4 Reasons Why Talking about Health in College is Important

Talking about health topics in college is important and can be imperative to one’s success. Many students have not learned about health topics in an in-depth manner while in college preparatory or high school. When they arrive on a college campus, chances are that they are oblivious to some wellness topics that could be of use to them. This article will help identify why it is important to talk about health in college.

Stay healthy!

Stay healthy!

  1. Prepare for the future. Research indicates that many college students arrive on campus with limited knowledge of health factors such as sexually transmitted diseases, stress or anxiety management, eating disorders, and the importance of sleep. Communication and health relationships is also another topic that students find interesting as they are often times learning how to interact with others in a way that they have never had to do so before. By learning about health topics in college, students will be more prepared upon graduation as they will be knowledgeable about living a healthy lifestyle. Now, whether they choose to do so or not, is on them.
  2. Being Safe. Whether you are embarking on a new relationship or attending a party with the intention of having a few alcoholic beverages, it is a good idea to know your limits and be safe. College is a time of experimentation and the sense of freedom that many feel is new and can be hard to manage. Learning how to make responsible decisions while engaging with others is important. In order to teach students about setting their limits, there needs to be education about the topic in college residence halls or offered in evening programs.
  3. Sex. Having a relationship with someone and agreeing to be committed and solely together is one way of engaging in sexual activity in college. Commitment is certainly the healthier and preferred way to have sexual relations, however this is not always the case. Colleges want their students to be well-educated about all topics and many wellness centers provide programs and services that help students when they have health related concerns due to sex. Whether it is helping to locate STI testing centers or providing the service in the health center on campus, healthcare providers are willing and eager to assist you in getting the help you need while teaching you important information about healthy sexuality in the process.
  4. Better grades. Holistic health and wellness in college is so important. In order for a student to consistently perform well academically, they must be healthy. Sleep, nutrition, exercise, and healthy relationships are all critical components of a successful student.

While we only discussed a few ways in which talking about health in college can benefit a student, there are many more. Research indicates that if a student is stressed about one aspect of their life, it could seep into other areas, impeding on their overall success. One final example of this is if a student is concerned about their financial aid, they may not be able to sleep well at night. Not being able to sleep will be problematic for the student in class as he or she will not be able to focus. Not being able to focus can lead to not understanding the course material which could then lead to a bad grade. As you can see by this example, one minor health issue related to stress can turn into a larger factor. Talking about health in college not only teaches students how to cope with challenges in a positive way, it also allows the student to seek help when they need it so that they can get better before it is too late.
