
Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Bars

Since I’ve been eating clean and getting into better shape, I need foods around the house to support that. That’s why I’ve been trying out different recipes and seeing how I can protein out of every little thing while keeping it clean. Protein bars! Often times, the store bought ones have stuff in them that you don’t necessarily want. So, why not make your own? I found this recipe and wanted to make a play on it. It was incredibly easy: put all ingredients into a bowl, mix, then put into the oven. I used my cinnamon cracker protein powder, but you can use any type! Check out the nutrition facts below per each bar:

  • Calories: 86
  • Fat: 1.9g
  • Carbs: 11.9g
  • Protein: 6.3g



Whole-Wheat Lemon “Cakes”

We’ve got another recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks, A Feast of Ice and Fire. My last two (one from the Wall and one from the South) were great hits and this one brings us right to King’s Landing with a spin on Sansa’s favorite lemon cakes. However, my spin, as it usually is makes these a bit healthier. I used mostly whole-wheat flour to add some fiber and make it better for our blood sugar spiking as well as using a little less sugar and using mostly honey. These are delectable little bites of yum without all the guilt that normal lemon cakes would carry. 



Whole-Wheat Medieval Honey Biscuits

I have continued my journey with the Ice and Fire cookbook (aka Game of Thrones for you tv-lubbers). Last time we dined at the Wall. Now we move to the South to Lord Caswell’s table. This recipe comes from A Clash of Kings. It’s been a lot of fun to try out different recipes, especially from this cookbook! This recipe is pretty easy to do. I’ve healthified it a little bit by using whole-wheat flour which increases the fiber and keeps your blood sugar from spiking like it would with white flour. I paired these as a dessert to the Healthy “Accidentally” Paleo Meatballs and they were a hit! This is an authentic medieval recipe, just altered to fit Hungry and Fit’s needs!



Healthy Apple Muffins

Yay, a recipe post! We haven’t had enough of these lately, but we are coming back at ya! I recently started a project where I want to start doing at least one cookbook recipe a week and tailor it to fit my needs. Lucky enough and exciting enough, I started with A Feast of Ice and Fire (for the non-book lovers, this is a Game of Thrones cookbook!!). Hungry got this cookbook for me for Christmas and I seriously love it. The recipes are so amazing with a slice of text from the book that the recipe’d food came from! Most recipes also provide the medieval version (how they would’ve made it in the Song of Ice and Fire series) and also a modern version.

I chose to start with Applecakes. As you can see in the pictures below, Applecakes were something that the men on the Wall ate (like Jon Snow). The way they tie it back to the books absolutely makes it for me! Applecakes were basically like a medieval donut back in the day. I chose to do the Modern Applecakes recipe which resembles more closely to a muffin. I also healthified it! Less butter and less sugar. But let me tell you, these are absolutely delicious. The moistness that comes from the chunks of apple is wonderful. And you can just picture the characters eating them too, which makes it all the merrier. 

Viserion paid a visit

Viserion paid a visit


Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

Yes, this is Hungry and Fit. But sometimes, it can just be Hungry and not Fit. This is the case with this recipe. It’s not too bad, just a lot of butter, but not a copious amount of sugar. As you know, we recently moved and I wanted to test out the oven (the oven at our old place was awful). So I knew what Hungry would want…some good old fashion chocolate chip cookies. So after a little searching, I found the perfect chocolate chip cookies recipe. Soft, light, and gooey. Excuse me, I’m drooling. Eat up!!



Easy Biscuit Dinner Rolls

We had a family get-together over the weekend and I had to think of something for a side dish. We had no butter, no veggies–nothing in the fridge or pantry. But one thing we did have…baking ingredients! Why don’t I make dinner rolls! Perfect. However…I didn’t have butter. But, thanks to the internet, I found my way around it! I used this recipe. However, again, it called for an ingredient I didn’t have–mayonnaise. I looked up a few different ways to “substitute” mayo and decided on my winner (egg yolk + oil). Either we were going to have some great dinner rolls or we were going to stop at Whole Foods. Spoiler alert: they turned out great! This is an incredibly easy recipe for some delicious biscuit dinner rolls



Oatmeal Protein “Cookies”

Don’t you just feel like baking sometimes? The spur of creativity churning in the belly alongside the yearning to eat something delicious? I hear you and I hear that calling. Baking oftentimes contains buttery sugary goodness–but it doesn’t have to! If I don’t adhere to my normal 5:30am wake-up call, sometimes I feel rushed in the morning. That’s why when I saw The Buttercream‘s recipe, I was inspired to create my own oatmeal protein cookies to shove down my gullet in the morning (or any time of day). This recipe is ridiculously easy and the only sugar involved is from the honey! Healthy, quick, and delicious–three words that are wonderful together. 



“Leftovers” Quiche Recipe

You ever have that time where you have vegetables that are about to go bad, but aren’t quite there? But you always seem to have an overflow of eggs? This happens fairly often in our apartment since we are always on the go. Luckily, I know just the recipe to solve this situation! When in doubt, make a quiche! This is a very easy recipe that doesn’t take much working time–and it’s great to make for the week!



8 Quick Breakfast Ideas

Lately, people have been asking what are good ideas for a quick breakfast. You know–we’re all scrambling to get ourselves together in the morning while not being embarrassingly late to work (though you should have a good morning). Everyone would love to make a fancy, deluxe breakfast every morning, but sometimes, it just isn’t possible. Still, even if you’re looking for quick, that doesn’t mean you want to sacrifice on nutrition. Don’t worry, we understand, and–better yet–we agree! So, we wanted to provide a list to you of healthy quick breakfast ideas. How sweet is that?!

1. Porridge: plain and simple. You can find the ingredients for porridge fairly easily at your neighborhood market. Trader Joe’s has a great one, that takes less than 7 minutes to make. Serve with milk and maple syrup or honey. Perfect for cold mornings. 



Healthy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Don’t you just wish you could gnaw on? Something tasty that didn’t sit like a rock on your stomach? Some kind of dessert…maybe cookies…chocolate chip cookies…sounding better by the minute! I have a solution for you as we near swimsuit season: healthy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (they ALSO have raisins–added bonus). This recipe is very simple and features a new protein powder we’ve been trying!

It’s called Clean Lean Protein by NuZest (a kiwi company! How do we get so lucky?!)–and the ingredients are rather incredible. Most have no more than five ingredients and it’s composed of things like “Pea Protein Isolate,” “Vanilla,” “Strawberry,” “Red Beet” and other wonderful things. Usually protein powders have an insanely long list of ingredients that you can’t pronounce. Clean Lean Protein brings along this simple protein powder that actually doesn’t taste like cardboard! Although I used it in a baking recipe here, I’ve also used it for smoothies and shakes and it definitely hits the spot (it mixes well in a shaker cup too–huge plus). If you use hungry20 to buy a NuZest product, you can get 20% PLUS free shipping. Click here to get to their website. Don’t forget to enter in the contest below!

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