
Meditation to Find Your Center

In this rough and tumble world, it can be exceedingly difficult to find grounding. Most of us live in an environment of stress where it feels like we are just bouncing along and unable to get a grip. The stress whips us up and it’s hard to find grounding and perspective. The tornado of stress is the center of our attention and everything else falls to the wayside. It feels turbulent, dangerous, and unsettling. There could be a myriad of factors that play into this: your work, your partner, your boss, family life, money, and so forth. Unfortunately, the list of stressors is a lengthy one.

I find that the meditation below helps calm the world around me down and reminds me that everything I need is already inside of me. I hope you find it useful.



How to Deal with Your Snoring Problem

Snoring is something that a lot of people struggle with. It’s uncomfortable for those that sleep next to us or near us and it can also disrupt our own sleep. If you are struggling with snoring yourself then you are probably looking for a way to treat your snoring problem. There are different types of snoring and there are different things that cause it in the first place. It’s pretty hard to just tell what your snoring problem originates from because of it, and more people feel frustrated because of that. But let’s take a look at some ways in which you can deal with this problem and make sleep time better not just for yourself but also for the people around you who are struggling with your problem just as much as you.



5 Healthy Snacks to Have at Home

Here at the Hungry & Fit household, we know that what you put in your pantry is what you will put in your stomach. That’s why we typically don’t stock junk in the house. However, we are HUNGRY and Fit, and let me tell you, I get hungry very often. So, instead of yelling hangrily at Hungry, we always have a healthy stock of snacks at home. We go through lots of different snacks, but here are some of our favorites:

Snacks for the whole family!

Snacks for the whole family!


Nature Provides the Ultimate Happiness Hack

Please enjoy a guest post from Mallory from Nootropedia!

Western medicine has advanced by leaps and bounds over the past few decades. At the start of the 20th century, the life expectancy was less than half of what it is today. Much of this is due to great strides in western medicine. There is a downside to western medicine as well. When so many aspects of our health have been enhanced, it’s easy to think every “problem” needs a medicinal solution. Given the strength of synthetic drugs and the pharmaceutical industry, this can lead to some sticky situations.

This namely leads to a high rate of prescription drug usage across the western world and in America particularly. Even though millions of people are taking drugs to decrease the symptoms of depression and anxiety, this may not be the best route or methodology. Nature provides a wide variety of compounds that can more reliably and more sustainably increase mood. Not only does this yield to a greater satisfaction and quality of life, but with increased mood comes better cognitive function and mental performance.

We are all about nature!

We are all about nature!


How to Balance Exercise with Work

Having a full-time job (does that ever actually mean only 40 hours a week?) and getting the proper amount of exercise in your week often don’t quite match up. Most times, the job gets the better of you and you either don’t have enough time in the morning or you’re too exhausted after work to get one in. We’d much rather plomp down on the couch than find some shred of willpower to get our body moving. We partnered with Quill to bring you this helpful infographic which shows you how to get exercise even with a hectic work schedule. If you click on it, there’s also a great article about it on their website.


Meditation for Resilience

It’s no secret that life ain’t easy. It can get us down in all kinds of ways, life is creative in that manner. It’s easy to feel like there’s no way out and we’re stuck with whatever has been given to us. We can’t always sort the cards that life deals to us, but we can choose how we react to them. And that is what today’s meditation is all about–finding resilience in the face of adversity. What is resilience? According to google, there’s two definitions, both of which I believe apply to what I’m getting at:

  1. the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
  2. the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity



New Projects on the Way

Hey Hungry & Fit World,

With everything that’s been going on around the world and in our lives, we’re trying to stay in positive spirits and have some fun. You know… make the best out of everything because that’s really the easiest way to be happy and healthy. We know that there has been a lack of content lately on the blog. That’s going to change quickly and to make sure we always have enough ideas, PLEASE, let us know what you want! You can either leave a comment below or send us a form of direct message. 

How can this not make you smile?!

How can this not make you smile?!


I Didn’t Hit Snooze for a Week and Here’s What Happened

I found myself hitting the snooze button more and more often. Maybe it was a hard workout the night before, stress, or just not hitting the hay early enough. Usually, I wake up pretty early and get stuff done in the morning whether that’s a workout or whatever. But for a time, I just kept snoozing and snoozing until it was last alarm time, gotta-get-up-or-you’ll-be-late type of deal. 

So, I made a vow to myself for a week that I would NOT press the snooze button for a week and see how it felt. See what more I could or couldn’t get done and so on and so forth. So, each morning even if I really really wanted to hit that snooze button and get a few more minutes of sleep, I got my butt up outta bed. Even if Hungry stayed in bed and Noke was slow to wake up, we got up (yep, if I’m up, Noke’s up–she’s my precious little shadow).

About what you would expect happened….



5 Ways to Keep Your Pet Cool For the Summer

Summer is here and we in the Northern Hemisphere know it. It has been hot hot hot. Yes, we definitely suffer and sweat and commiserate, but what about the voiceless? What about our lovely cats and dogs who are stuck in the house while we are at our air-conditioned offices? Not all of us have central air conditioning at home. In fact, most Angelenos don’t because it’s supposed to be a somewhat temperate environment. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t get hot as Hades sometimes (a few weeks ago, it surpassed 100!). It is desperately important to keep your beloved furry friend cool at home. Here are a few ways you can:

Hot dog

Hot dog
