wheys” Than One to Supplement Your Training

Sales of protein powder in the USA will reach $7.55 billion dollars by 2020, which is a substantial increase from $47 million dollars in 2016. And with the number of gyms and health clubs continuing to rise, the demand for protein supplements is also expected to continue to grow.

While the demand for protein supplements remains high, there is an increasingly diverse range of products available in the protein supplement range. 

What are the health benefits of whey protein products? 

Increasing your protein consumption during weight training can have significant health and performance benefits. An article in Men’s Health magazine reviewed a number of academic studies on the health benefits gained from protein supplements. Studies have found that maximizing one’s protein intake whilst weight training can contribute to fat loss whilst maintaining muscle development. Furthermore, it may also help fight certain cancers like prostate and colon cancer, it can aid stress and anxiety management, and even improve the body’s immune system.

There has been considerable medical research detailing the potential side effects from using these products. This has led to development of alternatives that can provide the benefits of hGH but with greatly reduced risks to the user. A good example is the consumption of Sermorelin that works in the same way as human growth hormones and is considered a good alternative as it promotes healthy function of the pituitary which is one of the major concerns connected with hGH use. 

What protein supplements are available? 

Whey protein is by far the most popular protein supplement on the market. It contains high protein content, tastes great and provides essential amino acids. Whey protein is available in three forms: concentrate, isolate and hydrolysate. Casein protein is another popular supplement due to it being a milk based protein product made from curds. 

In addition to more common varieties of this supplement, there are less well-known protein supplements, including egg protein powder which is easily absorbed by the body and is digested more slowly than whey. Also, soy protein powder which is often favored by female athletes due to estrogen the health benefits it provides. 

If your dietary choices restrict milk based protein supplements there are a number of alternative products available that include rice, hemp and pea protein powders. A mix of rice and pea protein powder is often referred to as the “vegans whey” as it will have a very similar amino acid profile to that of whey protein.

Too much is bad for you – the protein absorption myth 

There has been a lot of talk about the amount of protein you can take, and how much can be absorbed by the body. The reality is, there is no one-size-fits-all truth and much will depend on the individual, their starting point, their goals and their lifestyle. 

It is useful to monitor the intake of all your nutrients like protein, carbohydrates and fats to ensure you are correct the right levels to reach your personal goals. This can be easily achieved using a diet control app. 

Whatever your personal fitness goals might be there is sufficient evidence that following a well-planned dietary program that includes a controlled addition of a protein supplement is essential to success. The range of protein supplements available on the market today are enormous and bring proven health and well-being benefits.
