Two Do-Anywhere Workouts

It’s the holiday season. You could be traveling, stuck in airports, hotels, or maybe your bedroom from fifteen years ago. Either way, you might not be in your normal setup and routine. Or, even if you aren’t traveling for the holidays, other things may interrupt your routine. For example, your usual gym could be closed for a few days over the holidays. But have no fear–Hungry & Fit are here! Fit recently had to travel for work and didn’t have a gym handy so she had to get creative in her hotel room with no equipment

Please enjoy the two workouts below. I try to keep them as simple as possible and under 30 minutes so that they can fit in your busy schedule during the holidays. 

Do-Anywhere Workout #1 

  • 100 push-ups
  • 100 squats
  • 100 sit-ups
  • *Do cardio exercises in between as a “break” (ie, jumping jacks, high knees, shadow boxing)

Do-Anywhere Workout #2

  • 30s strength exercise (ie, push-ups, lunges, can even do biceps curls with an object–be creative!)
  • 30s cardio exercise (ie, dancing, jumping jacks)
  • Repeat until you hit 20 minutes
  • Tip: Use the app IntervalTimer to help

Pretty simple, right? This really leaves no excuse for not getting SOME kind of workout in. They take 20-30 minutes, especially if you don’t dawdle. I’m eager for ya’ll to try it and report back on how it went. Do these workouts to stay hungry and fit!
