
Did I Hit My Summer Goals?!

As summer comes to a close, so do my summer fitness goals! It’s been an incredibly busy summer (including a move and other travel), but I’ve been working hard on my goals. Like the true procrastinator I am, I got 2 out of 5 done within two days of my deadline. But I’m super proud of what I’ve accomplished. I haven’t set real fitness goals for myself in a while and it was amazing to do again.

Why do goals matter? Whether you’re a newbie or fitness vet, goals are important! You need something to strive towards, something to keep you honest. It’ll stop you from getting bored or not knowing what to do: it gives you direction. I want to keep creating goals so hopefully you will see goals come up every season! They will probably all have different themes. Like summer’s goals, for example, were all body weight based.

Anyhow, enough talk, onto my results!

Summer Fitness Goals:

-Goal #1: 20 consecutive push-ups

-Result #1 >> SUCCESS

Still keeping up some workouts


An Interesting View on Nationality

told you anything could happen on the weekends here on Hungry and Fit! My brother introduced me to this site, Quora, awhile ago and it always has fascinating topics and discussions I enjoy reading. A month or so ago, I got a Quora digest including the Question/Answer of the question, “Are Germans proud to be German?” Here’s what a German answered…

“Nobody in Germany (except Neo-Nazis) will say “I am proud to be German”. That is a big no-no and has cost several public figures their jobs. 

Many Germans will also argue that it is illogical to be proud of the accident of birth that could have just as easily placed you in Rwanda, or to be proud of your nation’s achievements when you haven’t done anything to create them.

That being said, you can sometimes find people who are paradoxically “proud of not being proud”. They (and I myself am tending more and more towards that view) are proud of Germany for being basically the only nation that has identified patriotism as the root of much evil and done away with it. Read more about this kind of pride in Navid Kermani’s recent speech on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the German constitution:… (3rd section)” -Judith Meyer, find the link to entire discussion here.

I simply thought this was an interesting and thought-evoking answer that we are all due to think about. I suppose, as a Philosophy major, I believe it’s always important to think about everything and not ignore painful questions (#thoughtfulsunday). I hope you all have a lovely Sunday and Labor Day if you’re in USA! And as always, stay hungry and fit!

*Question of the Day: What do you think about the above answer to the question?

