
Home Gym Essentials 101

Life at home during this pandemic has proven to be quite chaotic. We all have been trying to figure out a way to navigate through this new way of life. Working from home for long hours with virtually no social life beyond our family members has left us astray. We aren’t even connecting with our colleagues and seniors who we met daily at work. 

What’s more? Staying on top of our fitness routine is getting tough, especially with public gyms and fitness centers shut through these times of social distancing and self-isolation.

In these unprecedented times, it’s easy for fitness to take a back seat. However, with some commitment and smart work you can maintain a fit body and mind from the safety of your home. How? Set up a workout corner or a home gym! 


Great Deals on Craigslist for Home Gyms

About two months ago, we were all living in a world full of uncertainty and while that hasn’t necessarily changed much, there are some fitness facilities that are re-opening across the country. Whether these gyms open to their full capacity or not, many won’t feel comfortable returning yet. Nearly a month ago, many of the online fitness manufacturers were out of stock on nearly every product. People were buying massive amounts to resell locally with huge markups and home gyms were growing quickly. While those markups are still growing in some places, there have been and will continue to be normal deals. 


Buying Exercise Equipment for Home (During Quarantine)

We’ve been getting tons of questions about this lately. People who work out every day at the gym are stuck at home without equipment and don’t want to lose their progress. With no end in sight for the quarantine, especially in order to combat poor eating habits at home, people are trying to put together home gyms in order to maintain their progress, or prevent gaining fat/losing muscle mass. There are a few challenges though…

  1. They don’t know what equipment to buy.
  2. They don’t know what brand/model to buy.
  3. They don’t know where to buy it. 
  4. Many companies are backordered.
  5. Local markets (Facebook Marketplace, Offer Up, Let Go, Craigslist) are all home to price gouging. 

This video on YouTube will help you with some recommendations/tips for cardio equipment at home. To summarize part of it, look for less commercial pieces that don’t have a ton of moving parts or electronic components, such as a Schwinn Airdyne or Indoor Cycling Bike, such as the ones we have (below) in our home gym.


5 People to Follow for Quarantine Workouts

We know that it has probably been really challenging for you to adapt to major changes since this pandemic really took off. Some of us are more impacted than others, but most of our readers from major cities don’t have access to gyms because of mandated closures. That is, however, no excuse to let you goals and level of fitness fail. There are countless trainers out there, who can’t work right now, making amazing content for both their followers and the rest of the public. Here are a few that have been putting out amazing workouts with little to no equipment, for even longer than the quarantine.


Home Workouts (Coronavirus Quarantine)

We know that it can be overwhelming trying to change your routine overnight, or even over the course of a week. To save you the time and effort of looking through the site, here are some at-home workouts for you with notes about them to help you pick the right one. Most of them require absolutely no equipment whatsoever. 


How to find the Best Exercise Bikes for the New Year

Exercise bikes come with several fitness benefits. These bikes provide a perfect alternative to visiting the gym, and they are also a hassle-free way to get rid of those extra pounds. You may have brands advertising their exercise bikes on the television, internet, and in the newspaper. However, because of the various brands and types available, it may be challenging to choose the one that suits you. Some people go for the cheapest brand they find on the market, but that does not guarantee that it is the best. Often, cheap exercise bikes only have basic features. The higher the price, the more advanced the bikes get. Here is how to find the best exercise bikes for the new year. 


The Perfect Addition to Your Home Gym

New year, new you, right? Well, we’re not quite there, but two of the most challenging weeks of the year are separating you from 2018. Most people focus on their struggle with large family meals and tins full of cookies, but why bother stressing about that when you can focus on something else… something rewarding

What’s this crazy rewarding thing we’re talking about? Well, it’s simple and it is all based on performance. Looking in the mirror feels good; we don’t disagree with you there, but nothing feels better than feeling better! Huh? When you’re physically capable of something, especially something you were never capable of doing before, you feel amazing. 



3 Ideas on Creating a Versatile Home Gym for the Entire Family

Home gyms have become a popular household trend among many families. Having a home gym in your house shows that you are a person dedicated to fitness and health. In some cases, families who have no time to go to the gym or do not want to spend money on gyms follow this concept. They prefer a home gym because it is accessible and they can work out in peace and without distractions. They can hit the gym any time they want; no more waiting in line when you want to use equipment. It can also help you save money: rather than paying those monthly gym bills, you can just make your own gym at home. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to buy expensive equipment to match the quality that the gym provides, all you need is a creative mind and help from the internet to make your own equipment. We came up with a list of ideas which will help you in creating your own home gym.

