Mini New Zealand Pancakes: Pikelets

As many of you know, my mum is a Kiwi, meaning she comes from New Zealand. This means that I grew up with lots of different food items than most American children like spaghetti sandwiches (sounds weird, but actually works). Other yummy Kiwi items include scones, banana fritters, and more. My brother and I also grew up with a wonderfully delicious breakfast item, very similar to pancakes. We always looked forward to them whenever mum would make them. When I was little, she would make us shapes like the letters of our name and Mickey Mouse. I am talking about Pikelets. Yes, a strange word, but these were more normal to us than pancakes were. They are very similar to pancakes, but have different qualities. We would enjoy it with butter and Golden Syrup (New Zealand syrup) or maple syrup and we always ate too many. You can thank my mum for this recipe! Oh I forgot to say…this recipe is ridiculously easy so have no fears in trying a new breakfast item out!

Beat that egg

Beat that egg

IMG_0717 IMG_0718

Came out wonderfully!

Came out wonderfully!

Never under-indulge

Never under-indulge


Serves 2
A wonderful New Zealand alternative to pancakes
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Prep Time
7 min
Cook Time
7 min
Total Time
14 min
Prep Time
7 min
Cook Time
7 min
Total Time
14 min
  1. 1 cup flour
  2. 1 tsp baking powder
  3. 1/4 tsp salt
  4. 1 egg
  5. 1/4 cup sugar
  6. 3/4 cup milk (or as needed)
  7. Butter
  8. Syrup
  1. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl
  2. In another bowl, beat the egg and sugar until thick
  3. Add milk to the flour mixture and mix in the other wet mixture so that everything is combined
  4. Heat up a skillet or a frying pan and make sure to grease before every pikelet you cook!
  5. Place them (around a tablespoon or more of each) and turn over when bubbles start
  6. Cook the other side until golden
  7. Keep warm and serve with butter and maple syrup
hungry and fit
See? Simple ingredients, simple instructions, simply delicious. This recipe can be doubled or halved, depending on who you are serving. Sifting the flour just makes it a bit smoother. Make sure to keep an eye on it while it cooks, so you don’t burn one side. Usually we make many pikelets, so when we pull the ones that are done off, we wrap them in a tea towel to keep them warm. I wish I still had them in front of me! Best enjoyed with a nice cup of tea. As always, stay hungry and fit!
