Why You Shouldn’t Use Postmates

If you’re subscribed to our YouTube channel, you might have watched today’s video. What was the topic? Uber acquired Postmates for a lot of money. I go on to talk about how we’re not really fans of meal delivery apps because they’re almost all problematic. Then, while I’m combing through old drafts on our blog, I found this gem. I didn’t change the title. I’m not going to mess with the photos that I uploaded over a year ago. This was first drafted on May 8th 2019. We haven’t used Postmates since.

On a side note, we think food should be eaten when it is prepared. Sure, there are some exceptions but fresh food is usually the best food. When your food has been sitting on a bench for 30 minutes and in a car for another 30, it probably isn’t going to be very enjoyable. That is the root of our issues with meal delivery services. Even if they operate well, they’re problematic. Unfortunately, they almost all have terrible customer service. 

Yum, soggy tacos

Not even room temp…

In honor of their buyout, we want to hear your favorite meal delivery service stories! 

Stay hungry and fit!
