
Home Workouts (Coronavirus Quarantine)

We know that it can be overwhelming trying to change your routine overnight, or even over the course of a week. To save you the time and effort of looking through the site, here are some at-home workouts for you with notes about them to help you pick the right one. Most of them require absolutely no equipment whatsoever. 


How to Get Great-Looking Legs

It’s a great feeling when you’re confident about the look of your body. Just think of how good you felt on those days you had clear skin, your hair was just right and your favorite outfit fitted you perfectly. Yet those of us who have issues might not feel that way very often and one of those problem areas we may have could be our legs.

Whether you have trouble with trousers, or you feel like you need to keep your legs covered up on even the hottest days there are things you can do to help. Have a look at some of these suggestions to see what could work for you so you can wear your shorts or skirt this summer, and get those jeans you’ve had your eye on.


Building Hamstrings

We don’t often repost content from other sources, but sometimes, we come across an article that is presented in a manner that we find very easy to digest. While we’d never heard of Stack as a media source before, every week, I receive newsletters from the American Swimming Coaches Association, with important articles relevant to swimming. Sometimes, I don’t even read through them, but this headline caught my eye: 4 Simple Ways to Build Stronger, More Resilient Hamstrings.


4 Workout Ideas for Leg Curls

Leg curls are exercises that are focused on the hamstrings. Most fitness buffs mainly focus on their arms and other parts of their body but forget just how important it is to exercise their legs. When they fail to do so, it will result in an imbalanced look, or what people call chicken legs.


How to Get Big Calves!

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses; Hungry is often told that he has really nice calves. Whether it was cheerleaders on the sidelines during his high school basketball games or bros in the gym in Los Angeles, a lot of people have a tendency to stare at Hungry’s calves. Calves are often seen as one of the hardest muscle groups to successfully train, and as a result, a lot of people end up asking, what do you do for your calves?



The Top 3 Squat Workouts That Tone Your Glutes Fast

Keeping yourself healthy is one thing while keeping your body sexy and firm is another thing. Achieving these goals will really require a lot of hard work and patience. If you really want to get that sexy and healthy body, then simple workout routines won’t do the magic. You will have to target specific parts of your body and their muscles, while slowly toning and firming them. Luckily, with this write-up, you won’t have to worry about toning the gluteus maximus muscles of your butt as we will provide you with the 3 best squat exercises for you.

All of those who already go to the gym know that squat routines are the best workout exercises to train thighs and butts and make the muscles firmer. It is also the simplest and easiest workout routine to learn. With many variations developed throughout the years, squats have truly been proven and tested as the best routine for our glutes.

With the 3 squat workouts that will be explained below, you will be able to focus on the training and toning of your glutes.

Hindu Squats

Image result for hindu squats


Let’s Talk About Strength

I’m glad I’m not alone in this “strength revolution.” I totally just made that phrase up, but it’s true that more people (females are more so who I’m focusing on) are striving towards strength rather than being skinny. I find this to be so exciting and I am HAPPY it’s finally here. Yes, there are certainly those who just want to attain that Victoria’s Secret model-esque body, but I think we are slowly straying away from that. We are moving towards being healthy and fit with strong bodies as the portrayal of sexy bodies.

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Can I get a hoo-rah?! Of course, I didn’t always strength train. When I did sports, we would do some weight room stuff, but it was rare. Moving forward from that when I went to the gym, I would only do elliptical and maybe some weights. That slowly increased more and more to where lifting became more important than “cardio.” I honestly do not know how I could ever go to another way of working out that didn’t involve lifting. It feels so good and you see progress each week in muscle development and strength. Who could let go of that?

Although most females still focus just on yoga and running (which is fine!), it is definitely broadening to where there is some sort of strength routine once a week, which is excellent! I know I don’t like to skip lifting more than one or two days a week, but that’s just me. I have goals for this year such as squatting 200lbs, bench 100lbs, and so forth. And that’s all focused on strength.

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In our culture, females are taught to shy away from protruding muscles or muscular strength. Like that’s the “manly” thing to do and not suited for the female gender. Well that’s plain wrong and stupid. Sorry, I had to say it. I’m proud of the muscles in my back and those times my quads are showing their muscles. It shows strength, discipline, health. What’s sexier than being healthy?

Some quad action

Some quad action

So women (and men) in the world, don’t shy away from your strength. Muscles are sexy! Being a stick is no longer the cool thing to do. Take the power into your hands and lift! I promise you will feel liberated from the cardio machines if you through some lifting and machines in there. And you can start small. Start with a few exercises and watch your love for lifting develop. If you’re not sure how to start, feel free to email me at or leave a comment below. You won’t regret it! Embrace strength and stay hungry and fit!



