
How to De-Stress Yourself

Mental health is just as important as physical health! Life needs balance, there’s many sides to health: physical, mental, emotional/spiritual. So let’s talk about how to de-stress yourself. Life can be overwhelming. It can suck, it can be hard, it can be unfair. But you’re still going to be at the center of feeling those painful emotions. Work can be stressing you to tears, your partner could put you on the brink, or maybe your family is just driving you insane. Then it’s easy to get sucked into those emotions, like a whirlwind. It’s hard to see any positivity and everything looks real bleak. I know most people has felt this at some point: overwhelmed by stress and/or negative thoughts.

But wait! You don’t have to drown in that pool of painful thoughts and feelings. There’s an exercise that my dad taught me that can really help.



Puppies: Advocates for a Meditative Lifestyle

They might not know it, but puppies are definitely advocates for a meditative and mindful lifestyle! I’m being reminded of this more and more as we raise Noke. I never would’ve thought of it at first, but she’s slowly having an effect on me! Don’t believe me? Read on to see how puppies are such strong advocates of a mindful lifestyle:

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1. They help you to be more understanding. To raise a good puppy, you need to be able to get in its head and understand why it does the things it does. It isn’t ripping up your shoes because it wants to be evil. You have to step off your pedestal and kneel down to their level of understanding. They’re just a baby and they need all the love and understanding you can give.

2. Their main emotion is love. Wouldn’t it be nice if humans were like this? Dogs and puppies love love love. We are their entire life. That positive energy is contagious. It opens up your mind and your life. Let it in!

3. They get you up and at ’em. Instead of pressing snooze five times and then racing to get ready for work, you are up early with the puppy. I’ve enjoyed many a golden sunset since having Noke and I enjoy that peace walking around a quiet neighborhood. Although I already was a proponent of morning walks, I wouldn’t always make it. But now, I am out with the sunrise every morning, enjoying the quiet side of life.

4. They discourage technology. I’m not sure of any puppy who encourages you to use your cell phone. Their cute faces and insatiable desire for attention discourages your constant use of electronics. When you were spending an hour on the computer, you are now playing ball with your pup or teaching her how to lie down. And especially during walks, I find it important to keep your phone in your pocket (even if you’re tracking the walk), and to be alert. This just allows you to disconnect and breathe.

5. They encourage you to be with nature. This connects to #4. Even if you live in an urban environment, that walk can really help with a mindful lifestyle. Instead of plugged into a million things at once, you are simply walking in your environment and taking it all in. It’s a wonderful way to reflect and just be with your surroundings. It’s a beautiful feeling.

6. They lead you to reflect upon yourself. Do you curse yourself the moment after you’ve lost your temper with your puppy? And those sad puppy eyes don’t help either. Their eyes, drawn with a curiosity and wonder, can really help open up your reflection. Maybe you realize you didn’t have that steller patience you thought you did. Or perhaps you don’t have that strict hold on your temper. It could even lead to reflections about what you really want in life. These puppies are powerful, I’m telling you! And they don’t even try.

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Do you believe me now?! Getting a puppy is a great introduction to a mindful and meditative lifestyle if you haven’t already begun that path. Although Noke is a handful, she makes me appreciative each day. Get a puppy to stay hungry and fit!


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Monday Meditation

I teach a Meditation every Monday and I believe it’s a good way to set up and shape the week ahead. I can’t think of a better thing to do on a Mondaybefore the madness and stress of the week totally grabs you. You can either let the week rule you, or you take control of the week. It’s the difference between stress and happiness. And it can only take 5 minutes. When I wake up to face the day, I either go for a morning walk or I do three sun salutations and meditate for a few minutes. It leaves me refreshed, calm, and ready to take on the week with a smile. Here’s the meditation I did today, very simple:

Beautiful nature always helps for meditation!

Beautiful nature always helps for meditation!

  • Start by sitting upright in a comfortable position
  • Then begin your active breathing…using the counting method, inhale for four counts, hold at the top for four counts, and exhale for four counts. Do this for a few minutes until your mind and body calms down
  • To move to the focus of this meditation, I want you to think of kindness and inhale the kindness, and exhale entitlement. Inhale kindness, exhale entitlement. Do this for a few minutes until you have a smile on your face.
  • Finish with three big stress relief breaths. Use your body and raise your shoulders as you inhale, and exhale with a loud breath (as if sighing), slumping forward. Do this three times.

And that’s it. Only takes a few minutes and really sets a beautiful tone for the day. I focused on breathing in kindness (because we all need more of that) and exhaling entitlement because I believe entitlement always leads to other problems like greed, anger, frustration, and so forth. I hope you do this meditation sometime this week! I promise it will be worth it. And as always…stay hungry and fit!


Common Causes Of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be an emotionally traumatizing experience for many people, yet there can be a variety of causes and contributing factors that can lead to this eventuality. Prevalent in both men and women, losing your hair can be akin to losing your identity, and it can leave you feeling exposed and out of sorts. Unfortunately there is no definitive cause of hair loss, and there can be many reasons behind your hair falling out based on your gender, your age, your genes and your general well-being. Across each of these variables, it can be possible to take steps to counteract hair loss, and promote stronger, thicker growth. But what are the risk factors for causing this type of condition in the first place?


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One of the most common causes of hair loss in men is genetic. Know as male pattern baldness, many men inherit genetic code that actually makes them lose their hair as they age. This is extremely common, and some suggest as much as 95% of baldness in men can be attributed to these factors. There is very little that can be done to tackle the genetic element of hair loss, which often sets in from early middle age. There are remedies that can help keep hair stronger for longer, but in these cases you are fighting an uphill battle against your body. This can be just as embarrassing for men as for anyone else, however, and is often regarded as a sign of aging – as a result, many men understandably want to keep their hair intact for as long as possible.


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There are other cases, however, where the hair loss does not and cannot be the result of male pattern baldness, or any genetic trigger. There are lifestyle and health factors that can also have an impact on hair loss. Stress is a major cause of hair loss, and those who lead frantic lives are far more likely to notice their hair falling out. This can be particularly acute at times of major stress or upheaval, the hair loss only serving to compound the stresses and anxieties that caused it in the first place. If you want to fight against these causes of hair loss, you need to lead a less stressful life, or find ways of relaxing. While work and family life may be stressful, this can never be allowed to affect your health, and hair loss is a sign you could be pushing too hard.

There are also a number of health and dietary issues that can cause hair loss, and it may be wise to consult with your doctor ahead of taking any course of action to redress the situation. Supplements can be helpful for promoting stronger hair growth, which can help you get over your hair loss in time. Whatever the cause of your hair loss, it is important to find out about the options open to you, and a qualified physician will always be the best person to recommend how you should proceed.


How to Use Meditation to Heal

These past few days have been very stressful and painful for a lot of people in Colorado (due to the floods and storms). People are dealing with death, injury, loss of homes, and devastation. Even for those of us who didn’t get homes damaged, it’s been rough. It takes a toll on you when your city is suffering and people cannot continue with normal life. I definitely find this to be so. It’s easy to get distracted by all the devastation and certainly to get emotionally involved. I teach a Monday Meditation class every week and it was the Monday right after the big flood and I knew we all needed some healing and good energy after everything that has happened and everything that we’ve seen.

End of the day...that used to be a back yard

Colorado flooding

Meditation is one of the best ways to find closure, peace, and to spread good energy throughout yourself and others. Please take 3-10 minutes today and do this for yourself. I promise you will not regret it. Just start slowly. You can be seated or laying down. Get comfortable. Here are some simple steps to healing yourself and others through meditation.

1. Start breathing slowly, feel your chest and stomach–the diaphragm. It has a jellyfish like shape. Now, think about all the muscles that are in that area. If your muscles are contracted or stressed, your diaphragm will be too, and thus, your breathing. It is very important to focus and relax all the muscles of your chest, stomach, pelvis, and even throat. Do this now. Ease off a little more stress from those muscles.


2. Now it’s time to ease the mind. Push all other stress or worries outside of this room and out of your mind. Let go of what should or needs to be done. This time is for you and the time is the present. Silence the mind by turning off your internal dialogue. Just stop talking to yourself about particular thoughts, and instead let the stream of consciousness flow naturally in the background of your mind Take a few moments to visualize anything that is nagging you and imagine it fading away.

3.Let’s start with some sinus breathing. Hold one nostril with your thumb and inhale. Switch and hold the other nostril and let the air out. This is a great way to get focused in your meditation as you are actively participating with your breath. Do this for a minute or so. Now release your nose and let’s start counting the breaths. This is another active form of breathing and is excellent for getting into your practice. Inhale for four counts, hold it at the top for four counts, and exhale for four counts. Repeat this for a minute or so.


4.Great, so now you’re relaxed. Let’s proceed on to the healing part! Gather up all your good energy–your gratitude, your joy, your love, your kindness. Feel all those emotions inside of you and feel that positive energy start to grow. Gather it up like a ball of sunshine and let it spread to the rest of your body. Feel that radiating good energy. Now focus it and send it where you want it to go. Whether that be towards healing yourself, your friends, your family, or even strangers who have lost everything. Send that good energy towards them or yourself, give strength. Focus on that.

5. Lastly, focus on gratitude. Think of a person or thing that you’re absolutely grateful for. Perhaps, sometimes you take them/it for granted, but this is the time to focus on this person or thing. Hold the image of them in your mind and the gratitude in your heart. Feel that good energy flow from the gratitude and allow it to spread. Concentrate on it and be at peace with it.


6. To end, let’s do 3 big dramatic breaths. I want your shoulders to raise up as you take a big inhale and forcefully let out the air, slumping the shoulders. This should come out like a huge sigh. Do this 3 times. It is wonderful stress-relief.

Please take the time to do this, I promise it won’t take more than 10 minutes. Spare the time in order to give yourself a sense of peace and healing through tough times. Use meditation to stay hungry and fit!

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Sajah and Nymeria waiting patiently

Sajah and Nymeria waiting patiently


So You Overate…Get Over It!

I know I’m not alone when I find myself in a vicious cycle of overeating and then getting really angry at myself. It kind of burns a hole in the day. This is happens when I’m trying to follow a meal plan, eat cleanly, etc (otherwise I don’t much care). And then I fall off the wagon and divulge a little too much. It leaves you with guilt, anger, and disappointment. I’m sure many of you know these feelings and know what I mean. This cycle of self-loathing is useless and doesn’t get you any closer to your goals, so let’s learn how to just drop it. of food that are easy to eat too much of!

Incoming…pics of food that are easy to eat too much of!

You overate. You went too hard into that ice cream. You took too much of Grandma’s toffee. GET OVER IT! We all know that emotions can tie directly into eating more, so why do we let ourselves get so upset? Sure, we’re disappointed. We’re mad at ourselves for not having enough willpower and letting our cravings get the better of us. But why should we hold onto it? Why should we sit in a puddle of disgust?

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Take the first step and forgive yourself. You made a mistake. Put it in perspective. There’s not a chance you’re going to remember this in 5 or 10 years, what does it matter? Acknowledge what you’ve done. It’s okay. We make mistakes. You can’t be expected to follow something to a T 100% of the time. Don’t stray from what you did. Own it so that next time you can prevent it by understanding what you are feeling right now. Because what happens when we try to ignore or smother our emotions? We eat more!

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So we own what we did, but we don’t get in a hissy fit over it. We did the deed, we ate two more cookies than we meant to, but there’s nothing you can do it about now. So don’t get in a dark mood and hate yourself. Negative energy will always set you on a worse path for achieving goals. Tell yourself, “It’s okay. I did something I didn’t want to do, but I’m going to learn from this and try harder next time.” Use it as an advantage for you. You can always turn a negative into a positive. Remember how when you put the bowl of candy out, it was that much harder for you to resist. Put it in the cupboard where you can’t see it.

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Starting to get it? We own what we did, we understand why, and we put it in perspective. Take a big breath and let it out. It’s not the end of the world. Just get back on track now and let the overeating be a thing of the past. Don’t let it haunt you or give you feelings of self-hatred. Remember, that makes things worse. Forgive yourself and move on. It’s one small moment in your big life. Don’t let it ruin more than 5 minutes. Use this advice to stay hungry and fit!

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Never Compare to Others in the Gym

Never ever compare yourself to others in the gym. Heck, don’t compare yourself to others in other parts of life, too! I have always had trouble with this. I’m a competitive person and also a critical person. I’m very tough on myself and expect the best. This can be a deadly combination if you let your focus stray outside yourself. It can initiate a viscous self-hate cycle where you never achieve anything you want to and always harp on yourself for doing something wrong or being weak. Don’t do this. 

Creep shot of Chris' back from last night's workout...spoiler: he's not doing a back exercise

Creep shot of Chris’ back from last night’s workout…spoiler: he’s not doing a back exercise

I typically workout with men…as in Chris and some of our friends. This makes it doubly important not to compare yourself to who you may be working out with. I’m not saying to not draw inspiration or motivation from others–that is most important! It is great to have a partner who works hard and keeps you working hard as well. However, if it comes to a point where you’re comparing your strength, body composition, or speed to that person, it can get rather unhealthy. Even past unhealthy–dangerous. If I tried to compete with Chris on any strength exercise, tried to match his squat, I’d be snapped like a twig from the weight.

Triceps shot from a recent workout

Triceps shot from a recent workout

It’s important to understand your strengths and limitations before you barge into a workout. Are you ready for that heavy weight? Are you reaching too high? You need to re-evaluate why you’re working out and what you’re working out to. Write down your goals and write a healthy, safe way to get there. Sure, I want to get back into lifting heavy, but I’m not going to jump into huge weight right away. That’s a ticket to injury. I may be comparing myself to other strong-lifters and wanting to go farther faster, but I am me, and this is where I’m at right now. I’ve taken long steps to realizing this and saying this to myself. Understand who and where you are and understand how you can go forward.

Back shots, before and after

Back shots, before and after

If I compared myself to all the expert climbers in Boulder, I’d feel absolutely down in the dumps, angry and disappointed. However, I’ve only been climbing for months compared to them. Why on Earth would I compare myself to them? If you let yourself get caught up in the emotion of envy and self-hate, you aren’t going anywhere with your fitness goals. I remember a time when several workouts have been ruined by my bad attitude of comparing to others and my mood goes to the sharks.

Leg shot from a workout a little bit ago

Leg shot from a workout a little bit ago

Learn from this. Don’t compare to others around you. Compare to yourself. What did you do yesterday? What can you do today? Challenge yourself. Work hard. Train with a purpose and never, ever give up. Stay focused on yourself to stay hungry and fit!

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double head kitty pic

double head kitty pic


5 Benefits of Meditating after Workout

So you just worked out. You’re hot, sweaty, and feel that euphoric sense of exhaustion. Your endorphins have just released and you feel great. You’re ready to go get something to eat to fuel your body back to what it needs. But wait! Don’t go anywhere yet! Meditating after a workout can be one of the most wonderful things. Here’s why:

1. Working out can help clear your mind. You’re exhausted, but through that exhaustion and endorphin-release, you can now focus easier. You may not believe me, but meditation after a workout is something I strive for every day. I’m sure you’ve heard of how working out can improve the mind’s function. Well, here it is. You workout, your mind is working more sharply, allowing you to focus more easily and delve into meditation more deeply.

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2. You can find happiness faster. Sounds like a strange phrase, but meditation often brings a sense of deep joy and happiness from finding peace. Because of those lovely endorphins that were released during your workout, your mind and body are already feeling great. Which then means in your meditation, you can find that happiness faster than normal. You will find yourself smiling as you meditate, really absorbing the joy that comes from the workout.

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3. You are more in tune with your body. One way of meditating is doing an internal scan of your body—feeling what’s tight, loose, imbalanced. After doing a workout, which obviously uses your body, you are so much more in tune with your body. You can feel your heart beat strong, your muscles tingling, and your skin sweating. I know it sounds weird, but it’s a marvelous feeling to meditate after a workout just for that reason. You feel your body invigorated and alive and it’s wonderful to be able to tap into that.

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4. It allows for reflection of your workout. Often we drive or walk home after a workout thinking, “Oh I could’ve gone deeper on those squats” or “that HIIT killed me, but I killed it too.” Imagine doing a meditation right after you’ve done these things. Diving into your mind and body for a true reflection, feeling your muscles and your mind connect as you think about these things. You can meditate on what to improve on or what you’re proud of. It’s truly one of the best times to reflect.

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5. It allows for a deeper meditation. Because of all the reasons above, you are able to go deeper into meditation faster than normal. Due to your body’s work, that focus is highly-tuned so that you can concentrate better and focus on your breath. The normal annoying distractions fade away because of the supercharged feeling of your body. It’s so much easier to slip into meditation, and feel your breath coming in and out until you find peace.

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Still not convinced? Just try it, I promise, you’ll find something amazing. Even if you are new to meditation, this could be the best place to start. Your body is alive with all of its functions which allows you to hone in on them more. It’s one of the most peaceful meditations you can attain and your body will feel stronger and refreshed coming out of it. Practice meditation after working out to stay hungry and fit!

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4 Ways to Be More Mindful Every Day

In our “I can multitask better than you” society, mindfulness can be a hard thing to achieve. The American way is to work harder, sleep less, and do more. And I should be specific, do more all at the same time. When do we have time to be in the present moment–that very moment–if we’re doing 7.5 things at the same time? Where’s the breathing room? Where’s the healthy mentality? I’m working on these constantly, and am nowhere near perfection, but it’s worth it to try. Take these 4 tips to sneak mindfulness into your day every day.

1. Get off your phone/tablet/computer. Yes I know you might have a new text waiting for you, or maybe somebody could’ve just uploaded a new Instagram pic. Just leave it. For a few minutes each day, and throughout the day, just leave it. We are all starting to have addictions to our personal phones and computers, and thus, it is more the necessity to leave it alone. I didn’t even say turn it off–just step away and enjoy the sunshine without Billy, Sally, and Fred buzzing you. Do that for yourself and smell the roses. It’s worth it.

Sometimes, you get off the computer by yourself. Other times, your cat steals it

Sometimes, you get off the computer by yourself. Other times, your cat steals it

2. Listen to those who are talking with you. Don’t think you can multitask a conversation. For one, it’s rude. For another, you really can’t. Talk to my brother about multitasking and even as up to date with technology as he is, you will get a negative response. He believes it significantly decreases efficiency and effectiveness, getting the actual opposite of what we think when we multitask (and think we’re getting so much done at once). But back to conversing, listen to whoever is speaking to you. Look in their eyes, understand what they’re saying, absorb it and come up with a reply. Don’t text and talk. You will develop a deeper relationship with whoever it is, understand them more, and find yourself more so in the present moment. Which is what this is all about.

My best friend and my dad enjoying a laugh

My best friend and my dad enjoying a laugh

3. Take a walking meditation. People hear the word “meditation” and they get weirded out. Well, don’t, because you’re going to hear it a few more times. All a walking meditation is, is taking a walk and being mindful when doing so. Take a tip from #1 and don’t bring your cellphone with you. All you are to do is walk, preferably outdoors where you won’t be bothered, and turn your awareness internally. How do you feel? What does your body feel like when you walk? When your feet hit the ground? What noises can you hear? What smells can you pick up? Take all of it in. Enjoy the present moment.

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4. Do an eating meditation. I warned you I’d say it again! But this time you get to eat, and who doesn’t like that! Take a meal–any meal, could even be a snack. Eat it alone without your phone or tv. Take each bite slowly and really get into your meal. What does it feel like in your mouth? Notice the textures, maybe the different tastes, and what it feels like to chew it. Take it slowly and you will notice a whole new experience of mindfulness. Be present with your eating and you will also not overeat. Just try it. One meal. Let yourself solely focus on that.

One of our last meals together in college (Mary Kate and I)

One of our last meals together in college (Mary Kate and I)

Just 4 things you can practice every day. And they don’t take up much time and they will improve your health. We are always talking about getting healthier and having a healthy lifestyle, but are we actually doing it? Especially for your health, action speaks louder than words. And mental health is a big part of your health, because guess what–your everything is controlled by the mind! Be present, be mindful, be humble. Use these tips to stay hungry and fit!

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3 Ways to Cut Bad Energy from Your Life

We all have times where we get down, stressed, or angry. It happens, it’s part of life. Bad energy is all around us and can consume us. But there is a way to control the bad energy that is around us. We do have control over our lives and mostly who surrounds us. Can you think of that one person or place that seems to simply drown you in that negative energy? Is it really necessary? Let’s look it over.

Maybe you’re someone who doesn’t want to be rude in cutting someone out of your life. Or you just think it’s all in your head. Believe yourself–it isn’t. The feeling of being overwhelmed with negative energy is awful and it sucks the life out of you. Why is that ever worth it? No matter what your situation–working, retired, in school–you don’t deserve to be plagued with that bad energy. The kind that drains you, makes you tired, gets you grumpy, makes you unproductive, and changes you into a person you dislike. It makes you feel choked, cramped, and tied down. It even drives the hope out of you.


energy (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)

Look back at that list. That is not how you want to live your life, even if it’s only part of the time. If you can immediately picture that person who drains the life out of you and smothers you with bad energy, think about if you really need them in your life. This may sound selfish, but sometimes to be truly happy and feel free, we need to be selfish and take the time to re-examine all components of our life. I have done this a few times and there are different ways to cut these people out:

1. Slowly release them from your life. Maybe it’s that one friend who complains about everything and makes you want to tear your hair out. Or that co-worker that nitpicks your everyday activities. You know that they aren’t necessarily trying to drag you down and throw bad energy at you, but–bottom line–they are. And because you know they aren’t evil people, you don’t want to straight-up shut them out immediately. So let’s be diplomatic and slowly cut the line. Maybe start declining outings they ask you on, spend less time near their cubicle, or make yourself busy and not available to chat. Don’t do all this immediately, do it nice and slow and before you know it, that connection will be dusty and you will feel clean and renewed.

2. Approach them and talk to them about it. This is risky, but worthwhile for both of you if you still want this person in your life. Do not be aggressive or confrontational about it. Have a private setting, maybe a small coffee shop, a lunch date, or simply a walk in the park. Bring up the topic slowly, saying something like, “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, and I really feel dragged down when you do this, or when you say that [obviously interject your own things]. I want to find a way to make our relationship [whether it be family, friends, or lovers] work so that we can both be happy.” That is a good way to start the conversation. If you find yourself getting quick to anger, maybe it’s just not going to work out as the bad energy spreads.

3. Take yourself out of the situation. So, yes, you can cut people out of your life or you can talk to them and try to make them aware of it so they can change. But what about yourself? Give yourself a good think-over and run over any times where you exude bad energy and where or with whom. And maybe you need to take yourself out of the situation. Out of an apartment, a job, a location. I know those sound like big things, but this is about mental health. Take the time, take the step, take the move.

English: Good Energy logo

English: Good Energy logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Our mental health affects our physical health–nothing is by itself. If one is altered, then the other will be too. So never ignore your physical or mental health. Cut away the bad energy from your life and live free and happy!
