
5 Healthier Recipe Ideas for 4th of July

July 4th is literally tomorrow and I bet a good amount of you are going to some kind of event. Do all of you have the dish in mind that you will bring? If the answer is no, we are here for you! July 4th is for relaxing, catching up with family and friends, and usually consuming food and alcohol. At most of these events, be it party, BBQ, whatever, there will certainly be lots of food. And a good amount of it will not be healthy. And you know here at Hungry & Fit, we are fine with living it up. But what it’s all about is moderation. 

So, we have come up with a list of 5 Hungry & Fit healthier (but still very tasty) recipes that you can whip up and bring to your event. Your friends and family will be impressed that you made it yourself and didn’t just buy from the store! We’ve brought you a mix of savory and sweet dishes perfect for this American holiday. You can thank me in advance for saving you some recipe-scouring time. 

1. Cannoli Dip


July 4th Workout

As you’re thinking of your afternoon barbecue, you mull over maybe getting a workout in before you stuff yourself like there’s no tomorrow. However, most gyms are closed today as it is a national holiday. But that never stopped you, right? No gym? No problem. No equipment? No problem. We have created a 7/4 (or July 4th) workout for you to do wherever–at home, at the park, at the beach, at the patio before you eat that burger, etc. In the spirit of 7/4, it’s:

7 exercises

30 seconds each

4 rounds



4th of July Dessert: Cannoli Dip

Independence Day (or July 4th…or 4th of July) is TOMORROW! Do you have something that you’re going to bring to that BBQ or party? No?! Well good thing you found us because I have a 4th of July-themed dessert that takes under ten minutes (perhaps under five minutes if you don’t diddle daddle in the kitchen like me). Who doesn’t love a cannoli? You know, the Italian dessert of creamy middle surrounded by pastry? It kind of looks like a rounded dessert taco. Anyhow, it’s one of our favorite desserts here at Hungry & Fit. However, we don’t have the time to make the dough, cook the pastry in its perfect shape, and then pipe the filling in. Let’s just skip to the good stuff–the filling!

I was watching The Kitchen one day on Food Network and the Sandwich King (Jeff Mauro) made this recipe. I changed it up a little bit and subtracted some sugar so that you can have a sweet treat for this 4th of July. Feel free to get creative with the toppings. I made it as red, white, blue as I could!

