
Travel Workout Video

Click HERE if you enjoy watching more than reading, even though the content on this post and in the YouTube video are different. We are trying to get back on track with a somewhat regular schedule for video uploads, so here is some footage shot on our January trip to New Orleans. This is going to be a two-part series focusing on travel, with a second installment demonstrating an upper body workout

worked out to keep our tacos in check while visiting Mexico


Thank You!

The SEO for this post isn’t going to be very strong, and while it might not get the most search result views, it contains a message that is extremely important to us at the Hungry & Fit blog… thank you!


Protein Powder Recommendations

The only thing that makes me cringe more than people who don’t squat properly is ridiculous recommendations when it comes to supplements. We’ve talked about this, mostly through social media, time and time again but it seems to be an endless cycle that might only be getting worse. Why? Because more people are using it.


How to Deal with Negativity and Hate

Fit sent me this article earlier, which was written by one of her favorite bloggers… Young Adventuress. Honestly, I don’t know much about her outside of the Instagram pictures that Fit has tagged me in for the past few years. As far as I do know, Young Adventuress is a travel blogger, which means she gets to paid to travel and blog about it, basically. It is an amazing opportunity that relatively few bloggers are fortunate enough to fall into, although it isn’t all luck. It takes a lot of work… like, a lot.

I haven’t been on her website in what feels like years, but it looks better than I ever remembered. Her emails to her mailing list and well-formatted and although they might be a bit long, this past one containing the article, was fairly entertaining and sadly representative of an alarmingly large part of the general population. 



Should I Set Monthly Goals?

Should you set monthly goals? That is entirely up to you! But we have set monthly goals, for the past few years, and whether it’s helped us accomplish more or not, we’re always looking forward to setting goals for the next month. We aim to do so on the first of the month, but sometimes time can get away from us. We never like to on the last of the month before because there’s always time to complete a goal and you can never give up on yourself.

For the longest time, we set goals just for ourselves. I think we started with four a month. Eventually we added goals for Hungry & Fit, and then even for our home. Home goals can be repairs, renovations or even servicing your car. We decided to finally try to bring some balance to our overachieving selves by adding a “FUN” column to the list and ending up where we are today by making five goals for each of the five categories. Twenty-five goals a month. It makes a small impact on the dynamic around here, but it holds us accountable more than anything else.



Setting Goals for the Month

Every month, we set five goals in five categories. We write them down on a sheet and it looks like a Bingo Board. We treat it that way too, setting ourselves up for next month’s goals and sometimes rewarding ourselves with a nice meal out if we hit BINGO! The five categories include Alana, Chris, Hungry & Fit, Home, and in 2017, we decided to add the fifth… Fun!

This month, for one of my personal goals, I set a goal that I know I most likely won’t be able to reach. It’s not a do this in one day sort of thing, so it’s more challenging. I wanted to, by the end of the month, run 4 miles in 32 minutes while still totaling 995 lbs in the big three lifts: deadlift, squat, and bench press. The lifts had to be competition grade, so basically… no cheating allowed. Unfortunately, a major bump came in the road when my ingrown toenails flared up and got really bad, to the point that they hurt just while laying in bed. Now, I know what you’re thinking… that’s a huge EXCUSE and it could be way worse. I’ve finished basketball games with fractured ankles, swam in collegiate meets with a leg immobilizer on, and much more. 



24 Books a Year: Goal Completed

Last year, I set a goal for myself: to read 24 books in 2016 (two books a month). Why did I set this goal? Well, for a few reasons, really…

  1. I love to read and want to consume more unread books in our library.
  2. Reading is one of the best ways to learn how to write better.
  3. Reading is great for inspiration.
  4. I love a good challenge.



Show the “New You” Haters Who’s Boss

It’s the New Year! It’s the time where people set resolutions, realign their goals, and set out on this adventure of a life. Goals may be lofty, they may be lowly, but they are still made nonetheless. With the new year, comes a lot of “New You”s, but also alongside that, “New You” haters or shamers. There are those who publicly refuse to change themselves upon the New Year, which is fine, but they shouldn’t shame others when they chose to set new goals. Each and every person should be able to start the new year without any negativity and choose to set what path they desire.



Did I Hit My Summer Goals?!

As summer comes to a close, so do my summer fitness goals! It’s been an incredibly busy summer (including a move and other travel), but I’ve been working hard on my goals. Like the true procrastinator I am, I got 2 out of 5 done within two days of my deadline. But I’m super proud of what I’ve accomplished. I haven’t set real fitness goals for myself in a while and it was amazing to do again.

Why do goals matter? Whether you’re a newbie or fitness vet, goals are important! You need something to strive towards, something to keep you honest. It’ll stop you from getting bored or not knowing what to do: it gives you direction. I want to keep creating goals so hopefully you will see goals come up every season! They will probably all have different themes. Like summer’s goals, for example, were all body weight based.

Anyhow, enough talk, onto my results!

Summer Fitness Goals:

-Goal #1: 20 consecutive push-ups

-Result #1 >> SUCCESS

Still keeping up some workouts


Setting Realistic Goals

If you read this post, you’ll know that I am working on some goals for this summer. I really wanted to ignite my fitness drive back up so I decided to plan out some goals to give me more motivation on working out every day. The goals are mostly body weight goals. Two goals, however, stood out a little bit: running 3 casual miles and being able to touch my toes. Along with my other goals, they just didn’t make sense. Just because they’ve been longtime goals, I wanted to throw them in my mix of body weight goals (which aren’t easy, mind you). However, with my busy work schedule and all my home hobbies and chores, I was stressing to fit everything in in one week. 

