
Bring Back the Morning Star Riblet!

As most of our longtime readers know, just like everyone else in the world, we have eating preferences. These aren’t just rooted in what tastes good or what will help us achieve our fitness related goals. These decisions are heavily rooted in what we feel comfortable eating from an ethical standpoint. For example, many of the large chocolate companies were found to use child/slave labor in Western Africa. We don’t eat Hershey’s as a result. (You can find out more about this via The Dark Side of Chocolate.) While Hershey’s acknowledged their wrongdoing, after Whole Foods put pressure on them, and vowed to change their practices, we’re skeptical until we see results. 

Another one of our issues is with the agriculture industry, specifically with the treatment of livestock. We only buy cage free eggs from the store. I try to consume free range meat. Also, we try to limit the amount of meat in the house, especially since Alana doesn’t eat any. We’ve taken a liking to using alternatives over the years and while we’ve enjoyed many brands, our go-to has always been Morningstar Farms. We enjoy their wide variety of products, which include both vegetarian and vegan options. They try to provide you with non-meat versions of meat favorites such as chicken nuggets and bacon. 

And riblets. 


Built Bar: The Ultimate Unbiased Review

Welcome back, everyone, to another episode of it took me forever to publish this article. How long? Well, way back in late June of last year, Charles from Built Bar reached out to us and asked us to provide an honest review of their “fairly new” protein bar. They’re not fairly new anymore. Within a week, they arrived, but were completely melted into oblivion as our delivery driver left them in the sun. Logan from Built Bar quickly sent us another box and we grabbed them without any issues since Hurricane Barry protected them from the sun. 

So, here is the honest review. 

If you don’t like any of the protein bars you’ve ever eaten, you should buy THIS.  


Celebrating Tet Fest in New Orleans!


When we decided to move from Los Angeles to New Orleans, we knew that there would be less diversity. Even though New Orleans is one of the most diverse cities in the country, especially with its rich history, it is hard to compare any city in this country to Los Angeles or New York. We were, however, quite surprised when we discovered that there was a massive Vietnamese population here.


Easy Meals in 2020

2020 is the year to do more with less. 2020 is the year to work smarter and not necessarily harder. (Although, we are strong supporters of hard workers.) 2020 is the year to see through all the myths and make the right decisions. We’re here to help you do that. We might be a week late, but we’ve been working on our own plans for this new year. 

So, how are we going to do this? By making simple and delicious meals at home of course–without spending too much money. Here is our first recipe of the year, but this is about much more than this $7 meal for two. This is about you starting to understand how to balance the three important aspects of your diet: flavor, nutrition and cost


What I Eat Every Single Day

When people see me take down a whole pizza and still have a six pack, they assume that I have great genetics. I wish that was the case, but it isn’t. My genetics are awful, so what’s my secret? The secret to me staying in shape all year long is consistency. You might see me eat some pretty epic cheat meals on social media, but I make sure to walk our dogs twice a day, garden every day, go to the gym at least five days a week, and most importantly, eat clean about 95% of the time. For me, that combination is a very healthy lifestyle.


Recipe in Pics: $4 Delicious Vegetarian Pasta

Check this out… a $4 meal.

In the past, you’ve seen us deliver recipes in the form of recipe cards. Today, we’re trying a new (and very easy) approach called Recipe in Pics. These are incredibly simple recipes that might involve some chopping here and whisking there, but nothing too complicated. The biggest mistakes you can really make with this dish are overcooking your pasta and/or not salting your pasta water enough! Do not be scared of the salt. Also, make sure you rinse your kale/beans and remove all the onion/garlic skin!

If you have any questions, as always, feel free to ask in the comment section below! We were both stuffed and felt pretty darn hungry and fit afterwards!


6 Foods to Avoid if You Want Clear Skin

Just when you thought that you’d left acne behind in your teenage years, it comes knocking once again in adulthood. It’s a frustrating problem for a lot of guys, made worse by the fact that male adult acne tends to be particularly stubborn and difficult to treat.

While research has shown that women struggle with adult acne just as much—if not more—than men do, a 2018 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology found that men generally have more severe acne symptoms compared to their female counterparts. To pile on more bad news, a powerful acne treatment alone may not be enough to combat your stubborn breakouts.

If nothing you do seems to clear up your acne, it may be time to take a closer look at your diet. Though the research is far from certain, there is some evidence that suggests that these six foods could be secretly sabotaging your skin.


The Best Drink Ever?

For many of you, New Year’s Resolutions are constructed during the beginning of January. You’re wrapping up the calendar year, unwrapping the last of your holiday presents and thinking about ways to improve your life. New year, new you… right?

For some of us, however, the concept of a year is much different. When we leave high school, or college, our live change dramatically. Growing up, before we ever come near the strenuous weight of adulthood, the year is based on school. Most schools run from August/September until May/June. The summer is that vacation which we all yearn for throughout the nonstop hustle and bustle of the year. As a former physical education teacher at Los Angeles Unified School District, I know that feeling all too well. 


How to Make Coconut Flour Bread

Is eating healthy one of your goals for this year? Many people think that adding fruits and vegetables is all you need to do to eat healthily. But there are other things you can do ensure this.

You can start learning recipes that you can add to your repertoire. Most people think that healthy recipes are bland, but there are many delicious recipes that you can learn, including coconut bread. Here are the things you can do in order to make coconut bread. 
