
#4 Greatest Movie of All Time

Here we are…#4 greatest movie of all time on our Top 10 Movies of All Time list! We’re getting into the good ones now, the ones that mean the most. The title may be a little misleading…these aren’t necessarily the greatest movies of all time, but they’re the ones our Braintrust loves the most. Each braintrustee has their own criteria, it may have to do with the characters, storyline, soundtracks, acclaim, and/or nostalgia. A little late to our movie countdown? Have no fear. If you missed the others, here are #5#6#7#8#9, and #10.

Kai – “Interstellar”


Meditation for Peace

Life is tumultuous. It’s not easy and it’s certainly messy. Our own life can be stressful, and then add on all the events happening across the world. It’s hard to find clarity, balance, and peace among the mess. It’s hard to pause and take a moment to be, instead of stressing over this or over-thinking that. However, it’s paramount that we take a second and stop. We pull in the gratitude and focus on being in the present. We realize life’s not so bad and that perspective is important. I’ve designed this meditation to focus on peace. Try it out!



Why This is Personal

This hurts. This is gutting, like the wind has been knocked out of us. When you have to wake up in the morning in a fog, trying to remember what horrible thing had happened and then you feel the weight slowly pressing on your chest. This feels personal. But, why does this feel so personal? Why are we experiencing mourning? Why did I ugly cry? I’ve lost elections before (Bush, anyone?), but not like this. This is not just my liberal butt being whooped, it’s what this represents. Life is not just literal, it is also symbolic. When someone demeans and insults you and then is elected, it’s personal. To the people who are scorning the liberals being upset, I think you’re missing the point. I don’t necessarily agree with protesting that Trump got elected because it’s unproductive, but I would be the first on the streets to protest if he starts doing what he said he would. People are personally upset and here’s why:


After drinking too much and crying my way through Tuesday night, I opened my computer (with which I was watching the election) to find a tissue plastered to the screen in some sad comedy.
