
Is It Okay to Workout with Bad Wrists?

Bad wrists are a common injury or hurt in today’s society. In fact, both Hungry and I feel ours all the time, unfortunately. However, even though we are hurting, we still want to workout! We still want to hit the weights or the push ups! This video explains if it is okay or not to workout with bad wrists. 



What Are Macros?

These days the word “macros” gets thrown around all the time–heck, we say it tons. But sometimes we take things for granted–for example, in a very real world, many people don’t know what “macros” are. You might know that it has something to do with nutrition, eating, or something of the nature–basically what fitness people like to talk about. In this videoHungry explains what “macros” are in a great definition and gives some context to the word. 



Limiting Factors: The Keys to Your Success

In this video, Hungry introduces a concept that has helped him reach high levels of competition and build stronger professional and collegiate athletes. If you ever train with him, you’ll surely hear “limiting factors” be thrown around often, instead of strengths and weaknesses. It’s the key to his strategy to help not only performance athletes, but also the average Jack and Jill. Find out what is preventing you from reaching your goals, target them, and improve drastically. 



30-Minute Bodyweight Workout

We <3 infographics! This one is all about exercise and also a specific bodyweight workout with no equipment necessary! As if you needed another reason to workout, right?! This is all about how exercise and lack of exercise impacts you and your body. I may even do this workout tonight during the halftime of the US v Columbia soccer game!! This infographic is put together by our friends at FIX!


Personal Training: Choosing a Specialty

There are tons of personal trainers and fitness coaches out there. As a health-seeker or enthusiast trying to get in your best shape possible, you need to find someone that has the knowledge to work with you specifically, and the ability to relate to your goals. As an aspiring fitness professional, use a specialty or specialties to increase your marketability and continue to train the clients that you enjoy working with for longevity in the industry.

In this video, Fit addresses all of you looking for the right trainer to reach your goals without spending a ton or wasting money on trainers that aren’t right for you. Hungry uses his experience to explain to new trainers how they can make themselves more desirable by finding area where they excel. 



Q&A: Training for a Tough Mudder… With an Injury?!

One of our most involved followers asked us for some advice on changing his training program for a Tough Mudder obstacle race in order to take a foot injury into consideration. He has been putting in a lot of work at the gym lately but without the ability to run or jog, can he still be prepared for this huge challenge? Hungry and Fit talk about creating realistic goals, a program to compliment those goals, and taking care of that injury so that it doesn’t become a larger issue down the road. We also tackle what are the most important areas to develop for Spartans, Warrior Dashes, and the like. 

Watch the video here!

We tried to cut it down a bit, but Hungry is so long-winded! Who knows, there might be tips in here that will help you if you’re looking at tackling a big challenge!

Us after a Warrior Dash

Us after a Warrior Dash


The Truth About Women’s Weightlifting

When I train females, I always hear about their fear of getting “bulky.” It’s a real concern of a lot of women and I want to tell them to stop. Lifting weights and getting muscles doesn’t make you bulky–it makes you strong and it gives you definition. For too long, the fear of “getting bulky” has stopped women from lifting weights, leading them to only do cardio. There is nothing more empowering than lifting weights and feeling strong. Here I go with another infographic from ChuzeFitness.

Truth about women's weightlifting infographic

So I want to ask the female audience a question.

*If you do lift, why do you lift?

*If you don’t lift, why don’t you?

And as always, stay hungry and fit!


How to Avoid Dairy Products

This post is brought to you by Catherine Lavinia.

Surely, for most of us milk is associated with childhood. Our mother or beloved grandmother was adamant that drinking milk is the pledge of child’s health and happiness. Milk contains a series of crucial nutrients: protein, calcium, Vitamin D, B-6 and B-12, magnesium, potassium and others. Besides these elements, sugar named ‘lactose’ is present in milk and other dairy products. Normally, our body produces the enzyme ‘lactase’ to digest this sugar. When there is a deficiency of lactase, however, lactose becomes very difficult to digest which leads to intolerance. And since lactose is present in dairy products, a lactose intolerance means a dairy free diet. Otherwise, uncomfortable side effects will make their presence felt at once, which can range from bloating, diarrhea and abdominal pain.


TalkToChef: Personalized Cooking Tutorials

As you may have noticed, recently we gave the Hungry and Fit website a little makeover. We wanted to be cleaner, more straightforward, and appealing to the eyes. We evaluated what we had in place, what we should remove, and what we should add. That led us to pursue new partnerships. One such partnership is TalkToChef–a helpful tool for cooking at home. It could be used by aspiring chefs or by people simply trying to create a meal for the family. TalkToChef is a startup company with a big, eager goal–to help you cook what YOU want to cook within minutes. I don’t know how many times I’ve been in the middle of cooking or baking something when I am hopelessly looking through google to answer my cooking woes. With TalkToChef, all I would have to do is enter what I’m trying to cook, and I will be connected right then and there with a chef to help.
