Stuffed Mushrooms–Nom Style

So I completely stole this from a fellow blogger I’ve found through hunting food blogs. Her blog is thedomesticatedfeminist, I encourage you to check her stuff out–delicious recipes! The one I most currently stole, are Stuffed Mushrooms. And of course, with any recipe I find, I alter it slightly (not because I’m creative, but because I’m poor and don’t have all the ingredients). My philosophy is that you should cook with what ya got in your kitchen! And it helps with the wallet too.

Okay, so let’s get your ingredients ready! Oh, and I also made garlic bread.

Ingredients (stuffed mushrooms):

  • 4 mushrooms
  • 1 tomato
  • big handful spinach
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • lemon juice
  • dried basil
  • cheddar cheese
  • brie 

Ingredients (garlic bread):

  • loaf of french bread
  • garlic
  • butter

Directions (garlic bread):

Okay! So first, let’s get started on the garlic bread because it needs sometime to bake.

1Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees

2. Cut the garlic bread with a good bread knife so that the knife goes almost all the way to the bottom, but you don’t wholly cut through it.

3. Stir up a mixture of butter and garlic (I used two cloves)

Buttery garlic-y goodness

4. Next, you want to use a butter knife and spread the garlic butter through each slice you’ve made (remember, you don’t want the slices to be separated from the loaf)

5. Pop it in the oven! I’d say for around 10-15 minutes (just keep checking it to make sure the bread doesn’t burn)

Directions (stuffed mushrooms)

Ahhh, now the good stuff!

1. Before we stuff ANYTHING, we need to roast up the tomatoes and spinach: put olive oil and garlic into a pan and throw the tomatoes and spinach in

3. Don’t forget pepper&salt!

4. Let that rest while you fix up the mushrooms.

5. Time to clean the mushrooms. Simply hold under cold water and scrub with your hands, inside and out. Also, take out the stems of the mushrooms. Place on pan.

Mushrooms just dying to be stuffed

6. Now we want to make a magical mixture consisting of olive oil, garlic, and lemon juiceWhisk that up. We want enough to fill each mushroom.

7. Pour mixture into mushrooms

7. Now, whatever cheese you have in the house, chop it up! You don’t need many pieces. We had brie and cheddar cheese in our apartment, so that’s what I went with. You want to chop it up into small cubes (or something similar to that)

8. Now, put in the cooked tomatoes and spinach that you roasted beforehand. Try to make them even so you don’t upset your loved ones by being unfair.

Stuffed with goodness

9. Place the pieces of cheese on top. Then sprinkle dried basil over it.

10. Aaaand, pop them in the oven. Remember it’s on 375 degrees. I left them in for around 12 minutes.

And Voila! Some wonderful cooked mushrooms.

Thanks again to thedomesticatedfeminist for her inspiration. I did it my own way, but she sure had a good idea. It is so juicy and wonderful, bursting with flavors like garlic and tomato. Hope you enjoy! Comment if you have any questions or comments!


5 comments on “Stuffed Mushrooms–Nom Style

  1. alaine66

    I wish I liked mushrooms! My boyfriend would love this…maybe I will be nice and make it for him 🙂 Thanks for the recipe.

    1. hungryandfit

      I used to HATE mushrooms…until I became a vegetarian, then I forced myself to eat them until now I can’t get enough. Weird

  2. Pingback: A Healthy Take on Risotto: Mushrooms and Onions Please! | hungry and fit