Bring Back the Morning Star Riblet!

As most of our longtime readers know, just like everyone else in the world, we have eating preferences. These aren’t just rooted in what tastes good or what will help us achieve our fitness related goals. These decisions are heavily rooted in what we feel comfortable eating from an ethical standpoint. For example, many of the large chocolate companies were found to use child/slave labor in Western Africa. We don’t eat Hershey’s as a result. (You can find out more about this via The Dark Side of Chocolate.) While Hershey’s acknowledged their wrongdoing, after Whole Foods put pressure on them, and vowed to change their practices, we’re skeptical until we see results. 

Another one of our issues is with the agriculture industry, specifically with the treatment of livestock. We only buy cage free eggs from the store. I try to consume free range meat. Also, we try to limit the amount of meat in the house, especially since Alana doesn’t eat any. We’ve taken a liking to using alternatives over the years and while we’ve enjoyed many brands, our go-to has always been Morningstar Farms. We enjoy their wide variety of products, which include both vegetarian and vegan options. They try to provide you with non-meat versions of meat favorites such as chicken nuggets and bacon. 

And riblets. 

Morningstar’s riblets were and still are our favorite alternative to meat. When we were just paying the bills in Boulder, our go to meal was our fake BBQ dinner. We’d have a riblet, frozen corn, Bush’s vegetarian baked beans and Annie’s boxed mac n’ cheese. The meal would cost us only about $5 for the two of us and it’d hit all of our macros. We’d feel good about eating it and enjoy the taste. Plus, it would take all of a few minutes to make and enjoy while we were watching Food Network. (I think we had TV in that apartment.)

Unfortunately, some years ago, these amazing riblets disappeared from shelves. Morningstar added a ton of new products and kept some of their old ones, but they removed their best product. We doubt this will make an impact, but we sure hope it does before we lose all faith in Morningstar. This is old, but there was even a petition to bring it back! I’d love to see it on shelves, but if that isn’t possible, I need an explanation as to why they removed their best product. We ate hundreds of them, so hopefully it wasn’t a health concern. 

Tell us, in the comment section below, about your favorite product that was discontinued for no good reason. Chris’ was Ocean Spray’s Guava Juice. Stay hungry and fit!

(Featured image was taken from because we couldn’t find any of our old pictures.)
