
Indoor vs. Outdoor Exercise – Which is Better for You?

Exercises of any type are highly beneficial to you, both on a physical and mental level. You simply need to find the exercises you like and that work the best for your body and fitness goals and you can start your healthier lifestyle. However, there has always been a debate on whether working out at the gym or outdoors is better for you. Both of these environments have their pros and cons, and it will be up to you to decide based on your preferences. 


How to Improve Your Diet (And Your Relationship with Food)

We are what we eat, which is a simple way of saying that the food we eat directly impacts our health, our mood, and our physical shape. Having a healthy relationship with food means that we can get all the vitamins and nutrients that we need, in portion sizes that our bodies can process. Without this balance, our health and wellbeing can fall out of tandem, and we suffer as a result. 

If you don’t naturally have a good relationship with your food, then it can feel like a challenge to reconfigure what you eat and how you feel about your meals, but with this guide, you can start your journey on the right track. 


Buying Exercise Equipment for Home (During Quarantine)

We’ve been getting tons of questions about this lately. People who work out every day at the gym are stuck at home without equipment and don’t want to lose their progress. With no end in sight for the quarantine, especially in order to combat poor eating habits at home, people are trying to put together home gyms in order to maintain their progress, or prevent gaining fat/losing muscle mass. There are a few challenges though…

  1. They don’t know what equipment to buy.
  2. They don’t know what brand/model to buy.
  3. They don’t know where to buy it. 
  4. Many companies are backordered.
  5. Local markets (Facebook Marketplace, Offer Up, Let Go, Craigslist) are all home to price gouging. 

This video on YouTube will help you with some recommendations/tips for cardio equipment at home. To summarize part of it, look for less commercial pieces that don’t have a ton of moving parts or electronic components, such as a Schwinn Airdyne or Indoor Cycling Bike, such as the ones we have (below) in our home gym.


First Grocery Trip of the Quarantine Kitchen Challenge

Last Thursday, we announced a challenge that we were going to take part of during quarantine, where we’d push ourselves to use the food we already have at home. To summarize, we allowed ourselves two meals out (delivery or take-out a week, Monday through Sunday) and SIX grocery items for each of us, once every two weeks. Today was our first trip to the grocery in two weeks, and based on what we had at home and what we were craving, this is what we each decided to buy. 


New YouTube Video Alert!

Once upon a time, we posted a decent amount of content to YouTube. I think it was probably within the first year of us living in Los Angeles, while we lived in our apartment in Koreatown. Years later and it is one form of social media that we really stopped using as an outlet for content, which is unfortunate because it is one of my favorites as a user, or subscriber. Well, we’re trying to change that now!


Corona Quarantine Kitchen Cupboard Challenge

What a mouthful! As we move into our fourth week of self-isolation, we can count the number of times we’ve left the house on one hand. Alana left once, to take Noke for a hike at a local trail that isn’t very heavily used. I’ve made a few trips to the grocery store to replenish our food supplies, although looking back at it, we were still living a little too luxuriously. I wouldn’t say that we were being careless, but we definitely didn’t need the groceries that I bought. While milk and yogurt certainly aren’t that much of a stretch, we think we could make it through this with less. Thus, the Corona Quarantine Kitchen Cupboard Challenge was born. 



5 People to Follow for Quarantine Workouts

We know that it has probably been really challenging for you to adapt to major changes since this pandemic really took off. Some of us are more impacted than others, but most of our readers from major cities don’t have access to gyms because of mandated closures. That is, however, no excuse to let you goals and level of fitness fail. There are countless trainers out there, who can’t work right now, making amazing content for both their followers and the rest of the public. Here are a few that have been putting out amazing workouts with little to no equipment, for even longer than the quarantine.


Home Workouts (Coronavirus Quarantine)

We know that it can be overwhelming trying to change your routine overnight, or even over the course of a week. To save you the time and effort of looking through the site, here are some at-home workouts for you with notes about them to help you pick the right one. Most of them require absolutely no equipment whatsoever. 
