
Meditate With Your Pets!

Animals are the joys of our lives and our constant companions. Whether they’re a cat, dog, or a snake, they’re usually by our side and present daily in our lives. However, when it comes to things like meditation, they can be a bit of a pest. Either they’re meowing in your ear, nudging your hand for pets, or jumping in your lap, pets can be darned distracting during meditation! You’re trying to find your breath and oomph there goes the cat jumping on your lap or the dog barking. Yeah, we love ’em, but pets can be annoying in situations like these. This meditation is to challenge that. The other day, I did a short meditation early in the morning before Hungry was awake. The animals were either on the couch next to me or somewhere close, hoping it was close to breakfast time. And somewhere between their pining and my peace-seeking, I found a balance and it was really great. 

I focused on companionship. The unconditional love you can get from your animals is a powerful thing. When it feels like the whole world is against you and nobody really likes you, you can still get plenty of face licks from your dog. She will sit with you forever and never get tired of you. To me, animals exhibit and teach us true love and also how to love. We can learn a lot from observing them and reflecting on them. So that’s just what I did for this meditation. Even if you don’t have your own pet, think of an animal you love–that will still work for this meditation. This can be a short meditation if you wish it to, but don’t rush it if you can. Enjoy. 


Find a comfortable space to sit and make sure if you have animals, that you are nearby them. You could even have one in your lap or a hand on its fur. (If you either don’t have animals or are perhaps commuting while you perform this meditation, that’s okay, you can be sitting, standing, or lying down).

Gently close your eyes and slip away from the blur of activity and life whirling around you. 

Find your breath. Inhale, exhale. In your mind’s eye, watch your chest go up and down. Feel where the breath goes in your body.

Let out anything that may bubble up–stress, tension, or even a big sigh. This your time to find balance and peace.

Once you feel grounded with your breath, let your thoughts center around your pets or a favorite animal you know. Touch them or picture them in your mind.

How does that animal/pet make you feel? Focus on that. If you find yourself smiling, all the better.

Ease some more tension off. Focus on the unconditional love, the homeyness, and comfort that your pictured animal or pet(s) give you. Let it radiate like heat around you and wrap you in a big blanketed hug. 

Now, turn that feeling and spread it outward. Spread that unyielding love, joy, and companionship around the space that you’re in–whether that’s to your pets, your significant other, or even strangers. 

Bask in that feeling of companionship and love. 

When you’re ready, slowly find your breath again, taking deep inhales and exhales. 

Eventually, open your eyes and pause a moment to reflect on how you feel. This is a big part of meditation–understanding how it affects you and how it can be a positive tool in your life.

I’m already smiling from just writing this meditation! If you can’t tell, I’m a huge animal lover and our dog, Noke, gives me these positive feelings every day. I only learned recently to amplify these feelings by meditating with her nearby and letting her energy of companionship and unconditional love seep into me. Animals are the best. I can’t wait to hear about what you think about this meditation and which animal or pet you think of! Please take your time as you meditate. If you feel yourself wanting to stay with certain parts, let it happen. Your body, mind, or emotions are telling you something–listen to them. Meditate with your pets to stay hungry and fit!
