
5 Awesome Health Benefits of Kratom Leaves

There are several health benefits of kratom leaves that you should know about. Check out our list here to learn about these benefits.

It seems like every convenience store lately has a sign advertising kratom. You’ve heard about it, but you’ve always been a little nervous—You don’t know much, so you figure it’s best to stay away.

Still, questions linger: What are the benefits of kratom? Is it safe? Why do people take it? Could it be good for you, personally? Well, it’s finally time to get some answers.


How Stretching Before Bed Will Help Your Quality Of Sleep

Regardless of the time of day, stretching is a well-known method to relieve tension along your back, neck, shoulders and other pressure points throughout the body. It also has the capability to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, which is key if you want to fall asleep quickly and actually remain asleep. That’s why incorporating gentle stretches into your regular nighttime routine has proven to be advantageous for your quality of sleep. In fact, one compilation study review that combined American and Chinese research shows that meditative movements can improve sleep quality and have a positive impact on a person’s physical and mental health.

Stretching also allows you to practice mindfulness as you focus on your body movements and breathing. This teaches you how to be more in control of your mind, and can help you cope more effectively when anxious thoughts creep into your brain before bedtime. Considering about 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety or anxiety disorders, stretching before bed can be a helpful way for a lot of people to catch up on their Zzzz’s.

Here are a few of the best stretches you can do at nighttime to help you relax and unwind before you tuck yourself into bed. 

Before-Bed Bridge

This pose is often used in pilates and yoga as it’s great at strengthening the core, and opening up your chest and hip flexors. It also has an array of other health benefits, as doing the bridge before bed can help evoke feelings of relaxation, improve digestion, and alleviate lower back pain. 

If you don’t find this pose helpful for easing your lower back pain, the culprit could possibly be your bed, and it may be an indication that it’s time for an upgrade. The best mattress for side sleepers with lower back pain and others who suffer from the issue is one that contains coils because they tend to be much more supportive than all-foam beds, and will help keep your spine in proper alignment. 

Low Lunge

This is an optimal stretch if you want to target your hip flexors, glutes, thighs, and groin. You can also open your chest while you’re holding this position for tension relief in your back and shoulders. Just make sure you remain comfortable when doing this pose and don’t strain yourself, or else you might end up feeling stimulated and awake — the exact opposite effects of what you’re going for. 

Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose

The legs-up-the-wall stretch is a restorative pose which means it’s essentially a resting pose, and one of its main purposes is to promote relaxation. This specific restorative stretch also eases tension in your neck, shoulders, and back while it targets your glutes and hamstrings. 

Child’s Pose

It’d be remiss not to mention child’s pose, another restorative pose that’s extremely popular because it’s a meditative movement that encourages you to meditate as you hone in on the rhythm of your breath. This relaxes your mind, body, and can be a big stress reliever after a long day on the job or watching the kids. Child’s pose also helps reduce tension in your neck, back, and shoulders. 

Lying Spinal Twist

The spinal twist is an ideal stretch for individuals who spend a large portion of their day sitting in an office chair. After about eight hours of sitting down hunched over a computer keyboard, this movement stretches out and realigns the spine, and helps improve one’s posture.

Corpse Pose 

Finishing off your pre-bedtime stretching session with the corpse pose is an effective way to get a head start on your sleep. Believe it or not, there’s a yoga stretch called the corpse pose where all you do is lay still on the ground (hence the name). It’s the ultimate restorative pose where you’re only expected to focus on your breathing, and is one of the best poses to do before bed to induce sleepiness.  

About The Author

McKenzie Dillon is a blogger and sleep enthusiast for The Slumber Yard, a reviews site that focuses on bedding products. In her free time, she likes attending music festivals, reading fiction novels and practicing yoga. 


Easy Steps to Start a Fitness Program

Are you planning to start a healthy lifestyle journey? If so, a fitness program is right for you! Engaging in physical activities reduces your likelihood of getting chronic illnesses. It also enhances your balance as well as coordination. Moreover, you will lose weight, improve your sleep, and remain fit. Here is how you can start a fitness program


The Ultimate Guide to Better Nutrition

Are you thinking of changing the way you look or your lifestyle? It’s an excellent decision to live a holistic life. The human body is quite magnificent as it has the DNA genes, which encompasses the blueprint that contributes to changes. The food you consume can directly or indirectly affect the genes.

If you are intolerant to some foods, you will note that the body turns into ways that lent degenerative or chronic conditions within the system. It often results in excruciating pain, weight gain, ailments, inflammation as well as destruction.

However, when you adopt a healthy lifestyle, all these will be a thing of the past. You will have a new chance to fight off illnesses, depression, gaining weight, or even hunger. Below is the ultimate guide to better nutrition.

To start, you ought to adopt the ideal concepts of nutritional wellness. They are as follows;


5 Healthy Tips for Your Heart to Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of early death in adult men and women. This is a cause for concern. Below are tips to help you look after your heart.

Be Smoke- Free

This is the most controllable risk factor for heart disease. If you are a smoker, quitting smoking will reduce the risk of dying of heart disease by half in 12 months compared to the continuing smoker. For the non- smoker, you must protect yourself against second- hand smoke. It is smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, and the smoke breathed out by smokers. Only 5 minutes of it and your aorta is stiffened.


Does Meal Delivery Work for Weight Loss?

Weight loss and meal delivery plans have become quite common among consumers who are trying to lose weight. With the increase of this trend, many people are left wondering whether meal delivery services might work for their weight loss plan. If you are trying to lose weight and haven’t been able to, the first thing to understand is that the weight loss journey takes and requires time. But, this is one of the things that most people, especially those with a busy schedule don’t have.

The good thing is that meal delivery does work for weight loss, especially with the right meal delivery service and discipline. According to one article, there are several diets such as the Nutrisystem among other alternatives that work very well. Below is a look at why and how meal delivery works for weight loss.


What I Eat Every Single Day

When people see me take down a whole pizza and still have a six pack, they assume that I have great genetics. I wish that was the case, but it isn’t. My genetics are awful, so what’s my secret? The secret to me staying in shape all year long is consistency. You might see me eat some pretty epic cheat meals on social media, but I make sure to walk our dogs twice a day, garden every day, go to the gym at least five days a week, and most importantly, eat clean about 95% of the time. For me, that combination is a very healthy lifestyle.


Recipe in Pics: $4 Delicious Vegetarian Pasta

Check this out… a $4 meal.

In the past, you’ve seen us deliver recipes in the form of recipe cards. Today, we’re trying a new (and very easy) approach called Recipe in Pics. These are incredibly simple recipes that might involve some chopping here and whisking there, but nothing too complicated. The biggest mistakes you can really make with this dish are overcooking your pasta and/or not salting your pasta water enough! Do not be scared of the salt. Also, make sure you rinse your kale/beans and remove all the onion/garlic skin!

If you have any questions, as always, feel free to ask in the comment section below! We were both stuffed and felt pretty darn hungry and fit afterwards!


How to Ensure You’re Making the Most of Rest Days

When you’re trying to reach a fitness goal, it’s important to be motivated, but you also need to give your body adequate time to recover from working so hard. That’s why any good exercise plan will include rest days, whether you’re trying to lose weight, build muscle, or simply reach a new fitness goal. While you may be very eager to get back to the gym, here are some tips for getting the most out of your rest days.


The Only Supplement That I Use

 Hi there, Hungry here. In 2007, I started using supplements. I was an 155 pound Division I college athlete that needed to gain weight and strength. I used Muscle Milk’s protein and Muscle Tech’s pre-workout. 2007 was also the year that I became a fitness professional, as a personal trainer. I’ve been in the industry for about 12 years. During that time, there was a five or so year period where I tried every product by every brand. It was the same period where I wanted every certification. I was hungry for growth and knowledge. Now, with the atmospheric growth of the fitness industry, that isn’t possible. It also isn’t worth it.
