

Easy Meals in 2020

2020 is the year to do more with less. 2020 is the year to work smarter and not necessarily harder. (Although, we are strong supporters of hard workers.) 2020 is the year to see through all the myths and make the right decisions. We’re here to help you do that. We might be a week late, but we’ve been working on our own plans for this new year. 

So, how are we going to do this? By making simple and delicious meals at home of course–without spending too much money. Here is our first recipe of the year, but this is about much more than this $7 meal for two. This is about you starting to understand how to balance the three important aspects of your diet: flavor, nutrition and cost


Leftover Magic: BBQ Brisket

If you’re anything like us, you usually make WAY too much food for important events, holidays and family get-togethers. If you went to our wedding, you’d know this. No one had any room in their stomachs left by the time first dessert was served. Second and third desserts weren’t even touched. I don’t think people even looked at them. For St. Patrick’s Day, we always make far too many corned beefs, and in some cases, we buy so many of them that we don’t even cook some. Either way, whether you have cooked ones sitting in the fridge or uncooked ones, we found a fun way to repurpose them… by making BBQ!


How to Make Corned Beef and Cabbage

This really should read how to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, at home. We don’t need to tell you how to find a local Irish pub to down some Guinness and eat some traditional fare… that’s pretty easy, depending on where you live. It is, however, very fun to celebrate at home with your family. Growing up, my mother made a big deal out of this holiday. She was one of nine kids, in a family that was raised in a very Catholic Irish-American household, even though they had lots of other ethnicities in them as well. They didn’t grow up with a whole lot of money, and like them, many other large Irish American families that came over to the New York City area were large and suffering, so they decided to make this very cheap and relatively easy meal as the base for the celebration. 

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Vegetarian Instant Pot Pumpkin Chili

I hope you’re not sick of pumpkin recipes because WE STILL COMIN’ ATCHYA. This one is a quintessential Fall recipe because not only is it pumpkin, but it’s also chili. This recipe will be so nice for those of you who live in a place where the weather is getting chillier. Chillier. Get it? Anyhow, this pumpkin chili recipe is surprisingly wonderful. I was lucky enough to find it from Bowl of Delicious–a really delightful food blog.

healthy lunch

Fit’s Go-To Healthy Lunch: Salad Kit + Tuna

If you see us on social media, you often see us going big when we eat. Sure, we definitely enjoy dining out and eating big, but most of our meals are pretty dang healthy. That’s how we can afford to eat whole pizzas or all-you-can-eat sushi! Fit works from home which means she typically has the pantry at her disposal. This can mean glory or disaster. Luckily, we keep a pretty clean pantry (ignore the sour candy that Fit stashed behind the electric beater), so there’s not many “bad” options to fall for. Still, she tries to decide what she’s going to eat for lunch at the beginning of the day, or better yet–at the beginning of the week. 

On most days, you can find Fit in the kitchen (usually on a phone call or meeting), assembling her lunch. Yeah, I said assembling because she plays it smart. Fit’s go-to healthy lunch is half of a salad kit and a can of tuna. It takes under five minutes to whip up, even when she puts some flair into it! Salad kits are a blessing. Sure, they may not be quite as cost-effective as a huge tub of spinach and some carrots, but they have variety and make a healthy lunch delicious and easy. Making salads from scratch can be somewhat tedious with all the chopping. She usually waits until they’re on sale for like $2.99 and then buys a bunch for the week. And because she has a “baby belly,” she only needs half of one per lunch. 

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Instant Pot Pumpkin Curry

It’s FALL! Do you know what that means? PUMPKINS, PUMPKIN EVERYTHING. And we thought, with our new little toy called the Instant Pot, that we would make some pumpkin Instant Pot recipes! Although the weather doesn’t get too cool during a Los Angeles October, Hungry and I still enjoy a good curry. So, what was the next natural step? Pumpkin Curry! This recipe is inspired and based off Piping Pot Curry’s recipe. This pumpkin curry is smooth, flavorful, and warm. We served it over brown rice, but you could also serve with any type of rice, naan, or flatbread you desire. 

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Instant Pot Fish Curry

If you’ve been anywhere near Fit’s social media recently, you’ve noticed she got an Instant Pot for her birthday! She is equally terrified and excited by it. An Instant Pot is basically a pressure cooker. For example, it typically takes 30-50 minutes to cook rice in a traditional rice cooker. With the Instant Pot, it takes four minutes. FOUR MINUTES. WHAT. Yeah. Very exciting. But also terrifying because…explosions. As long as you follow directions, you’ll be fine! So Fit’s been experimenting with it for a bit, and trying different recipes. Using Instant Pot’s included recipe booklet (recipe by Laura Pazzaglia), she made a scrumptious fish curry! I had already made brown rice before and wanted something healthy and flavorful to go with it. What better than wild caught white fish? This curry has a coconut milk base with different flavors like bay leaves and tomatoes to freshen it up. 

Remember, with an Instant Pot, follow the directions! 


Guilt-Free Vegetarian Lasagna

Lasagna. Thick noodles, layers of cheese, sauce, more layers of cheese. Comes with a side of steaming hot guilt. Oh, did I ruin it? Sorry. Yeah. Typical lasagna is heavy, full of lots of cheese, meat, and white starches. Hey, that’s totally fine in moderation, I’m all for it. However! I have discovered (thank you, American Heritage Cooking) a wonderful guilt-free whole-wheat vegetarian lasagna. Before you turn your nose up, IT TASTES GOOD. It tastes good by my standards, it tastes good by HUNGRY’S standards. That’s when you know it’s good. He takes his cheesy pastas seriously and I kid you not when I would catch him continually digging into the dish of lasagna heaven. I could eat this lasagna without feeling like a ball of cheese after who needed to be rolled to bed. I ate it, I felt great, and then I ate it the next night. 

Aside from the healthiness, I was worried about the difficulty. I don’t think I had ever made lasagna before on my own. But really, the hardest part was chopping up the vegetables! So yeah, not too bad. It’s just layers. Layers of the best stuff of life. So yeah, let’s dig in.


5 Healthier Recipe Ideas for 4th of July

July 4th is literally tomorrow and I bet a good amount of you are going to some kind of event. Do all of you have the dish in mind that you will bring? If the answer is no, we are here for you! July 4th is for relaxing, catching up with family and friends, and usually consuming food and alcohol. At most of these events, be it party, BBQ, whatever, there will certainly be lots of food. And a good amount of it will not be healthy. And you know here at Hungry & Fit, we are fine with living it up. But what it’s all about is moderation. 

So, we have come up with a list of 5 Hungry & Fit healthier (but still very tasty) recipes that you can whip up and bring to your event. Your friends and family will be impressed that you made it yourself and didn’t just buy from the store! We’ve brought you a mix of savory and sweet dishes perfect for this American holiday. You can thank me in advance for saving you some recipe-scouring time. 

1. Cannoli Dip
