
What are College Students Doing for Fun during a Pandemic?

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed how we do things. Life in lockdown and social distancing can be a struggle. While college students can still continue their classes online, they need to engage in fun activities to motivate them and improve their mental health. However, it is challenging to keep engaging in the previous fun activities. As such, college students have to adapt and change their fun activities. Here are some things that college students are doing for fun during a pandemic. 


How to Avoid the Freshman 15

Starting college is exciting. It’s a place to prepare your mind for a successful future. Unfortunately, the hours spent sitting, learning, studying, and not having much time to cook or find healthy options can take their toll on your physique. Not every new college student gains weight during their first year, but the issue is common enough that it has its own nickname: the freshman 15.

Unfortunately, gaining weight in college doesn’t just have an impact on self-esteem. It could even affect career options later in life. In college, you’re earning your degree to make the most out of your career. One day an employer could choose you to lead the organization, especially if you have a quality degree and the proper mindset and ethic to excel. How you treat your body plays a big factor into who you are, your job, and more. It’s necessary to take care of yourself and keep your mind and body in tip top shape.

If you’re worried about putting on some pounds when you start living in a dorm, here’s what you need to know about weight gain in college and tips for how to avoid the freshman 15 yourself.


How Psychology Can Help You Learn to Love Exercise

Whether you’re a student, parent or a busy professional – you can benefit from exercise. For those who have trouble getting motivated, you need to change the way that you think about the activity.

For some, exercising comes effortlessly. While most people realize that working out is healthy for your mind and body, for many, exercise is not a part of their daily life. For this class of fitness hopefuls, tricking the mind into new behavior may prove beneficial. By adjusting your attitude toward exercise you can overcome challenges and experience remarkable breakthroughs.

Intuitively, most people view exercising as a chore. This mindset makes it very easy to bypass a productive workout session. The trick, report researchers, is to make your mind think of exercise as a reward rather than a chore.
