4 Things You Can Do for Your Health Today

Health should be everyone’s top priority – the saying ‘health is wealth’ exists for a reason.

Sometimes it is difficult to know where to start. With so much conflicting information out there on what is best for your body, improving health can become a frustrating pursuit.

However, it does not need to be! Read this piece to find out five things you can do today to improve your health.

“Our body is made up of around 60% water!”

Health Improvement #1 – Drink More Water

We hear this all the time, but it is one of those things that deserves to be listened to! Water makes up around 90% of our body weight, with 60% of our body being made up of actual water. This is a significant indicator as to how important it is. 

There are many health benefits to drinking water such as helping the body perform at maximum capacity, improving brain function, preventing headaches, and aiding weight loss, just to name a few. Losing as little as 2% of the body’s water content can leave you dehydrated, which creates a whole other set of problems. So, keep that water topped up!

Health Improvement #2 – Add in Some Veg 

Diets often focus on subtracting foods, which can make transitions difficult and does not always guarantee health. After all – everything in moderation! That said, adding in food that is of nutritional value is much easier than taking foods away. 

Follow these simple suggestions to help add more vegetables into your diet and reap the benefits for little effort! 

Health Improvement #3 – Keep Your Teeth in Check

Teeth are a vital part of our health, and not only can they indicate other health issues, but they are also a part of our body that does not naturally replace itself. This means dental hygiene is extremely important. Not being on top of oral hygiene can pose problems such as bad breath, gum disease, sensitivity problems, and cavities, to name a few. Mouth issues can also point to other issues such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

If you are concerned about your oral health, find a reputable dentist to talk to about your concerns and go for regular check-ups to keep on top of your teeth!

“It doesn’t matter how you move your body, just move it!” 

Health Improvement #4 – Move Your Body

Another common suggestion is to move your body as often as possible as it has an impressive amount of benefits when it comes to the improvement of health. Exercising for as little as 20 minutes a day can help improve fitness levels, clear the mind, leave you feeling energized, and help you sleep. There are no rules on how to move your body, as long as you can incorporate some movement into your day. This can be a brisk walk, dancing around the living room, or even running around with your family. Whatever you choose, exercise is worth it to contribute to a healthier lifestyle. 

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels
